If you cut the funding for education, you don't see the results right away. Less funding for prison/penitary systems, the more crime you have, and it's an immediate effect. Less money for medicare, and the death rate may raise as prescription companies' revenue lowers. Less money to the military, and you can't make as many bombs.
So, they (the United States) cuts school funding. The effects are less immediate, and it originally doesn't look like it has much of an impact. Then, a little later, you see the effects, how much it could possibly ruin society. There are so many necessary programs being cut from schools, and teacher layoffs, simply because the budget is lower.
At least, that's what I would think. It's a good question. On to the survey!
Anime Survey
1) Genres: Which do you prefer – psychological or ecchi, and why? ;D ;D Give an example of a series you like, from the genre you chose.
Psychological anime/manga. It's a good challenge for your brain to keep up, there's generally a good storyline, and there's enough suspense to keep you interested. The twisting keeps you hooked, and usually the dark-atmosphere makes for a good read/watch.
Ergo Proxy, Death Note, MPD Psycho, Elfen Lied, Monster, King of Thorn... the list goes on.
2) Genres: Which do you prefer – romance or adventure, and why? Give an example of a series you like, from the genre you chose.
I like action, with sometimes romance mixed in? Actually, I'll go for anything that's good. Adventure... well, I'm watching Geass right now. Plenty of action. And random mecha anime as well.
3) What are the names of your current fave character, and your current least fave character? How would you feel if you discovered that your favorite character started going out with your least favorite character? ;DD What would you do about it, after you found out?
Berwald, from Hetalia? It's not easy for me to pick a least favorite character... let's use a stereotype, and go with the usual airhead that shows up in everything. The airhead would get scared and run away, and I wouldn't have to do anything about it, because they'd never see eachother again.
4) Why do you think anime/manga is as popular as it is, worldwide?
You can do things with anime/manga that you can't do anywhere else! Gigantic robots don't work anywhere, you know. It's just fun, not really having a purpose except to enjoy. It's more colourful than real life :)
It's an excuse to be insanely creative or... insane. And people pick up on that.
5) Do you think anime is more popular than manga, or vice versa? Why?
I prefer manga to anime. Anime is more popular than manga, because most would rather sit down and watch something than have to turn pages. It's less work, which is okay, and besides: it moves, it has colour, there's dialogue.
For some reason, I like manga more. I don't know why.
Random Survey
1) What is your current favorite song sung in English? (link, please)
NO don't ask me this question! I don't have a favorite song. Okay, this is what i'm listening to now. NOT my favorite.
Moving Units- Available
Lisztomania- Phoenix
2) What is your current favorite J-pop/J-rock song? (link, please. xD)
Last one I listened to... not my favorite, although my favorite j-rock band currently is Dir En Grey.
3) Which section of Y!A visit the most? ;DD
This one, of course.
4) Have you ever spent more time in another section than this one? (see previous question) If so, which section was it?
Music, and history.
Thank you for answering~!! =D
Thanks, this was a good survey ^_^