Does anyone have any ideas for new superheroes?
Bernie D
2006-10-10 14:10:03 UTC
Please include a profile similair to this:
Super strength super herring flight laser vision freeze breath etc.
Lois Lane
Lex Luthor

Please nothing stupid silly or that you copied from someplace or someone
Nine answers:
Niche Jerk
2006-10-10 14:17:56 UTC
Question Asking Guy



Super-annoying, loud voice

Serial Dating Girl


2006-10-10 14:39:15 UTC
My idea of a customized super hero would be this...



Race-Natural being

Abilities-As the name suggest, a natural has a bond with the earth itself, a natural is the guardian of earth and as such, posseses all natural phenomenon. A natural also posseses the ability to reconstruct the earth and replenish resource impurities.

Interests-well being of the earth and its inhabitants

Weakness-terrestrial contamination

Enemies-foreign lifeforms

God damn, talk about an imagination. You far exceeded the expectations set for this topic, you're not a professional writer,are you? On a serious note, you should honestly consider writing fan fiction if you don't all ready

Playing the role of Absolver for the upcomming X-4, micheal clark duncan(green mile)
Special nobody
2006-10-10 15:12:26 UTC
I'm not sure if someone like this exsists already, but here goes.

His name is Thomas Stevens, a.k.a. Absolver, a 30-year old African-American mutant in the world of Marvel.

His mutant power is the ability to nullify virtually any other mutant's power completely and keep it nullified for as long as he pleases. Even the most powerful mutants like Professor X, Magneto, and Apocalypse can be shut down by Absolver, making him the most lethal mutant alive. At seven feet tall and 400 pounds of muscle, Absolver is mega-strong, another one of his powers. His power is on par ,if not greater, than even Juggernaut, the only one to truly challenge him in battle.

Absolver has no defined group affiliations or enemies, and little is known about his past except he was in the military years ago. Soft-spoken, Absolver doesn't pick fights, but to pick a fight with him is a foolish gesture, as many mutants can attest.

Though he doesn't keep a large entourage, he has one true friend. Rogue. Upon learning of Absolver's power to neutralize mutant powers, Rogue quit the X-Men and sought him out, tracking him to Detroit, MI. She begged Absolver to free her of her powers, and being a genuinely good guy, Absolver did just that. Thomas Stevens merely thought he was helping a fellow mutant in need, but Rogue began to feel a little more than grateful towards him than he realized...

Pretty cool, eh? I hope it's original.
Christopher H
2006-10-10 16:00:23 UTC
Name: Speedster

Sex: Human

Species: Human

Powers: Superspeed and strength

Gear: Rollerblades, for balance

Girlfriend: Ellen Host

Weakness: Ice

Villian: The Shadow, Master of Darkness

My Question: Why are you asking this? Working with Stan Lee?

Also, Strongman? Calypso, Kraven's lover from Spider-Man,

taking people's powers, Rogue from X-Men. idiot.
2006-10-10 15:35:26 UTC
Well it sure seems you are looking for a new superman. Well I like my guy that I made up a while back. His name is Matthew and he has dark powers that he uses to punch a hole into the dark relm to our world so to teleport. Also he uses ten daggers that he uses at once and can move extremly fast especially with his teleporting move. His sister Taren uses the same dark powers to summon dark creatures that assist in their battles against the shadows. She uses chain gloves and uses a lot of acrobatics. Their enemy Epacenter is the creator of the shadows and plans to kill all humans on Earth.
2006-10-10 15:29:56 UTC


A distant galaxy called Komatsu

Ability aquire anyone's power like take supermans power , or take juggernauts power or any mutant's power.

weakness is same as the person who he got powers from
2006-10-13 08:44:23 UTC
Supersayanman, with the power of a super sayan, he can kick superman ***, has no weakness ot kryptonite, and many other things I can' think of right now.
2016-12-26 20:29:09 UTC
be the batwomen all of us will know her reason they know batman.that's going to likely be cool get some p.c.. of it from the internet and ask for a gown like that it rather is going to be so sturdy!!
2006-10-10 21:19:28 UTC
Here's a few I have been working with a bit - actually I have fleshed out a small company's worth.



Homo Mutatis

Black, raven shoulder length hair, brown eyes, slim build. Lesbian, but secretive about it – none of her team members, or any one at OMEGA (the Office for Mutagenetic and Extraneously Generated Administrations) know.

Switch can sense energy and its flow. She can also alter its flow. With only a thought she can cause a light bulb to cease glowing, by arresting the flow of electricity. She can even cause electricity to jump a gap in circuit. This means she can make any electrical item that is on seem off, and any that is off seem on. Without her to keep things this way, after a few minutes the energy continues as normal – flowing where circuits are completed, stopping where it isn’t.

