The recent Batman vs. Superman movie, was completely lifted, from a 1980's comic book story arc, known as The Death of Superman. It was a HUGE thing at the time, because , like the movie, they were going to actually KILL Superman. This was a MASSIVE event in the comic book world. And , like in the movie.......he does, actually DIE in the comic book, as well. Funeral, burial, the Whole 9 yards.
But where the movie at the funeral. The comic books, then went on for MONTHS.......about what happened NEXT.............and he actually, sort of, kinda of returned, not once, not twice, but 4 different ways.
they introduced 4 new characters, all claiming to be Superman, but in some new changed form.
One of them, was in fact, STEEL. A big burly black guy....(a blacksmith, supposedly) -....who was buried in the rubble of the fight......but then emerges from the rubble...... determined to take Superman's place.
a little like Iron Man, I suppose, he fashions himself a SUIT, out of guessed it........STEEL.......
(since Superman was the Man of Steel, get it) .......and starts fighting crime, under the name of STEEL.
(so he keeps the Big S, ya see? ) So he was a Black Superman, in that story arc.
The Others were Super BOY.....(a clone experiement, ended prematurely, so he comes out still a teen, instead of full grown) Cyborg.....supposedly Superman......but the damaged parts that killed him, were rebuilt with Robotics.....(but he's also more evil) ........and then also a Pure Kryptonian Superman, who supposedly is created with some Kryptonian device called the Eradicator. (Superman.....but colder, less human....more strictly Spock, kind of, who has lost all his humanity. )
The battle rages on for months, (in the comics) over which one is the TRUE Superman.......until at long last........the one and only REAL *dead* Superman, actually comes back to life and settles the matter.
That's why REAL fans of the *Movie* knew damn well he's not REALLY dead........and he will be back.
There was a "blink and you missed it" teaser right at the end, before the credits rolled.
(The dirt on his coffin started to levitate. ) it was like a split second.
Literally, blink, and you miss it.