Before Beast Wars & After Beast Machines?
2007-02-02 13:47:06 UTC
I have just watched all 3 seasons of Beast Wars and all of Beast Machines and now a tad confused. If you could answer the below then that would be grand.

- Was there a transformers series before Beast Wars that explains how they ended up in space and then crashed to Earth?

- What is the next series to watch after Beast Machines or has it now just finished?

- Just watched a bit of Transformers Cybertron: Robots in Disguise and noticed that Megatron was still a dinosaur like in Beast Wars, but I thought he lost his beast form in Beast Machines?

- Is Megatron now dead from Beast Machines?

- Are Beast Wars and Beast Machines completely independant from previous TV shows of Transformers?

- I don't understand how the Ark ended up on Earth, what Transformer series do I need to watch to understand that?

- Any other information that links Beast Wars to Transformers would be very handy?

Thanks in advance.
Five answers:
2007-02-02 14:04:23 UTC
Its all simple. The transformer series happened Before and After the Beast Wars/Machine series. The robots in Beast wars are more technologically stronger and better than the robots in Transfomers. Remember, the Arc and Nemesis took off from Cybertron thousands of years ago. Before the beast wars series. however, they crash landed into earth and got burried for serveral thousands of years, where they woke up and fought again in the "Great War".

Beast Machines was the end to the series.

No, Beast Wars/Machines are In continuinty

Yes, Megatron died in Beast Machies

Jsut watch teh original Transformers to get the gist.

Just use Wikipedia.
2007-02-06 08:26:12 UTC
The original transformers (G1) cartoon is the series you are looking for. Basically, the Autobots and the Decepticons took off from Cybertron in search of energon millions of years ago, and after a space battle both of their ships (the Ark and Nemesis) crash landed on Earth, where the robots went into stasis lock. They would remain that way until 1984 when they were awakened and Optimus Prime and his Autobots fought the Great War against "Original" Megatron and his Decepticons.

The Maximals and Predicons are descendants of the Autobots and Decepticons, living sometime in the future. Optimus Primal and his crew follow Megatron and company through a temporal worm hole back in time, where they crash land on a prehistoric earth. The Autobots and Decepticons are already there in stasis lock. And thus, the sense of urgency in protecting their ancestors from annihilation. So yes, the two series are related, albeit loosely.

Yeah, Megatron is dead at the end of Beast Machines. As of yet, there aren't any new series that have continued this storyline. Are you certain it was "Beast Wars" Megatron you saw in Transformers: Cybertron?
2016-12-31 08:43:54 UTC
Megatron Beast Machines
2016-04-11 08:50:26 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

*SPOILERS! DON'T READ IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE SPOILED! The Beast Wars characters actually came after G1, and were the descendants of the Autobots and Decepticons. They are called Maximals and Predacons now. However, in the Beast Wars cartoon, Maximal leader Optimus Primal chases Predacon Megatron through a time warp and arrives on prehistoric Earth. It is learned that Megatron intends to alter history by destroying the original G1 Optimus Prime before he activates in the G1 cartoon. Beast Machines sees the Maximals returning to a Cybertron that has been conquered by Megatron. Therefore, Beast Machines takes place after G1. In short. G1 comes first, followed by Beast Wars (which also takes place in the past, before G1, due to time travel) and finally Beast Machines.
2007-02-02 14:31:48 UTC
Its been a while, but here it goes.

In the original 1984 series, GEN 1, the TF's left Cybertron in battle and crashed on a prehistoric Earth, where there remained dormant until they were activated in 1984. It ran for 3 seasons with the Rebirth story arc being a 3 episode 4th season. Prime was a Semi, Megatron was a PPK

Beast Wars aired in mid 90's and followed a later TF generation who had 'evolved' to be smaller more energon efficient. they to engaged in a long distance space battle. They went through a temporal worm hole sending them into the past after the GEN1 crash, but well before 1984 when they were activated. The ARC of BW is the main base from seasons 1&2 of GEN 1. Prime was an Ape, Megtron was a T-Rex, in the final season of BW, BW-Prime was injured and recieved a spark 'jumpstart/donation' from GEN1 Prime, and became machine TF (vaguely monkey like). They eventually won, all Bad guys were converted, captured or destroyed, Save for Waspinator who was left behind to create the GEN 1 Insecticons. Megatron was strapped to the ship(a modified 'lifeboat' from the Arc.)

Beast Machines followed, and operated on Megatron getting free in the Temporal worm hole and beating the Maximals back to Cybertron. He was tapped into the heart of Cybertron and had the sparks of most every TF in storage. as needed he'd build soldiers and implant them with the stolen sparks, most Maximals from BW were still in BM. Prime was a plain Monkey again and Megatron was a Red Dragon. I never saw the end of it.


Robots in Disguise came out, no noticable link to BW/BM, most likely set between GEN 1 and the time of BW departure from Cybertron. Prime was a Fire Truck with regular and SuperRobot forms also merged with UltraMagnus for a 3rd robot form, Megatron was a 5-changer? w/ 2 headed dragon, Bat, Claw, Race car and plane.

Armada was next, Mini Cons introduced, Prime was a semi, with the trailer being a Mini-con battle station, and his legs in an upgraded Robot form, Jet Fire would also merge with OP in place of the trailer as well. Megatron was a Tank

Energon followed, Mini cons still around, energon star chip intro., power linking, every Autobot was in a two man team that merged and upgraded, partners were standard in the series, toy line had 3 sizes, and could be mixed and matched w/in their size group. Prime a semi had 4 mini vehicles that augmented his limbs, as well as the ability to merge with WingSaber, Megatron a airplane(sorta)

Cybertron is the most recent, Minicons still around energon chips replaced by Cyberplanet Keys. Prime a fire engine again,two robot modes(Leobreaker? could replace either arm as a giant Claw), Megatron a Race Car

So far as i know Armada, Energon, and Cybertron are all on the same story arc, sort of. RID is stand alone and BW led into BM. I didn't watch BW/BM that often as it bounced around my local schedule.

That is all I know of the Transformers on TV.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.