Become involve C&A :D!!! Hiatus or incomplete ++ A surprise ;D!! come and see, all of you are invited ^___^?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Become involve C&A :D!!! Hiatus or incomplete ++ A surprise ;D!! come and see, all of you are invited ^___^?
Sixteen answers:
†Black flame†
2009-09-13 14:20:00 UTC
This is AnnMurder saying Hello lovely C&A people :D!!

------->hey ann

Today is Eve's Birthday woot wooottt >__
partyyyy! balloons and cake for everyone :D

Hope today is a good one for you Eve, I wish you the best ^___^

-------->♫♪ღ ஜ happy birthday to UUuuuuuuuuuuuஜღ♫

Eve rule today

All buw to the queen of all heavens and earth

What are you ganna give Eve for her b-day?

ehh ehhh?? >:3







for the love of god take it I don’t need this one

when is your birthday?

----> feb/11


Anime/manga questions: please answer, Im really interested in your opinion about the following.


• How do you feel when a manga you were really into suddenly goes on hiatus, or worst....canceled??

----> hmmm I hate when that happen V___V me toss me from the window,,,,,,, I swear I take salute when my fav games come to an end [ I play war games so I think that's normal] is it

[i really hate when that happens, there have only been a few like Nana D: ackk nooo its on hiatus GGRrr as if i didnt suffer enough by waiting a whole month for a new release T.T and then there is legal drug by clamp they left it on volume 3! volume 3!!! *$H@jrn359s%....*explodes*


• Soo, what magna/anime have you been following that just got cancel, went on hiatus, or just become irregular?

------>I cant think in any one resent meh vary sorry,, stab my self,,,

thanks for stopping by :D

ohh dont forget your cake!

----->thx here is one from meh


2009-09-13 09:16:37 UTC
Onee-chan!!! Hihi XD

*shouts at Eve*

Happeh 17th B-day Nee-chan!!!

*runs to Eve*


Yayyy! Pawty timey! *cheers an celebrates*

What are you ganna give Eve for her b-day?

ehh ehhh?? >:3

---->Well...i already gave her 5 emails and posted links to anime b-day pictures...but i m willing to give her anything!

*throws flower petals and candy at Eve*

when is your birthday?

---->It was last! September 6th <3


Anime/manga questions: please answer, Im really interested in your opinion about the following.


• How do you feel when a manga you were really into suddenly goes on hiatus, or worst....canceled??

---->I wud get pissed!!! I'd blame the channels that aired it, and then start a riot or petition...or even a mob!!! Anything fer teh anime to air or get the channels out of bussiness!!!

*goes to living room*

*throws stuff at TV*

• Soo, what magna/anime have you been following that just got cancel, went on hiatus, or just become irregular?

----->hmm...letsee, Naruto...but i m not thaaat into it.

cake...cake, right!

*takes cake from anime gurl*

*throws it at Eve*

Wub youh nee-chan, have an awesomeeyy b-day!!!~

*salutes back*

Edit:::@Vizor: LMFAO!!! Nice...!

Viz-kun has good taste in pwesents!!!

Edit:::@Konoha ANBU: Aaaawwww....c'mon Moma!!!

youh gotta admit that's one tight pic! Show some love!

(but not fer Sasuke)

*glares at Sauce-gay*


i find youh out...and stalk youh...

*glares at Konoha ANBU*

Edit:::@Konoha ANB: nuuuuuuuuu...not a lecture...i m not going to Y!M fer a long time....*hides behind Vizor*
2009-09-13 09:02:36 UTC
This is AnnMurder saying Hello lovely C&A people :D!!

>>Hello there, my love! ^/_\^

Today is Eve's Birthday woot wooottt >__
>>Happy birthday Eve!!!

partyyyy! balloons and cake for everyone :D

>>CAKE! *runs off and gives cake to Lawlipop!

Hope today is a good one for you Eve, I wish you the best ^___^

>>I hope you get everything you want Eve! ^/_\^

What are you ganna give Eve for her b-day?

ehh ehhh?? >:3


I told my parents to just get me plushies for my birthday. They don't like the fact that I'm asking them for "toys" and "stuffed animals". >/_\<

when is your birthday?

---->October 4th! I can't wait!


Anime/manga questions: please answer, Im really interested in your opinion about the following.

