One Piece's Luffy, How can you not love this idiot, he fights for his dreams and his friends and i find him amusing!
Skip Beats Ren, Oh i absolutely love this character, he's like that perfect boy prince that everyone loves only he has a dark past (what a combo XD) he's strict and serious with his work, an actor >.< and its cute how he has too much pride like when he refused to admit he was getting sick and got sick hahaha or when he didnt know how to ask someone for help ohh i just love him. . .if you havent seen the show, you must!
Naruto's Naruto and Gaara, they both so adorable nuff said
Junjou Romantica's Usami Akihiko, LOVE HIM, i love how he's actually weird and all his little weird moments cuz i feel like i can relate to him, and i love how he's completely sensitive but acts strong and how he is totally devoted to his loved one, haha i also love how he's a huge procrastinator cuz i can relate their and how he's totally ignorant to the commen sense of the world and how he seems to do and say just about whatever he wants XD he such a good character
Nastume Yuujinchou's Natsume, this guy is so freakin lovable he cares and worries about other people so much it hurts to watch, i love how he doesnt give up on humans or hate spirits even though they have both hurt him and even trys to protect his current family with everything he's got. He's rather quiet but he's so cute when he smiles i think the reason i love this whole series so much is because of this guy
Fullmoon O' sagashite's Takuto, haha this guy is such a punk, he gets embarrassed so easily and is so stubborn. He's a little hot headed lol but that way he cares apoligizes and always comes back and helps when its needed, its impossible not to fall in love
ahh I'm such high maintenance, lol and writing this has made me realize something all my favorite characters are in all my favorite anime o.O heh heh weirrdd well hope that helps and check them out sometime if you get the chance cuz they're great anime!