2011-04-24 01:37:37 UTC
First is a young girl, about 8-10. She was wavy, jet black hair that dips slightly below her shoulders. Her eyes are extremely clear. She is Sailor Black Hole, Soldier of Darkness and Demise. Though she is young, she is quite wise for her age, and often inflicts pain upon herself by cutting our burning her flesh. As the soldier of darkness, she sometimes takes it upon herself to absorb some of the sadness in the world, leaving her in a deep depression and she sometimes, without her Princess and fellow Senshi, loses all hope for herself and the universe. She fears opening her heart up to people, but at times, she can be just another fun loving young girl, but only once one has gained her absolute trust.
Sailor Black Hole: http://www.photoshop.com/users/MidnightFearie/assets/acd56bcf545f45eab4b6a6d2295d1b26
Then there is Sailor Hydra, Soldier of Patience and Essence. She's the Guardian Angel Senshi to Sailor Pluto. She had knee length deep green hair with two odangos atop her head, and from each odango are...swirly...strand, things. I don't know how you describe them, but they're the same things Chibi Chibi has in her hair. She is quite relaxed, though she is very intelligent and mature, sometimes acting motherly to her other Senshi. She also greatly enjoys reading and is very talented on the piano. Her name on Thalia was Justine.
Sailor Hydra: http://www.photoshop.com/users/MidnightFearie/assets/9109b6accd2b45d98ca8a8dd6d6439d6
Last is Sailor Himalia, Soldier of Tempest and Might. She's the Guardian Angel Senshi to Sailor Jupiter. Her hair is like a cyan blue, dipping down to her waist with heart shaped odangos on her head and also the swirling strands like Chibi Chibi from her odangos. Her eyes are a golden amber yellow color. She is a greatly gifted singer. She can be mature, but only when she wants to be. Sometimes she has protection issues with her Princess and worries greatly for her because the Princess is known to sometimes be reckless and rebellious, and these over protection problems have sometimes led to anger management issues. She is also very athletic and into sports like our soccer on Thalia. Her name on Thalia is Nevaeh.
Sailor Himalia: http://www.photoshop.com/users/MidnightFearie/assets/fbeb7f47967a46399474864e31108e01
So.....think you csn help me come up with some other names for them? And if your interested, its a, duh, Sailor Moon fanfic called The Shadows Arc, and, my pen name is Midnight Fearie.