~*QuEsTiOn nUmBeR 124*~ Where does your fav. anime character live?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
~*QuEsTiOn nUmBeR 124*~ Where does your fav. anime character live?
21 answers:
☺jaijai loves Yama-chan☺
2009-01-31 09:35:15 UTC
DX how long has it beeenn >.>" owkay..^-^" *sniff* T.T

>.>" ive been in bed for 2 horrible days DX wahh ok =) lets start..

how are youuu? want a hug? oh well im giving u one anyway*hugs* ^_^

>*hugs you back*awww.

XD i finished rewatching fma =3 now for the manga..hmm what else..

DX i missed so much surveysss..

=) oh yeah its my bro's bay today XD say happy bday mudi!

=) i call him mudi XD and throw this at him *gives you books* he hates studying =3

>LOL.haberdei to your brother!^_^

anyways lets start with the surv- =.=' question T.T



Anime Q:

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

>hmm.Hitsugaya lives in the Seiretei in Soul Society.he sometimes travel to modern day Japan to Karakura Town.and he sometimes go to Hueco Mundo.he originally lived in Rukongai but when the show began,he was in Seiretei.

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

>6th was fun really.and challenging.except for the hiking part.geez.



Ans for BQ:

X3 last wash funnn aside from the non stop hiking for 5 hrs >.>" o.o" it was buring hotttt and there wasnt any fud DX food..We had to walk up the mountain T.T the pain of my knee's then in the end there was this river we were allowed to get in on >.< felt so goood.

^_^" anyways thats allll

>i hate hiking too.-_-
2009-01-31 08:35:46 UTC
HiHii AkUmA.. Where have you been?


-> I got to watch FMA again.. i forget it

-> HApPY BiRThdaY (MuDi?)

heh heh

Anime Q:

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

-> ikuto does't really live anywhere, he walks around sleeping on benches.. kind of like a stray cat (heh heh)

^^ he is half cat incase you didnt get that little joke >.>

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

-> well i go to camp but we don't go camping. i never went camping.



Ans for BQ:

X3 last wash funnn aside from the non stop hiking for 5 hrs >.>" o.o" it was buring hotttt and there wasnt any fud DX food..We had to walk up the mountain T.T the pain of my knee's then in the end there was this river we were allowed to get in on >.< felt so goood.

^_^" anyways thats allll

->oh sounds fun heh heh

Nyann ~ !
2009-01-31 07:36:59 UTC
DX how long has it beeenn >.>" owkay..^-^" *sniff* T.T

>.>" ive been in bed for 2 horrible days DX wahh ok =) lets start..

how are youuu? want a hug? oh well im giving u one anyway*hugs* ^_^

>>>>free hugs *hugs back* ^_^



Anime Q:

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

>>>well, L lives in many hotels and the other favs just roam around wherever they feel like. No, they do not start in there home town

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

>>>>Ive never been camping before >_> I really want to....


2009-01-31 07:23:54 UTC
Akuummmaa!!!!!! I've defiantly missed you!! Since it's Saturday, i can take a little time of studying for Y!A...but since my announcement Q got deleted (and you missed it =.=) I'd like to tell that i'll be taking a break from C&A for a month or so cuz of some family this is my only answer for a while....

Anime Q:

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

>>They live in Risembool (hometown) But they do travel A LOT! >.>''' It shows since the first epi...

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

>>Ugh....about.....6 years ago was...good....>.>

-See ya soon! ♥

-have a nice day~! =D
2009-01-31 12:17:20 UTC
I havent seen you on here for like a week! Thanks for the hug! *hugs back.* Hopefully your not contagious! Sorry you've been sick, if it makes you feel any better I had a bad week as well.

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown.

Well Momo was born in Junrinan which is in District 1 of Rukongai. She was first shown in the series in the Soul Society of Bleach with all the other captains and lietenants. I have never seen her leave the soul society like some of the other characters in the show do but Im pretty sure she could go outside there if she wanted to.

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping?

I have never been camping, Im more of an indoorsy type person and mosquitos are not my friend!

2009-01-31 09:27:51 UTC
I can give you a hug! I believe that I don't know you very well and that isn't going to be happening any more! D<


Anime Q: Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

Well Akamaru lives in Konaha, in the Naruto world i guess ^^ He travels a lot because he is on missions and strong and likes to eat cookies for snacks! Not really, I mean he isn't the main character. But his first appearance is in the chinin exams!

