Actually, you probably wouldn't have been able to read it from the begining even if you wanted to. The comic book started at the sixties, and the main titles is now at about issue 550. There are many smaller titles, such as X Factor, X Force, X Men Legacy, Wolverine, Generation Hope, etc, etc.
But please, don't let it scare you. I eman, not everyone started from the very first issue, and not everything that happened in the past is very important to the plot. I'd start by reading a bit on Wikipedia or TVTropes, and being up to date. Here are the essential things: Jean Gery has been dead for the past (real life) seven years, The Scarlet Witch (Magneto's daughter) changed to world so most mutants were depowered to regular people, leaving only about 200 mutants left in the entire world. A few mutants and former mutants opened their own investigation for hire group and called it "X Factor", and they star in their own book, X Factor. There's an X Men black ops team that is more violent, but essentially works on the same side as the X Men, they're called "X Force" and they star at their own book, too. The youngest, newest members of the X Men also have their own title- New Mutants, and the main title, the one that was published since the sixties, is called Uncanny X Men.
I'd recomend you start with an event, as the X Men usually have their own events that do not involve the rest of the Marvel Universe. Look up Messiah Complex and start from there.