which are your favourite "MUTANTS" from x-men evolution. If your choices matches the most with my choices ...
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
which are your favourite "MUTANTS" from x-men evolution. If your choices matches the most with my choices ...
Eleven answers:
2006-03-08 14:45:01 UTC
Ohm, Storm, Wolverine, Rogue, and Cyclops are my favs but another one slips my mind.
2006-03-07 21:18:47 UTC
Wolverine and Anole.
2006-03-07 14:18:25 UTC
I'd have to go with Nightcrawler, Iceman, Cyclops, Magneto and Wolverine.
2006-03-07 09:44:35 UTC
Rogue, Gambit, Kurt(Nightcrawler), Lance(Avalanche), Wanda(Scarlet Witch)

I like Scott(Cyclops)in X-Men Evolution than the other X-Men series.
2006-03-07 07:22:22 UTC
My favorite is Rogue, and then Wolverine. I also like Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, and Storm.
2006-03-07 06:57:54 UTC
If I would have to have a X men top 5, I would say 5.Gambit, 4.Apocalipsys, 3.Magneto, 2. Iceman, and 1. the best one and always favorite WOLVERINE, of course as a comic and animation freak as I am, I would say there is always a girl that you may say and think, SHE'S HOT, I would say PSYLOCKE and ROGUE.
2006-03-07 04:16:41 UTC
me?? my favourite mutants are nightcrawler, gambit and rogue..
2006-03-07 01:04:59 UTC
it's wolvorine my choice. he's too strong, though has metal more than flesh, and those pointing things from the wrist can kill himself some day.
2006-03-07 00:19:40 UTC
I don't know if they'll be correct, but I'll guess your favorites to be Wolverine, Beast, Cyclops, Storm, and Nightcrawler. I'm going by the first pic on the Wikipedia page, and those would probably be my 5.

Of all the X-Men over the years, I'd have to stick Colossus in there instead of Nightcrawler, and maybe Havok instead of Beast or Cyclops.
2006-03-10 12:01:45 UTC
I just watched the entire run for the first time. It was the greatest 2 days of my life in a long time. Anyway... these are my favorites:

Apocalypse, Magneto, Rogue, Gambit and Quicksilver.
2016-05-20 12:43:28 UTC
Yes, CFM should be legalized as long as abortion and legal abandonment are options for women. I see many answerers feeling sorry for the resultant child. I say do what the feminists do; micro-manage it. Many women can afford children on their own, let them pay for their choice when possible. In too many cases both parents are poverty stricken so what many answerers are saying is mom gets to force the kid to live in poverty. Mom goes on welfare and dad goes to prison running up a massive child support bill and compounded interest charges. .Putting men in prison does not feed hungry children. I say let the state take the children from families that are constantly in poverty. Also, I don't hear anyone crying out for the children because women are able to legally abandon babies. I imagine some feel sorry for the poverty stricken women who have to do this, but d'ast not let a poverty stricken man have the same choice. EDIT: Wendy, apparently you didn't read my answer. Mothers, and ONLY mothers can legally walk away from an unwanted child, so the law does not require both parents to support a child. It only requires a man to support a child on the whim of the mother. Equality not. Ol Dirty V; I have seen that lie elsewhere on the Web. The only way a man can sign paper to not be a parent is if another man wants to adopt the kid. No man has the legal right to opt out of parenthood unless the mother is financially secure enough to "allow" it. Even mothers that don't want the man to pay have no choice in the matter once they apply for welfare checks.

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