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

Last summer! I live in Michigan so we gots the Great Lakes to camp by! We went swimming evvvvvvvvvvvvvvveryday and I brought Lucky Star CDs and some manga so the 6 hour drive there was fine! :D' But when I was there I got a candy called a Softie from Germany, BEST CANDY EVER LIEK OMG WTF :O A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! They were so good, it was like Gum, and it was bland at first but then you could eat it and then you could swallow it, trust me, it was yummy :3

Thanks for a nice polly ~
2009-01-31 05:27:58 UTC
Thanks for Hug!! So sweet!!

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?>>My Favorite changes so often, I can't even keep up, but I'll choose Mugan Samurai Champloo, He is all about non-stop travel, if he slows down for too long, he ends up getting bored and having to pick fights!! But fights usually find him no matter what!! XD

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping?>>Last year for me as well, it's kind-of fun to go and I know what cha mean about your knees hurting, camping can really take a toll on ya, and I stay so nervous about bears, I can't relax __ Just the other night I was watching, when bears attack!!! (O.O) Now don't think I'll ever go back!!

Berry in the Box
2009-01-31 00:12:46 UTC
Anime Q:

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

==>He lives in Order's HQ

Yes he travels alot(many countries)

no he was in a way to Order

Know what he is Allen Walker(D-Gray man)

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

=>3 yrs was a horrible experience
2009-02-01 09:56:05 UTC
AWWW *hugs you back*

Happy B-Day Mudi! *throws book at him*

OH WAIT!! That was MY manga book! GAHH!

*runs to get book*

Anime Q:

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

(Lelouch) He was born in Britannia but moved to Japan (Area 11). I guess you can say he travels. ^.^

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

Never went camping XD Scared of bears
2009-01-30 23:34:41 UTC
Kumusta ka?

Hey I'm back on MyAnimeList thing =P

Anime Q:

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

~~~I know he travels.

~~~I don't know where he lives

~~~Nope, the "hometown" is never shown in the beginning

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

