2009-04-25 02:07:26 UTC
I remember Mephisto saying something about how they wouldn't really remember what they gave up, except for a small part of their souls that would always be in pain (or something like that).
However, it seems like there have been a few instances lately in "Amazing Spider-Man," where Peter Parker sort of recognizes that the world has been made to forget his identity. This was especially noticeable in the recent ASM issues where Spider-Man joins the Fantastic Four on a mission in the microverse, and becomes very defensive when Johnny Storm starts to recall that there was a time when he knew Spider-Man's sectet identity.
So does anyone know the parameters of Spider-Man's deal with Mephisto? Does he remember making it?
(and I'm not looking for an answer like, "because Marvel sucks" or anything like that. I'm just curious if Spider-Man's recollection of the deal has been addressed)