1.- How many days per week you watch anime?
~I try for every day, but usually I only get to about four days a week.
2.- How many hours per day you watch anime? per week?
~I'd estimate two hours per day, eight hours per week. However, I have completed a full 26-episode series in a single weekend before. It just depends on how much free time I have.
3.- Do you consider addicted to anime?
~Um, well... yes. Somewhat. Not as much as other people might be. I think I'm more addicted to the concept of anime rather than the actual viewing. For example, I believe I could survive a month or two without watching any anime, but I'd get through it by thinking about it 24/7, talking with people about shows, and doodling characters.
4.- How many anime series you think you have watched?
~I keep a list! So far, thirty-five different series.
5.- Have you attended any anime convention?
~Yes, a couple - the best being Anime Expo in California.
6.- Have you ever used or wear a cosplay?[any character]
~Yes. (Yuki Nagato from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, if it matters.)
7.- Have you purchased any anime or manga? how many approx?
~I own one anime movie on VHS, and one complete-season DVD box set of my favorite series. And if Pokémon counts as anime, then that boosts the count way up (I own every episode and movie between seasons 1 and 8), although I collected those when I thought of Pokémon as more of an American fad, before I considered myself an anime fan.
And I own only two volumes of manga. I've gotten most of what I read in my local library's graphic novel section.
8.- Have you purchased any ariticle related with anime?
~If that means merchandise, then yes - namely, a very pricey figurine of my favorite character.
9.- Do you recommend anime to your friends?
~No, I don't push my hobby onto my friends who have no interest in it, although I may sometimes bore them rambling about it. Among my friends from anime clubs and the like who share the interest, though - yes, I share recommendations with them.
10.- Have you seen any of the following anime series[ Dragon Ball[any],Bleach, Naruto, Inuyasha, Elfen Lied, Seint Seiya, Death Note]?
~Ah... sadly, no! Several of the series I've watched might be considered not part of the typical "mainstream."
11.- Do you download anime espisodes evry day? how many?
~I never download episodes. I watch them streamed. Even though I know it's still not supporting the creators by watching fansubs, I'd feel like I was doing something more illegal if I actually downloaded them.
12.- Do you feel the need to see anime every day?
~Yes. In fact, I want very badly to watch an episode of my current show-in-progress right now. The link is sitting on my bookmarked sites list right beside where I'm typing, but I must restrain myself and finish my homework. Not that answering questions about anime while avoiding homework is any better... (Though I'd like it to be known that, even though I say that, my grades have never suffered from my anime obsession - I'm still an A student.)
So, a report about anime? That sounds very interesting. Good luck with it. ^^ I wish I could read all of your findings when you're done.
By the way, I'm 15 years old; age probably helps put opinions into perspective with surveys like this.