2009-09-04 19:38:47 UTC
Okay, first I was looking through Google image of death note pictures because I wanted to put up a couple of them up my wall. But then I saw a poster of an American "death note" I click on the picture and went to the website. And I found out the most shocking news ever!!! HOLLYWOOD IS GOING TO RUIN DEATH NOTE!!!! ONE OF MY FAVORITE ANIMES!!!!!!!!!! They even changed the characters last name.

Light (Raito) Yagami-
Into Light Reynolds

Misa Amane-
into Misa Parker

Reynolds and Parker? I mean WHAT THE ****?!?!?!?! How hard is it to pronounce Amane and Yagami?

And L looks like some kind of 40-30 year guy and doesn't even look like L at all. I mean the actors don't look anything like the characters! And they say Zac Efron is going to be Light. I mean WHAT THE SHITTY ****?!?!! the guy doesn't look anything like lighto!!

I mean, Hollywood already ruined a lot of Asian movies and even one of the best. AND NOW THEY'RE GOING TO RUIN DEATH NOTE!!!!


*Goes to the corner of my bed and hugs my L plushie and reads the death note manga's.*

What do you guys think about this?

Oh by the way, here's the link of the website. (Wow, I haven't been this anime crazy for a year 0.0)
Fifteen answers:
2009-09-04 19:49:16 UTC
Zac efron will make kira look like a prissy little*****
2009-09-04 20:30:50 UTC
Oh my God NO!

I was fine and then I read this and now I'm freaking out. They can NOT do this to Death Note. 4kids is bad enough but now hollywood just had to go make their own Death Note movie. The live action japanese movie was great but this is gonna suck I mean Zac Efron???

And how could they do that to L??!! That's just horrible! And they don't even feel like pronouncing the names right? Are you kidding?

I really hope they don't do this to one of my favorite animes. I'm sad now. :(

I'll join the fangirl riot! (well I wish I could lol)
2009-09-04 20:13:31 UTC
wont say much until I watch the film I can see why Zac Efron would be Light I think he'd make a great Light it'll help him to get out of the Disney teen bop persona they built on him

he'd be crazy not to take the role, I'll watch its an okay idea im pretty neutral when it comes to anime live version movies

I think it'll be an easy movie to adapt since the cast is very multiculture and maybe the shinigami will look like shinigami with our technlogy and all the cool effects lol XD

I think it will be hard to mess this film up its pretty straightforward and its a genre many people like so it'll be successfull I hope

as a fan of the series im all for supporting anything that involves with the series and watching the movie and judging it only AFTER I've seen the film. you may never know that's all im saying
2009-09-04 20:02:10 UTC
This is just as bad when Mandalay Pictures got the rights to make A Full Metal Panic movie. If you didn't know by now, guess who's interested starring as Sosuke Sagara?


So if Light Yagami becomes Light Reynolds, where does that leave Sosuke and Chidori? I don't want to think about it.

If this movie does go through, I may still see it. It may end up actually being good and sticking to the original (fat chance) or pull a bomb like Dragonball did.
Chaemi ♥~
2009-09-05 04:59:57 UTC
I also heard a rumor about it too. And why they have to remake Death Note?!!! They should just stop doing that! I don't want Death Note be ruined like what they did to DBZ! Zac Efron will play Light? What the hell is that?! Why do they have to change the names?! America destroys animes!
♡ Cøløñel мαŋgσƨ ♡
2009-09-04 19:54:40 UTC
Cap locks does not make you seem smarter. I'm just saying.

I admit, the Death Note movie does sound like it's going to suck, but honestly? Ranting about it on Yahoo! Answers does not make a bit of difference. No matter what you say, they're still making the movie.

On a little side note, DEATH NOTE DOES NOT BELONG TO JAPAN. An entire country does not own one single anime. The series belongs to it's two creators, and the company who published it. If they gave Hollywood the right to make a movie out of it, let it be their fault the movie is going to suck because they gave Hollywood the right to do so. Yes, I just blamed Japan. Deal with it. Hug your L plushie again. Lock your doors and bolt your windows. IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!11!11!!11!!!!!!

@Nabi- I don't appreciate you saying America ruins everything. I don't want to rant about this, but I'm just stating that I found that quite rude.

I expect alot of thumbs down.

EDIT: That still does not mean that Death Note belongs to Japan. That's like saying just because I live in America, and I make something of my own creation, that automatically means that my creation belongs to America.

EDIT #2: @Empress- I thumbs you up >.> Now we are even, thumber-downer! I curse you with my majestic fruityness >:]

2009-09-04 19:47:28 UTC
America ruins everything! Zac Efron can not play Light! Why the hell are their names changed and why does L have to look like some 40-30 year old dude!! Why not just play a subbed version in the theaters!
2009-09-04 19:56:27 UTC
Yes, Warner has acquired rights to make a live-action of Death Note.

Reliable Source:

And to me, those things you said seem like either rumors, or complete lies overall.

They just acquired the rights in May this year. No way the film could be done already, much less the casting. That photo doesn't seem real to me.

I don't know about the whole last name thing.

And as for Zac Efron playing Light = rumors

People just thought he looked like Light, so then word spread he was gonna be playing Light.

Oh and while yes, anime-turned-live-actions like DragonBall Evolution has failed, we don't know if this one will.

We don't know the official cast, nor have we seen the trailer or anything. So let's not be too quick to judge, mmkay?

Edit: Hehe Mangos, looks like I'm the one to get the thumbs down xD

Edit: @ Mangos: I thumbs you up too! :] I luv your majestic fruityness <3
2009-09-04 22:40:31 UTC
You know, This doesn't have to ruined death note forever.You could always ignore the American version exist and stay with the Anime, Manga and JMovies (If you like them). Is not Like there is someone putting a gun to your head ordering you to go see it.
2009-09-04 19:50:13 UTC
i really really really hope someone stops them from making the biggest mistake of their lives... really you shouldn't underestimate the power of enraged fangirls- i bet they're going to be in for one hell of a night if then release that movie- with me being at the head leading all the fangirls in america to destroy Hollywood... ZAC EFRON AS RAITO!? what the HELL are they THINKING!?!?! and if the make L look like a frigging old man- i'm going to blow them up personally- they'll move to spot number one on my hitlist (now accepting new family members!! message me if you want to join my famiglia~!) right about 4kids.... god i hate 4kids... *seethes in anger*
Tara $
2009-09-04 19:47:59 UTC
So yeah...

Im preggers so thats my only defense... but

I just woke up my hubby and flipped the ****** out about this.

............he went back to sleep, but still.

Dear God.

Maybe we can get a thing going about boycotting. That happened with MTVs version of Rocky Horror Pictre Show (what pissed everyone off was adding new songs[seriously, wtf?], so Im sure "ruining it so bad you cant even get the names right" may hold bar), and that got delayed for a long long time.
2009-09-04 21:44:42 UTC

Jesus, Yahoo! Answers has been invaded by weeaboos.

At least some of you make sense.
2016-04-10 04:41:43 UTC
they should make a cartoon death note movie
2009-09-04 20:14:46 UTC
Thank you America, you have just ruined another anime movie and have crushed the dreams of fellow otakus. *applauds* I will not say anything more on this since I will not watch this film.
2009-09-04 19:48:13 UTC
lol raynolds? that's horrible, the actors they picked don't look anywhere close..

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.