Here's a list of quotes found from Naruto. We have interesting quotes, funny quotes, inspirational quotes and erm, lame quotes to bring up offhand memories of the series.
Featured Quotes:
Kankuro: "You're an interesting guy, I like you."
Naruto: "You're not interesting, I don't like you."
Kankuro: *thinking* This brat...I'm going to kill him.
Gai: "Youth is sweet and sour and sometimes strict Kakashi"
Kakashi: "Did you say something"
Gai: "Oh my god!!! That was pretty good rival Kakashi. That reaction is somewhat 'modern' and it pisses me off."
Gai: "Lee!!"
Lee: "Sensei!!"
Gai: "Lee!!"
Lee: "Sensei!!" (hugs and sunset and beautiful waves)
Quotes from Jiraiya :
- "Shut up you flat-chested ***** Tsunade!"
- " Die! Just Die! You have no talent at all!!"
Quotes from Naruto :
- "My name is Uzumaki Naruto! I'm not going to lose to any of you!"
Quotes from Sasuke :
- "There are tons of things I dislike and I don't really like anything."
Quotes from Haku :
- "By the way, I'm a boy." (**star quote)
- "To have a precious someone to protect will you become truly strong."
Quotes from Kakashi :
- "Hmm how shall I say this... My first impression is... I don't like you guys."
- "I have no desire to tell you guys about my likes and dislikes"
Quotes from Sakura :
- "You're too unique for my tastes!"
- "Sasuke-kun!!"
- "I can fight too!" (yea right)
Quotes from Gai :
- "Kakashi! Why do you always pursue such revolutionary attitudes!"
- "Dynamic entry!!!" -kicks Jiraiya-
Quotes from Chouji :
- "Akamaru sure looks tasty now"
Quotes from Shikamaru :
- "How troublesome"
- "Why am I always the only one who has to fight girls?"
Quotes from Hinata :
- "Was I able to change myself a little...?"
- "Naruto-kun..."
Quotes from Gaara :
- "I love only myself and fight only for myself."