~~~I never camped before.

~~~[[not a nature person]]
2009-01-31 16:55:17 UTC
Lol. XD

Happy B-day to your brother!


Anime Q:

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

>> He travels. Of course you know Lord Fluffy!

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

>> Never. We were supposed to like 4 years ago, but we never did. >.>
2009-01-31 19:52:42 UTC
Heyyyy Aku =)

Hope you're feeling wonderful!

Happy birthday to your bro! ~blows up the balloons and then pops them~

Hehe XD


Anime Q:

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

//\\/ My favorite charrie loves in Japan. (ding-ding-ding XD)

The show does start with the character living in their home town.

He and his friends do travel a lot, but stay within the country of Japan :D


Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

//\\/ Oh man. >.>"

I went camping about 1 week ago.

It was part of a school program im in "outdoor education"

Anyway, we went there and we stayed over there for one night. It was sooooo cold. I was really warm in my sleeping bag, and it made me sweat; which made me colder.

It was terrible during the night, Ok during the day. -.-"'


2009-01-31 06:59:00 UTC
Srry you were sick!! :(

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

Lelouch lives in Japan (yes thats were it starts) but then it flash backs to when he was a kid in his original home of Britannia(even though area 11 is in Britannia) later in the series he moves to a little island thing around China and transfers from it to Japan then he stays in Japan for a while then he become king and takes over the whole world XD Wow srry for the non-sentaces there

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

About a year ago with it being so chilling where i live an it was pretty fun but wasn't as adventurous as your trip :3

B Y E ^^
2009-01-31 06:51:53 UTC
Anime Q:

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

Japan and he travels a lot. It doesn't show him in his hometown

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

I never went camping
Black Winged Assassin
2009-01-30 23:35:17 UTC
I haven't seen you around. Sheesh, where have you been? *hits you on the head with spoons*

Anime Q:

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

-L lives anywhere, but he does travel.

-No, it shows that he lives in a hotel.

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

-its been like 6 years. It was fun. =)
2016-04-04 08:41:11 UTC
>.<" my surveys/questions are shrinking in size..>.< my stomach hurts i ate too much foooood... ugh..i feel like puking..=.= okay that was probably more info than you wanted huh @.@ >yes they are indeed shrinking.XD ^-^ what else was i guna say, oh yeah how are youuu? O.o" i seem to feel like i have so much to do and at the same time i feel like i have nothing to do . =.= does that sound weird.. *sighs* >it doesn't sound weird at all.cuz i feel the same way right now.>_< O.o" the 4th quarter of school is starting tomorrow >.< i shall make my grades higher in the 4th quarter, since it kind of dropped in the 3rd >.>" okay enough of school lets get on with the question =) >we're just starting 3rd quarter.almost. ========== ========== Anime Q: Which anime character has the best job? Why do you think so? What job is it? Do you think you can do that job? >i like Ichigo Kurosaki's job.student by day, soul reaper whenever.XD it would be cool if i could be a soul reaper too. Bonus Q: When was the last time you went to an amusement park? Whats your fav. ride? >the last time i went to an amusement park was...hmm..summer.i like the waterpark version of the park though. ========== ========== Bonus Q: my answr: ^.^" i went probably 3 months ago, but i can go anything i want cuz the amusement park is across the street from where i live XD luckyyy.. My fav ride are those roller coasters that are really really fast obviously, and high and those that make you go upside downnn XD >i get dizzy when i ride roller coasters.XD That ish all *bows* baibai >baibai~
Mic the Cat
2009-01-31 07:27:43 UTC
OH, sorry you got sick again Aku. Hope yah feel better 8D.

Anime Q:

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

>>Um..not really anywhere. He just kind of travels. In the last season he became a 'pioneer' and started mapping out the new land.

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

>>man, that was about 1 1/2 years ago (couldn't afford it this year). It went great! my family camped out by the beach (we were entered in a surf perch fishing derby). While we weren't fishing, my dad and his friend were playing irish tunes with the banjo and accordian. An older gentelman (I respect him) joined in with his harmonica and played some war tunes and songs from the 1940's....It..WaS...Incredible!

When we were fishing, some of my dad's co-workers came too. They were not weary of the tide coming in while standing out on a sand bar and became angry at us for not telling them.....WHO WOULDN'T NOTICE?! It was funny watching them try and swim back though. 8D

Over all, camping at the beach is one of my favorite spots.

nya bya
2009-01-30 23:34:32 UTC
Anime Q:

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

My fav charrie is Szayel Apollo. He lives in his lab!!! Seriously... okay, more specifically, in his lab located in Hueco Mundo...

He basically stays there only... the show he's in is Bleach... it starts with... Ichigo walking around on the streets...

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

Hehehe... never went to one!
Kay ex Kay {ѕℓєєριиg}
2009-01-30 23:45:54 UTC
Anime Q:

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

Umm... I think my current fave characters are Kakei Shun and Koizumi Karin from Eyeshield 21... :3 (lol sorry, more than one...)

--Kakei lives in Tokyo, I think! Doesn't travel... 'cept for sports (football).

~And Koizumi lives in Osaka! She also doesn't travel, 'cept for football.

--The show starts off with the same hometown, Tokyo, but it features a different football team than Kakei's.

~No, the show doesn't start off with the character living in her hometown... ):

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

Last summer! It was bad. *Hates camping with only little kid families*

And HOT and DRY with tons of mosquitoes and dirt. T_T :P
~Şĥīrô-ċĦāń~ Loverholic Robotronic
2009-01-31 15:29:04 UTC

*hugs*......i haven't seen you on for a while..!! xD

>>*sigh* ishy sick...-_____-

*sneezes*........*blows nose*

OH~~~ Happy Birthday to Akuma's Brother....uhh..Mudi...


yay!! its someone's b-day...that means...


*throws balloons everywhere*




Anime Q:

Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?

>> Hitsugaya lives in the soul society...xD

He dosn't really travel....except if he is ordered to..-____-....why can't he come to my city....

ya....from the start he was in the soul society......

but it did say that he was in Rukongai (i think i spelled that wrong..o.O) first district..xD

then when he became a captain..he lived in the soul society...=D

Bonus Q:

When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?

>> 3 years ago..-____-

it was okay....despite the part when my group got lost in the woods........this dude got us lost...and it was scary...>.>



Kyle S
2009-01-31 00:07:24 UTC
1.Vash doesn't live in one spot. He travels from town to town. In the beginning, it starts with a good old fashion saloon and a man with a red trench enjoying his drink.

bonus - I went last summer and it went well. I enjoy sleeping outdoors in a sleeping bag. Also, I went hiking and white water rafting the next day.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.