@_@ /// C&A Regs: What do you mostly do?
2009-06-30 15:05:45 UTC
1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

2. Why do you star questions?

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?
(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?
27 answers:
2009-06-30 15:46:27 UTC
Hiya! You're a fun C&A reg! On with the questions...

1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

I usually answer questions, I haven't tried starring questions yet.. T.T

2. Why do you star questions?

Well, I haven't tried starring questions yet because I'm not sure what it does... Sorry to askers who really want stars! My fault, I'm too lazy to find out..

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

I answer all the questions I can, like which ones I know well. I only leave it up to others when I don't know the answer.

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

Haha, you're not lazy, you've answered like 4000 times! :D I'm always eager to answer questions when I can, but.. I'm not too smart, so it's hard for me to answer sometimes...-_-'

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

Actually, this is the first one I've answered! (It's pretty fun so far, maybe I'll do more) It's lots of fun, and I can learn about other C&A regs. Hopefully more of these will show up! :)

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

Hmm... I don't usually find ones that are ANNOYING, people are just trying to learn stuff. I guess stuff that annoys me is those trolls asking terrible "questions" over and over again. Theres been a lot lately!

Thanks a lot! Polls are awesome. Heck, I'll give starring questions a try. Here ya go! XD
2009-07-01 15:04:33 UTC
1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

<> Answer questions

2. Why do you star questions?

<> Cuz I find them interesting or I don't know the answer and I want to know the answer

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

<> Most of the time

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

<> Eager to answer questions

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

<> I answer about 90% of the surverys/ polls I come across

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

<> "When is Naruto coming back to TV?" That question is asked at least 3 times everyday. I copied my answer into Microsoft Word and use the same one everytime. It just never occurs to people to search there question before posting it.

Second would have to be Twilight questions, but I haven't seen as many as I use to.
2009-06-30 19:15:41 UTC
1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

:: I answer more, but I do star a lot.

2. Why do you star questions?

:: It could be because:

- They're interesting.

- I can't answer it so maybe my contacts can help.

- I want to save the question in case I need to get back to it.

3. Do you answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

:: Some of them. Some of them I answer and star, some I star and leave for someone else.

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

:: I am a lazy person, but I try to help.

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

:: I answer some. But sometimes, I don't. Because I don't have time, I'm lazy, they're really long, or I've seen those questions before.

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

:: Twilight questions. Or questions that ask "Is there going to be another season of ______". I mean, some of them are asked BILLION of times already. But still, I answer them cause I want to help >.<
2009-07-01 13:47:26 UTC
1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

i mostly answer, i only give star to those that i find interesting :D

2. Why do you star questions?

if they were fun, interesting, or i just really like the topic ^^

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

i star and answer :D!

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

im quite lazy actually <_____<

i barely show up in C&A anymore T.T and im just not answering questions as often.

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

i answer the surveys that i know how to answer and that are from an anime/manga that i know. but most of the time i dont even see the surveys, cause again im lazy and dont log in <.<

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

hmmm i dont have one in particular, but it gets annoying when people ask twilight questions here :/

bye bye

*salutes ^^
2009-06-30 18:22:34 UTC
1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

>>>Answer them. But I do star a lot of them.

2. Why do you star questions?

>>>I guess you could say its because I want to know the answer as well or cuz the question really does come to my attention, and that it is really interesting.

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

>>>I sometimes answer the questions that I star. It just depends on the question.

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

>>> I am totally eager to answer questions!

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

>>> I answer some of them. I only answer the ones that I know that I can answer for sure. Like with the knowledge that i have I am only able to answer some.

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

>>> Yea I agree it has to be about the Twilight questions. They really dont have anything to do with C&A. It also annoys me when the recommend me some anime question. although they may be annoying i like answering them. cuz i always have a list of anime up my sleeve. LOL!

ғιɢнтιɴɢ ĸυυsᴏυĸᴀ
2009-06-30 17:58:21 UTC
1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

~apparently i answer more, but i thought i starred more.

2. Why do you star questions?

~because they're interesting or i want my contacts to see them.

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

~depends on how many answers the question has already, sometimes i'm just too lazy to answer xD

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

~soooooo lazy

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

~msot of them, because i don't have to think much, or go look stuff up (most of the time)

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

~twilight questions, and the who would win in a fight questions.

have a nice day ^-^
2009-06-30 17:07:38 UTC
1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

I mostly answer them, and sometimes I star them.

2. Why do you star questions?

I star a question if I think it is interesting, or if I think some of my other contacts should take a look at the question.

