DX how long has it beeenn >.>" owkay..^-^" *sniff* T.T
>.>" ive been in bed for 2 horrible days DX wahh ok =) lets start..
how are youuu? want a hug? oh well im giving u one anyway*hugs* ^_^
>*hugs you back*awww.
XD i finished rewatching fma =3 now for the manga..hmm what else..
DX i missed so much surveysss..
=) oh yeah its my bro's bay today XD say happy bday mudi!
=) i call him mudi XD and throw this at him *gives you books* he hates studying =3
>LOL.haberdei to your brother!^_^
anyways lets start with the surv- =.=' question T.T
Anime Q:
Where does your fav. charrie live? Do they travel? Does the show start of with the character living in their hometown?
>hmm.Hitsugaya lives in the Seiretei in Soul Society.he sometimes travel to modern day Japan to Karakura Town.and he sometimes go to Hueco Mundo.he originally lived in Rukongai but when the show began,he was in Seiretei.
Bonus Q:
When was the last time you went camping? How'd it go?
>6th grade.it was fun really.and challenging.except for the hiking part.geez.
Ans for BQ:
X3 last year..it wash funnn aside from the non stop hiking for 5 hrs >.>" o.o" it was buring hotttt and there wasnt any fud DX food..We had to walk up the mountain T.T the pain of my knee's then in the end there was this river we were allowed to get in on >.< felt so goood.
^_^" anyways thats allll
>i hate hiking too.-_-