ғιɢнтιɴɢ ĸυυsᴏυĸᴀ
2009-03-13 16:08:59 UTC
C&A: *NOOOOOO!!!* *AW MAN!* *damn it!, i thought we got rid of her....*
me: hehe ^-^ so who's ready!!!
C&A:......you suck!
me: -.-" let''s just get started
wHiCh dO yOu pReFeR?
1. code geass or gundam?
2. fullmetal alchemist or full metal panic?
3. sakura haruno or sakura (tsubasa)? (yea like that's a hard question)
4. pokemon or digimon? EXTRA: who's your favrouite pokemon/digimon?
5. who has a cooler sword, inuyasha or ichigo?
yea i'm just gunna ask random questions now....WOO
6. what's the coolest colour of hair in anime?
7.who's the cutest aime/manga character ever?
8. do you think anime/manga charcters are white or asian? (i think they're asian, but they kinda look white, i'm not sure o.O)
9. favourite kind of cake? (what, i said they would be random...)
naruto questions so haters GET OUTA HERE! haha just kidding! you can just skip em'
10. if you could be best friends with anyone from naruto who would it be? (for me it would be naruto, i wish i coulda been there was he was a little kid all alone and sad on the swing set T.T *sniffle*)
11. what's your favourite naruto village?
my one last question...how was your day?... ok i'm done now :]!!! hope i didnt bore ya too much :P!! c'ya my peeps ^-^!!
(BTW most people think i'm a dude cause of my display pic and name, i just wanna clear the air that i'm a girl (not sasuke, me)! a fangirl to be more percise, so yea, just had to clear that up)