2011-09-27 17:52:51 UTC
pokemon gray should be like black and white with a different story line
also u may catch every rare pokemon nintendo has created of pokemon and u will be able to catch them without cheats or hard to get items just go to the store and buy them but for a high price also u know how u can only catch zekrom in white a reshiram in black well...what about u will be able to catch them both like if u get the white orb u can fight reshiram(or if have black orb u may catch zekrom)and when u beat the game and captured one of them u can go back where zekrom or reshiram popped up and find them in there
also there should be thing that u can catch victini in the wild
also did u ever get pissed that u went through a long cave and find a rare pokemon n u battle it then u kill it and u did not save before battleing,no problem if u kill them they will be there the next day
also do u want more gym, master balls,or a bigger map to go like in every region no problem u make do that but unless u have the correct item u may go to that place and the master balls u may buy in 10 in each mart for 5000 munny each in city and mart and the map should be able to look at the globe and a thech called poke globe its on the pokedex and on the pause menu
last but not least u can buy items like stones rods or new bikes
now if u think this is a great idea answer saying great idea but if u think there should be some changes say ur answer as the answer u want changed or new
(i am not a nintendo worker i just wanna hear what u think of this game)