Why don't my friends leave me alone about anime?
2010-11-12 08:26:03 UTC
They keep urging me to watch subs. I've tried but don't enjoy subs much because it detracts from what's happening on screen. I understand japanese dub pwns english & english dubs can have crappy voices (& believe me some voices do suck), but I don't really care. When I listen to it in japanese I feel no different about a series than it is in english. Truthfully I don't give a **** about what the voices sound like, just as long as I understand what's happening in an anime. I can handle subs for series with like 8 episodes but an entire 20+ F@ck that.

How come I can tolerate english voices but it's torture for others fans?
Six answers:
Sally Cat
2010-11-12 08:29:31 UTC
I completely understand where you are coming from and feel the exact same way. I don't know what it is but my friends will argue the same thing. They'll say "The voices sound 10 times better in Japanese" or "They have more emotion in their voices" etc. But I'm with you. I could care less about the voices. I care more about what is happening on the screen.

Btw, I don't even like anime. I've just been forced to watch anime by friends of mine from time to time and I always say english version is better. They don't understand me.
2010-11-12 16:30:39 UTC
well its really better to watch with subs because some of japanese language are being filtered when translated to a english... and can help you to understand japanese language and if you do watch it always your mind kinda automatically translate jap. words so sooner or later you can watch anime without subtitles and not dubbed in english xD
2010-11-12 16:31:41 UTC
really! all u have to do is tell youre friends to pi$$ off and youll be good:):)

i also hate sub cant stand reading subtitles through the whole episode :)

yeah some english voice actors are rubbish but i dont care im only realy intersted in understanding and enjoying the anime:)

Seb v.s
2010-11-12 17:47:47 UTC
i get wat you are saying i don't like watching subs because and am a bad reader it takes me 30min+ to watch a anime subbed and understand it, so i rather watch the dubs if possible.

think i get wy some fans are so much against dubs, thay probably think that a anime need to be in Japanese to be a anime and that the dubs are cheep ripoffs (some of them are) and sud stick the originals.
2010-11-12 16:36:22 UTC
No worries I'm the same reading drags away form watching the show. I like the english it means I can actually watch the anime.
2010-11-12 16:31:46 UTC
Cheer up! Stick with being the only non-subby in your clique, it will help you build character to stay an individualist against such peer pressure. :D

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