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

Most of the time. If I see a really good question that I don't know the answer to I'll star it, so I can go back and see answers.

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

I try to answer a good amount of questions :D

Mainly just the "can you suggest a good anime for me" ones.

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

I always do haha. Mainly because I'm bored.

*I really need a summer job*

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

ANY questions asked about Twilight in C&A piss me off. Why can't people learn that Twilight questions don't belong in a section obviously about "comics and animation".


edit: dag gone it, I know I promised myself that I wouldn't pay attention to sophia troll, but really! You'd think that so much stupidity/nescience in one person would be impossible...
2009-06-30 15:45:58 UTC
Hi hi ^__^

1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

>> Star >.>

I'm usually planning on going back to answer it, but I forget or lose the motivation. I am extremely lazy.

2. Why do you star questions?

>> I star either so that I'll remember to answer it later (which I hardly ever do), or so that I can check back on the answers later if I don't know them myself. Or just because it's interesting ^.^

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

>> Again, I usually forget or lose the motivation (yes, that's pathetic).

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

>> ~Very~ lazy. Because of my laziness, I don't think I even count as a reg.

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

>> I've been answering more lately, but mostly because I'm bored and there hasn't been much of any other kind of question...

I'll pass up a lot of them because they're repetitive or unoriginal.

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

>> Ehh... Twilight questions? I don't know... I have to say the massive amount of recommendation questions annoys me a bit though >.<

2009-06-30 15:18:05 UTC
1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

- Both

2. Why do you star questions?

- I star if the question is interesting

- If the person asks for a star

- I star to come back to the question later

- If I don't know the answer I star so my other contacts can see it and maybe they will know it.

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

- Both

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

- No not lazy, but busy. XD

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

- Some times, depends how much time I have.

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

- "who would win Naruto or Dragonball Z?"


Wow Sophia really does have no life, she made like 10 accounts just to act like a jerk. lol XD


Nope not stupid. :) Go ahead a report me, it just takes a few minutes to get my answer back with no penalty on my account, but there will be a penalty on yours. :)
2009-06-30 15:13:45 UTC
1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

-Although I do 'star' a lot, I answer much more questions.

2. Why do you star questions?

-Sometimes it is because I like to give the person their first received star, but usually it is because the question isn't boring.

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

-Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. It is pretty much 50/50 with that.

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

-I love answering C&A questions! Hee.

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

-I used to not answer them...but now I do, for some reason. I only answer them really when I'm bored. But this is a nice survey!

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

Either: Twilight questions, the 'why is Kira killing celebrities' questions, or the 'I want anime similar to Naruto' questions.

Thanks for the survey!
Mic the Cat
2009-06-30 21:14:26 UTC

1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?


2. Why do you star questions?

>>I rarely star. If I do.....I think it's very interesting or I want to find it again later....but that's about it. Sorry if the answer disappointed yah.

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?


4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

>>Um, not too lazy....but then again I'll just use the Contacts Q&A to find interestin' Q's to answer if I haven't been on all day.

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

>>I'm pretty balanced. I like to go into other sections every now and then and take a break from the whole C&A fiasco and answer some different types of Q's.

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

"What website can I watch Naruto on?" and so-on. I hate it when people complain when their illegal internet site (provider of anime illegally) isn't working or something.....V.V it's so pointless. People don't need to watch anime every day y'know.

2009-07-01 15:53:25 UTC
Yo new C&A person

I used to be a reg (2nd gen or whatever they call it now) here awhile ago but I don't really consider myself one anymore considering the fact that I can't even change my avatar back (I'm stuck with this boring generic yahoo avatar sadly)....and also the fact that some of the other regs left.

1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

~~~Answer. Hell, I barely even log on here anymore.

2. Why do you star questions?

~~~So I remember to answer them. And then I "Un-Star" them after I answered it already.

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

~~~Yeah unless I forget to go back to it

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

~~~Definitely a lazy reg who is too lazy to answer questions here

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

~~~Both polls and surveys but I like polls better since they're shorter.

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

~~~"OMG WhO iS YoUr FaVoRiTe AniMe ChArRiiE?!"
animegeek ♥
2009-06-30 21:50:14 UTC

1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

>>Answer them. ♥

2. Why do you star questions?

>>At first when I came back to Y!A this Summer, I was starring every question I answered to show that I answered it, but now I am just starring the ones I find interesting.

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

>>If I know the answer, I will answer it. But if it something that I don't know I just leave it for somebody else to answer.

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

>>Depends on the day. Some days I am lazy & I only answer my contacts surveys/polls, but over days I am full of energy & answer everything I see on C&A.