Her power isn’t limited to electricity though, it’s just that electricity is easier. She can influence fire, but it takes a greater amount of concentration. She has also learnt to make people fall asleep by altering the flow of energy in their brain. She can even make someone’s limb move without their intention by altering the flow of their neural energy. She has studied acupuncture, and can perform it by sensing the flow of their chi and blocking it by will without needles. Energy weapons aimed at her are useless, for obvious reasons.

Her greatest limitation is her lack of application. If she pushed herself she could easily become the most powerful member of OMEGA Force, but she no desire to learn her ability to the nth degree. To her, her ability isn’t something to necessarily use to the greater benefit of all mankind, or even to her own greater benefit; it is just a buzz. She enjoys using her abilities – amorous drunks who fail to get the message are put to sleep, walking into a room the lights come on seemingly automatically… It is a toy, an inbuilt gadget to play with to her, little more. For this reason she is not often chosen for missions (that, and a natural aversion to working out and keeping fit) and has a unimaginative costume – green tights, white gloves, white belt, white boots, white omega on upper arms.

Switch is of average build, not athletic, but okay figure. Red wavy hair, shoulder length, blue eyes.

Shadow and Starr

Female twins

Homo Mutatis

Their parents were probably the last of the hippies. But when their mother conceived, they realised it was time to tune out, switch off, and drop in and rejoin society. Their “trip” was definitely over. When she gave birth to twin girls, they decided to name the first baby Star, as a reminder of their hippie days, and the second Sharon, a more “establishment” name. The two girls were a living symbol of the change in their lives. As they grew up, Star was encouraged more to be less conservative, and Sharon to be more so. Surprisingly, Sharon is lesbian, and Star is hetero.

As twins, their abilities closely mirror each other’s. Star can transform her body into a solid energy field resembling bright light, thus the code name Starr. Sharon can transform her body into a solid energy field that absorbs all light, thus the code name Shadow. In these forms, they cannot change shape, but retain their bodily shape. They can fly at rapid speeds (I haven’t determined what yet). Also they can transform into an intangible energy form, much like real light, or a real shadow. In this form they can fly up to (but not exceeding) the speed of light, and can pass through transparent objects but not non-transparent objects , which (considering their reflexes still are normal) prohibits them from using this speed.

In their non-transformed state, Starr’s costume is mostly white, with pale yellow highlights, and Shadow’s is all black. When they transform their Bio-Clad® costumes seem to disappear. Also, in their intangible state they have no physical brain for telepaths to contact – they have a brain, it’s just that telepathy cannot lock onto it.

In civilian attire, Star is more likely to wear “gorgeous” sexy garments, and Sharon is more likely to wear a blouse, skirt and jacket. Star’s hair is styled (changing as fashion does) whereas Sharon’s is plain, shoulder length, with a slight curl at the bottom. They have light brown hair.



Homo Mutatis

Any inorganic substance he is in direct contact with he can will to flow onto his body like an extra layer of skin. He needs to be in direct contact with the substance, although it still works if the substance is in direct contact with any matter acting as his skin. Its exact position on his body, and its thickness, is at his discretion. If he needed to, he could put all the matter on one fist to deliver a very powerful punch. Should there be any organic matter mixed into the inorganic matter (eg micro-organisms in water) the organic matter is automatically removed – it will not stay in the inorganic layer of “skin”.

The matter he collects acts in the same manner as skin. Thus it breathes, sweats – everything skin does. If he were to were a “skin” and receive a cut, so long as the matter is still in place and not removed, it will heal with his skin. Although he could extract the material as joined (see below).

As his OMEGA Force costume is made from Bio-Clad®, when he uses his ability, it fits on top of his costume. Otherwise it would have to fit under his clothes, although he does tend to wear acrylics and polyester fabrics so if necessary they can become a “skin.”

When he is finished with his “skin” it can flow off of his body at will to the shape he desires. Thus he could put his hand on top of a block of plastic, make it flow onto him as he pushes his hand down (to maintain contact), then raise his hand flowing the plastic off into the shape of a bottle. As a side-effect, he can use his ability to walk through some walls, putting the material back as soon as he steps free of it.

Skin keeps his head bald, but only out of convenience. Otherwise, his hair would seem to get shorter as his “skins” would give the hair follicles further to get through. Apart from his bald head, Skin is very Queer Eye, wearing tjuzzy clothing, taking great care of his real skin, a good cook, and yes, he is gay.

Skin is usually a Field Leader, and has proved very capable in that capacity.



Homo Mutatis

Force is of Italian descent. He loved his sports, especially soccer. And that is where his problems began.

