Okay so this is not the most definite, but just whatever anime I can think of off the top of my head that fits. It won't the definitely favorite of all anime I've seen since I'm pretty sure I'll forget some and only remember when I revisited the series.
~The Best Awards~
-Best overall anime
So hard to choose one... I'll stick with a Miyazaki film then... Nausicaa of the Wind Valley. It's older than his other movies that people liked but it still keeps on getting new fans.
-Best anime character
Oscar Francois de Jarjayes from Rose of Versailles. I can even say it was most likely THE character that started this whole strong girl characters that's all over the place right now.
-Best new anime
Okay this is a hard one since my "new" anime series are most likely not "new." I'll say Kaleido Star since I think that is the newest one out of the other series I've thought of.
-Best old anime
Either Rose of Versailles or Legend of Galactic Heroes
-Best opening song
Hard to choose one since there's so many I liked... but I'll opt for one that no one is going to know. Confused Memory. First opening song for Shounen Kindaichi no Jikenbo.
-Best series ending
Again... hard to choose one... so the first ending I think it is. Hikaru no Go. I mean you know the manga is still ongoing after where the anime ended. But if you've only seen the anime, you don't feel like it didn't end. The stopping point and tie up is very nicely done.
~The Worst~
-Worst plot
... I went and found Level C anime most recently... and I have to agree with some of the review it has... which is "Plot? What Plot? It's just a freaking porn that's got no plot whatsoever."
-Worst english voice actors
I don't watch anime in English dub if I can help it.
-Worst overall
I'll go for Level C... the anime again I suppose. No plot, no character development and I felt like I wasted 30 minutes watching it when I should have ignored my curiosity and use it to do other things. Not going to count manga in with the anime though because I have not read the manga for all I know manga could be pretty good one-shot but the anime butchered it.
-Worst opeing song
I know someone is definitely going to disagree with me, but for some reason I just cannot stomach Outlaw Star's opening song. Although... it may be because before I watched OS that, I've just finished watched Cowboy Bebop... and you have to admit, Cowboy Bebop has way better OST than Outlaw Star.
-Worst series ending
Angel's Feather. OVA that's based on a BL game. Worst ever because it ended right in the middle of something... which translates to this OVA does NOT have any ending! The ending make it look like there is a third episode, but nope, the whole thing only has 2 episodes for sure.
~~Now time for extra awards!~~
-Cutest Anime character
First character thought of... Ryo-Ohki. The very cute cabbit from Tenchi Muyo... and it is darn cool too for been able to also transform into a spaceship.
-Funniest Anime
I shall go for School Rumble then.
-Most Well-Known Anime
At current point in time, either Naruto or Bleach.
-Least Known Anime
Gosh I have a lot of series I can say are least known... and I've actually heard of all the ones mentioned here o_o;; Okay I'll go for Anime Sanjushi (Anime Three Musketeers). Very interesting adaptation of the original story with a lot of plot changed and plot twist XD
-Anime That is Better then the Manga
Jigoku Shoujo... the typical anime first manga later. I cannot help but still feel anime is way better than manga.