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

>>I try to answer all the ones I see. I find polls/surveys the most interesting.

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

>>Does Edward Cullen do _____? Fill in the blank with whatever you want, because alot of people ask anything they can think about Edward Cullen. I have answered questions about him like 'Does Edward Cullen go to the bathroom?'!!! It is gross & stupid & gets on my nerves.


Can't wait to answer another one of your polls/surverys!!!

2009-06-30 15:55:06 UTC
Hey Anbu!

1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

I usually answer them but if someone asks for a star I happily oblige and give them one. I star once in awhile if I dont know the answer and think one off my contacts do.

2. Why do you star questions?

Because I like the question and find it interesting.

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

It depends. Usually I answer though.

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

Half and half. lol.

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

I try to but sometimes I get too busy and cant.

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

None in particular. Usually just the Twilight/Disney star questions annoy me. Oh and troll questions. They irritate me as well.

2009-06-30 15:44:35 UTC
1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

>> I mostly answer them^^

2. Why do you star questions?

>> I star when i find questions interesting

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

>> I mostly answer the questions that I star

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

>> i'm mostly eager to answer questions

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

>> sometimes

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

>> twilight questions T_T
2009-06-30 15:19:04 UTC
1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

I answer more.

2. Why do you star questions?

I star mostly ones I know people would ask like "Recommend me anime like Death Note....Naruto" etc. Or ones with anime pics.

3. Do you answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

If I know it I'll answer it.

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

I answer questions ^^

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

I rarely do polls/ surveys.

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

Twilight, or ones that aren't C&A questions.
2009-06-30 15:17:40 UTC
1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

I answer them, for 2 reasons: what is the point of starring a question. And because I have no clue how to star a question...

2. Why do you star questions?

I don't.

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

Again: I don't star questions.

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

Eager to answer questions! That is why I love Yahoo! Answer, because I love to answer questions.

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me is very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

No. But for some reason I am answering yours.

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

I have no clue why but it annoys me most when people ask what the name of this anime/manga is called, or what it is from.
2009-06-30 15:16:20 UTC



1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

> **cough** star **cough**



i'm sucha lazy bastard O.o"

2. Why do you star questions?

> either because i also want to know the answer or i think it's interesting ! plus, stars are shiny and make people happy.^^

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

> sometime i answer, sometimes i dun. Depends if i know or want to give out the information I know about the topic.xD That, or i get lazy >.<

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

> ima lazy reg like you.xD I love the question where they just want your opinions and you don't have to think too hard or look stuff up.xD i'm only eager to answer a question if i think it's interesting and i want to be the first to answer.xD

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

> sometimes ! sometimes they just too freakin' hard for me and sometime I dun know the information needed to answer them.

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

> the Twilight questions ! and they ARE on a regular basis -.- but besides that, i hate it when people asks "recommend me an anime" i see that at least every 3 minutes >.< i mean, i understand you need new anime to watch but there's always the search bar ! ^^^^^^^^^^




star + hug baibai(:<3
2009-06-30 17:37:38 UTC
1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

Answer. If i star, i usually answer it also

2. Why do you star questions?

If they make me think, laugh, or are just something totally out there

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

Yeah. I hate when i ask anime polls and get 20 stars but only 10 answers.

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

ehh.... i answer questions that im actually interested in. i skip around a lot,

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

If they are animes i know, or fun questions. i dont like plain simple questions that are always asked like "whats your favorite anime or character", etc.

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

Where can i watch episode ____ of _______

just google it, its that simple people.
~Şĥīrô-ċĦāń~ Loverholic Robotronic
2009-06-30 15:32:24 UTC


1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

>> I sometimes do both. It depends if I know the answer to the question or not. If I find the question interesting, then I would just star...maybe because I don't know the answer. xP

2. Why do you star questions?

>> Maybe because I like the question. xD

and I likey giving stars to people. I don't know why, but having a star on my questions makes me happy. =)

*gives you a star*

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

>> Depends if I know the answer or not. =P

If I know it, I would answer, but if no, I would leave it for someone else. xD

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

>> I'm a lazy reg. ^^

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

>> *high five for being lazy*..xP..

Same here. I don't really answer all the polls and surveys. I used to...>_>..but I got lazier and lazier. XD

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

>> No one. =)

But....I get kinda annoyed when those stupid trolls keep on asking stupid and pointless questions. ...-___-

I just report them. =)

2009-06-30 18:20:11 UTC
Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

- Answer them

2. Why do you star questions?

-yes, if i find them interesting

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

-i answer the questions i star

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?


