Busou Renkin
24 Episodes
A lot like bleach, where a kid gets attacked by strange monsters, rescued by a girl who gives him spedcial powers...you get the picture. I really liked it, It was a lot better than Bleach or Naruto. It was made by the creator of Rurouni Kenshin, but its a lot more modern, and has more focus on comedy than kenshin.
24 Episodes + 1 Movie (actually a 30 min ova)
There is some action, with a fight usually every episode or two, but especially during the last few episodes. Inukami is a word play (inukami can mean "dog hair" but inugami means "dog god") A kid from a family of Inukami Tsukai (Dog-God Trainers/Users) wants to make a contract with an Inukami! He finally finds one who seems to like him, but after he makes the contract, she becomes extremely jealous. While she is the strongest known inukami, she is also disobediant. Its a really good comedy, with some action thrown in. Theres a lot of nudity (nothing explicit), both male and female, but its always portrayed in a comedic way.
Shakugan no Shana
48 total episodes, split into two seasons
47 subbed so far, as its ending in about a week.
I really enjoyed watching this. it starts out sort of dark and morbid, and a little complicated at first, but once you get through the first episode or two, it gets a lot better. Its a little bit like the plot of bleach, where there are evil invisible creatures, and the guy gets drawn into a fight with them. The plot, characters, etc have all been done before, but never this well. Theres a little bit of romantic drama, wit ha love triangle and all that, but its not really a central plot point. Its like bleach, but a little bit more disturbing.
12 episodes, 6 subbed so far
Don't get it confused with "Ayakashi Ayashi" or "Ayakashi: Japanese Horror Classic". This one is just "Ayakashi".
This is very good so far. The original fansubbers (Musashi) dropped it at episode 4, but it was picked up by a few quality subbers. Kind of morbid in the beginning, like shakugan no shana, but it picks up. A lot of fighting, and a decent amount of blood and gore, but nothing like elfen lied. An ayakashi is a parasite that lives off a humans life force, but in exchange gives them an incredible power, but eventually, to make up for the lost life force, the person must give up something, like their eyesight, an arm, or even their sanity. This is about a kid who happens to have one of the strongest ayakashi, the dragon, but doesnt know about it. On top of it he feels responsible for the death of his best friend two years earlier. I liked it so much and couldn't wait for fansubs, that I already went through the raws. The OP is great too.
Last Exile
26 Episodes
It takes place just after the industrial revolution and it has miyazaki-style airships. A boy works with his best friend, a girl he grew up with, in an airship messenger service. They operate independently, and often have to pass through ongoing battles (its the middle of a war right now). They are given a message to deliver to an important general, and eventually end up saving a young girl who is being targeted by the government. There is a good amount of action and comedy, and occasional romance, but its primarily an adventure anime. Incredible animation, and great voice acting. Even the english dub is decent. I actually watched it on tv (The AZN channel) before I downloaded the fansubs.
26 Episodes
Based on a visual novel/strategy rpg. On a whim, I downloaded the game a few months ago. Then, a month ago, I realized there was a translation patch out by mirrormoon (the same people who translated the tsukihime and fate/stay night games) So i played the game, loved it, then watched the anime.
The anime is about a guy who wakes up with absolutely no memory at all. He is taken in by a woman, her little sister, and their grandmother. The odd thing is, they have animal ears and a tail. Some have fox ears, others dogs, but they all have ears. He doesn't find this strange, because he has no memory. He is accepted in the town, and eventually leads a rebellion. He ends up becoming emporer. This is about him becoming emporer and dealing with the pressure, as well as keeping as many poeple safe as possible. Its great to have an anime where the main character is a mature adult for once. I highly reccomend it, and it has great animation and voice acting too.