I am trying to like Ben 10: Alien Force, but I really can't. I think what drawn me to the show was that it had that 1990's cartoon feeling. Also, I liked that there was no plot, no underlying theme, just driving around in the Rust Bucket and finding some weird phenomena or alien, defeat it, and move to next great adventure. Now the producers have tried to give it a plot: the DNA aliens, but quite frankly, of the 13 episodes only 4 are about them. And where are the plumber kids? They keep saying "we have a good number of them" but where are they?!
I like the grown up Ben, thinks before acts and sees his actions can have dire effects. Kevin is a big disappointment, his cool power has just reduced to "hey-let-me-absorb-this-material' armor. I just wish they bring some of the old baddies into the picture, and all of the original aliens.
About the whole future thing, it has or will never happened. The two future episodes are just, let us say, umm... alternate dimension episodes. It is the future, but that future was the product of many choices Ben made in the past. Past-Ben sees Future-Ben being only obsessed with work, Past-Ben decides to never become like him, Future-Ben never happens. It is still could happen with the Kevin 11000 episode, but the way they are looking, Gwen and Kevin will get together.