Being the best at a sport means being the target for the opposition. And the young man who was to be later known as Force was flying high, with a strong hint of being a professional soccer player in his future. So when one team saw whom they were playing against, he was a marked target. After carefully planning and rehearsing the move, three players “accidentally” fell on him – hard – just when he was about to kick the first goal of the game. He got up no problems, where he should have been carried off. After the “accident” happened for a second time, again with no apparent injury, the referee suspected foul play and allowed him a penalty kick. And when he kicked the ball it flew up into the top corner of the net. But it was travelling at an incalculable speed, and it kept going, easily tearing through the net and on, up into the sky and no-one is sure exactly where it landed. Not that it mattered. A kick like that could only mean the kicker was mutagenetic, with a mutagenetic ability that automatically banned him from the game.

Force absorbs kinetic energy on contact. The harder something hits him, the more energy he stores. It does not harm him. He does not translate this energy into any – not into strength, not into force beams, not into any other form of energy, nothing. But he can transfer the kinetic to any object on touch. So when the three opposition players “accidentally” fell against him, he felt next to nothing, while the kinetic energy of their assault was merely absorbed. Then when he meant to kick the ball as hard as he could, all that kinetic energy (plus all the other kinetic energy he had absorbed – think of how hard your feet hit the ground when you are running) was transferred to the soccer ball on contact – when he kicked it.

Force does not have to absorb kinetic energy; he can turn his power on or off at will. He can store the kinetic energy indefinitely, and it is not known the limit as to how much he can store. He can will the exact amount of kinetic energy he desires to be at whichever part of his body he desires, for transfer on contact. He could even, should he so desire, to place an object against part of his body, then when he desires fire a kinetic charge onto the object and thus make it seem to suddenly shoot off for no visible reason. By using this process he can swim at great speeds by absorbing the kinetic energy at the front and discharging it at his feet, a true example of perpetual motion. He can also use the absorption process to save himself from gunfire, et cetera; as soon as the projectile hits him, providing his power is turned on he will merely absorb the kinetic energy, and it will fall harmlessly to the ground.

But as his powers could easily be used to help him in sports he knows it would be wrong to ever play competitively ever again. And despite his years of service to OMEGA Force, there still is the empty space in his heart in the shape of a soccer ball.

Dark Lass

Homo Mutatis

If I ever got this little comic universe to print, Dark Lass would have been the most controversial character ever in comics.

When Dark Lass first appeared at OMEGA, very few people knew who she was. The very few who did know only gave indirect answers when questioned: “Who is she? Just someone new – she’s learning how to use her abilities.” Some months later she appeared at an OMEGA Force group training session, in a mostly white costume, using the code-name Dark Lass. She proved herself to be confident and capable, a perfect all-round team member, if a little private. She didn’t make friends easily, and gave absolutely nothing about her personal life away. Even Basilisk, who had read her personal file, gave away nothing, not even her real name. Despite this, Sharon (Shadow) felt something of a kinship and made friendly overtones towards her. About a year since she first was seen at OMEGA, Sharon learnt her first name was Delia.

At a funeral, Sharon learnt that Delia was a complete outcast from her family, who called her a freak. Attempting to comfort her, Delia pointed out there were other homosexual people at OMEGA Force. Then Delia dropped the bomb; she was not only lesbian, she was born a man.

Dark Lass is a post-operative transsexual, although she prefers the term transgender. She chose the name Dark Lass because it is similar to her “male” name; Douglas. Her power is to create a solid biofield. Or it could be a forcefield. Or a telekinetic exoskeleton. No-one is exactly sure, as it somehow defies analysis. But basically it is invisible, indestructible, and sits at least a cubit out from her actual body. She can extend it in times of emotional distress to a distance depending on the level of emotional distress. It is not permanently there, it is only “on” when she desires so.

Despite her code name, she does not wear a dark costume. She wears mostly white, with only a small amount of black highlighting – a five centimetre black strip down the outside of each sleeve (with white gloves halfway up the arm – Spider-man for an idea of glove and boot length) and down the side of each pant leg, and a black belt. She is large-ish, but not in such a way that it is obvious she was a man. Despite her height and build, she is still very feminine in her appearance – she does not have “man-hands” and does have a female face. Outside of OMEGA Force, she wears “normal” female clothes – she is NOT a drag-queen, nor does she go to drag revues. Basically, look at any “average” female you know – their dress, their manner, their bearing – except she was born male. I always envisioned the moment of her revelation to be a complete and utter surprise to all the readers, with no clues to her previous life.



Homo Mutatis

Spasm generates more neural energy than his body needs. As a result he is constantly moving - he twiddles his thumbs, "jiggles" his leg, plays air-drums, etc. Even in his sleep, some part of his body will be moving - a foot or hand tapping, for example. But he can fire his excess neural energy at someone else over a short distance, which causes the recipient to physically spasm dramatically. This makes subduing them much easier, as you can imagine. Likewise Spasm can absorb other peoples neural energy, making them lethargic and sleepy, sometimes even putting them to sleep (depending on the amount of neural energy absorbed).

Yeah, I know it's a lot, but this is just the tip of a very large iceberg.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.