Heyyy! ;D
How many questions are ya asking today? DX I've seen so many of 'em! #_#
1. Do you mostly star questions or answer them?
It depends on the question and the day. On days where I feel like answering more questions, I'll most likely answer a variety of questions but I'm not likely to star any of them. On a day where I answer few questions, I'll star only the ones I'm interested in [not that I necessarily answer them all]. Back when I was more active, I would barely star any questions. Now that I've gotten more serious about my answers, I answer fewer therefore starring more. Hopefully that makes sense to you. >.<"
2. Why do you star questions?
I star questions if:
a- I find them interesting
b- I'm planning on answering them in the near future
c- the question concerns a manga I would be interested in reading at some point
d- I want my fans to see them
e- it's one of my contacts' questions
f- it's a question I want to keep an eye on
I'd add more but...I'd probably end up repeating myself. :D
3. Do yu answer the questions that you star? Or do you leave them for someone else to answer?
Ah, I usually don't answer the questions that I star. As I stated, the questions I star are on my lazy days; saying that, I do have the intention of answering those questions but I never get around to it. >.<" So, really, I just leave them for other people to answer I guess. When I get the chance to answer a question I starred, I will.
> also, I don't answer questions sometimes since I don't have enough time online at once. As in, I'll be on for a few hours, get off for a few hours, get on for a few hours...etc. Since I generally take my time in answering questions and my answers tend to be longer than most, it takes hours just to answer a question. ^-^" I don't always have time for that though. DX
4. Are you a lazy reg like meh, or are you eager to answer questions -_-‘?
Ah. Again, it depends on the day. ^-^ I am eager to answer questions but sometimes, I'll lose my motivation midway through answering a question or I'll be answering, my internet will shut down and my answer will be gone. When things like that happen, I lose all the eagerness I had to answer a question and then the question remains unanswered for me. >.>" I usually finish answering a question once I've started though. :D
5. Do you answer most C&A polls/surveys? Of not, why?
(I don’t cuz me ish very lazy. I only answer the surveys that some of my contacts give >_<)
It depends on the poll or survey. Lately, I've only been answering a few of them; I used to answer many surveys [and create them as well. ^-^] but nowadays, I'll probably answer surveys that are more on the serious side [or ones that aren't repetitive and/ore ridiculous]. I always star my contacts' surveys though and I do try to answer them as often as I possibly can - which isn't often at all. DX I do try though. O.O
bOnUs~ which regularly asked question in C&A annoys you teh most?
- What is your favorite anime/manga?
- Who are your favorite anime/manga characters?
- Anime and manga recommendations (I'm not so fond of the ones that expect you to recommend them something and then get mad at you for giving them something they've already read/seen without telling us. >.< It's annoying)
- Manga vs. Anime.
- Do you like anime and manga?
- Is Kakashi dead?
- What do you think will happen in the next chapter of Naruto?
- Naruto questions in general. :D
- misplaced questions. >.>"
Bye! ~~~