5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?


which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

-what new anime should i watch???
2009-06-30 15:43:39 UTC
1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

>> Answer them

2. Why do you star questions?

>> Because the question very interesting for me

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

>> No, I leave them for someone else to answer

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

>> I like answer the question

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

>> No, because I don't really like polls/surveys

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?

>> All that do not related with this section
2009-06-30 15:22:21 UTC
1)I mostly answer questions unless there is a question were people have far more longer detailed answers than me, if thats the case then I'll just star it.

2)I star Q's because I find them interesting or if they are unusual questions that differentiate from the typical Q's in C&A, for example: "Whats your fave anime?" "Where can I watch bla bla bla online?"

3)I usually answer what I star, first I answer then I star.

4)Neither, I am actually a inquisitive Reg(Im eager to ASK questions)
2016-05-27 03:55:44 UTC
1. How often to you stay here? - Off and on starting at about 11am to 1am :) 2. How many contacts do you have? - 146 Which CA regs are these? it doesnt have to be the exact person, like the person who you think fits the description. Max 3 people ea. Gives long answers: Addam Gives short answers: Shockwave Lots of points: Jazmin active: Any C&A Reg Makes lots of surveys: BWA Akuma Makes lots of polls: Kona-chan Asks alot of questions: Chu Akuma Funny: Almost everyone Random: Almost everyone Weird: Almost everyone
2009-06-30 15:54:35 UTC
Heyyy! ;D



How many questions are ya asking today? DX I've seen so many of 'em! #_#

1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?

It depends on the question and the day. On days where I feel like answering more questions, I'll most likely answer a variety of questions but I'm not likely to star any of them. On a day where I answer few questions, I'll star only the ones I'm interested in [not that I necessarily answer them all]. Back when I was more active, I would barely star any questions. Now that I've gotten more serious about my answers, I answer fewer therefore starring more. Hopefully that makes sense to you. >.<"

2. Why do you star questions?

I star questions if:

a- I find them interesting

b- I'm planning on answering them in the near future

c- the question concerns a manga I would be interested in reading at some point

d- I want my fans to see them

e- it's one of my contacts' questions

f- it's a question I want to keep an eye on


I'd add more but...I'd probably end up repeating myself. :D

3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?

Ah, I usually don't answer the questions that I star. As I stated, the questions I star are on my lazy days; saying that, I do have the intention of answering those questions but I never get around to it. >.<" So, really, I just leave them for other people to answer I guess. When I get the chance to answer a question I starred, I will.

> also, I don't answer questions sometimes since I don't have enough time online at once. As in, I'll be on for a few hours, get off for a few hours, get on for a few hours...etc. Since I generally take my time in answering questions and my answers tend to be longer than most, it takes hours just to answer a question. ^-^" I don't always have time for that though. DX

4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?

Ah. Again, it depends on the day. ^-^ I am eager to answer questions but sometimes, I'll lose my motivation midway through answering a question or I'll be answering, my internet will shut down and my answer will be gone. When things like that happen, I lose all the eagerness I had to answer a question and then the question remains unanswered for me. >.>" I usually finish answering a question once I've started though. :D

5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?

(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)

It depends on the poll or survey. Lately, I've only been answering a few of them; I used to answer many surveys [and create them as well. ^-^] but nowadays, I'll probably answer surveys that are more on the serious side [or ones that aren't repetitive and/ore ridiculous]. I always star my contacts' surveys though and I do try to answer them as often as I possibly can - which isn't often at all. DX I do try though. O.O

bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?


- What is your favorite anime/manga?

- Who are your favorite anime/manga characters?

- Anime and manga recommendations (I'm not so fond of the ones that expect you to recommend them something and then get mad at you for giving them something they've already read/seen without telling us. >.< It's annoying)

- Manga vs. Anime.

- Do you like anime and manga?

- Is Kakashi dead?

- What do you think will happen in the next chapter of Naruto?

- Naruto questions in general. :D

- misplaced questions. >.>"


Bye! ~~~
Anime Lov
2009-07-01 09:34:30 UTC
1.not really...

2. changing the question to fit me: why do you NOT star questions? cause I'm to olazy

3.usually I answer all questions that ppl write... as long as they email them to me...

4. NOPE, only urs! >:)

hmm... I don't really know!
Experto Credo
2009-06-30 18:36:39 UTC
1. I answer, but rarely star

2. It has to be a question of some profundity

3. I answer first and star later

4. I like to answer wuestions

5. I answer a goodly number, let's say more than 50%


"Which is better, Naruto or Bleach?"

It's not like this question has never been asked

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.