2012-03-12 07:54:01 UTC
Its not a problem because this is just for fun, i try to think of new characters and then give them a name, but the goal is to think of a character and give them a name that marvel and dc havent thought of yet and i can think of characters withc good powers but then i give it a name and marvel or dc already have it and that puts me off because if i draw up an awesome looking character and show them to someone they go "oh but isnt there a character in marvel that has that name" and likewise with DC, so what am i meant to do call it the dam centipede or something lol.. lady bug earwig even though those are probably taken!
am i the only one who gets annoyed by this? its not like im gonna be selling anything though, i do this for fun but its annoying because i think of so many cool characters and then marvel or dc already have the name