>>Woot! My opinion means something to someone!!! XD


• How do you feel when a manga you were really into suddenly goes on hiatus, or worst....canceled??

---->...*tear up* Oh my... just the thought of it makes me want to cry... I would probably be hysterical and be all depressed for about a week. Just like when my favorite charies die...

[i really hate when that happens, there have only been a few like Nana D: ackk nooo its on hiatus GGRrr as if i didnt suffer enough by waiting a whole month for a new release T.T and then there is legal drug by clamp they left it on volume 3! volume 3!!! *$H@jrn359s%....*explodes*


>>I know what you mean about Nana! Urgh, HURRY UP WITH IT! WE NEEDS IT! But I never started Legal Drug... should I?

• Soo, what magna/anime have you been following that just got cancel, went on hiatus, or just become irregular?

>>Hmmm... I haven't had very many of those lately, because I'm reading older ones... I can't think of anything... because I'm such a failure at life. XD

thanks for stopping by :D

>>Douitashimashite! ^/_\^

ohh dont forget your cake!

>>CAKE!!! *runs off and gives more to Lawlipop*


2009-09-13 08:59:50 UTC
Happy Birthday, Eve!

I'll get her...



High School of the Dead

it started normally then became irregular and now it's been put on hiatus.


it was hard to catch him off guard while he had his make up on but alas, I got my chance.

now off to black mail the guy. ^_^


@ Konoha Anbu

eeeep!!! dun kill meh!!! I begz uz!

@ whoever thumbed me down

YUSHHH!H!H!!!!! finally I got my long awaited thumb down.

=_= must be a real hard sasuke fan.... >:D

@ Kushie

Quick!! to the Gundam! we'll be safe there... if not there's always under the bed. Best hiding place EVER!!!
2009-09-14 15:59:03 UTC



*Steals the cake*

Haha, mine now! >:D

jk *accepts the balloon*


What are you ganna give Eve for her b-day?

ehh ehhh?? >:3

----> A cookie! =3

*Hands her a cookie*

It's raisin. Lol, fine. It's chocolate chip. =___=

when is your birthday?

----> June 14th!! :D

It isn't for another....

*counts on fingers*

.... A long time. >_____<


Anime/manga questions: please answer, Im really interested in your opinion about the following.


• How do you feel when a manga you were really into suddenly goes on hiatus, or worst....canceled??

----> Sad. =(

If I REALLY was into it, and then it gets canceled, obviously I'm going to feel upset, especially if it was getting good!

*coughs* InuYasha *cough*

So I guess I have to wait patiently until it continues again...


I hate waiting!


It sucks.

• Soo, what magna/anime have you been following that just got cancel, went on hiatus, or just become irregular?

>> InuYasha. I liked it, even though it had like... a hundred fillers. xD It got interesting, and then they just stop at episode 167. I think they're supposed to continue it. o.o I hope so!

Bye! :)
2009-09-13 20:59:54 UTC
This is AnnMurder saying Hello lovely C&A people :D!!

-------> Heyyaa. What's up?? ;D

Today is Eve's Birthday woot wooottt >__
partyyyy! balloons and cake for everyone :D

Hope today is a good one for you Eve, I wish you the best ^___^

------> Omfg, seriously?!?! Ahhhhh.

*joins in the party and makes it wild* jks jks. XD

But Happy Birthday Eve!!!!!!!! I hope you have a good one, and get tons of awesome prezzies. ;3

What are you ganna give Eve for her b-day?

ehh ehhh?? >:3

----> Mwhahaa, I'm going to have to think about this one.

Hmm, I would send her and the rest of C&A to the world where all her fave anime charries would celebrate with herr. Did I mention all the hottest anime guys would be there? and Eve would get special treatment. ;DDD

when is your birthday?

----> March. 23. Seems like ages away. ;__: LOL.


Anime/manga questions: please answer, Im really interested in your opinion about the following.


• How do you feel when a manga you were really into suddenly goes on hiatus, or worst....canceled??

----> I'd freak out, and go nuts. I already get super annoyed when it's on hiatus for ages but cancelled? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

I would screammm, and throw a fit. LOL. And be ranting out to anyone that would listen, and then find whatever means I can do, to bring it back. *nods*

[i really hate when that happens, there have only been a few like Nana D: ackk nooo its on hiatus GGRrr as if i didnt suffer enough by waiting a whole month for a new release T.T and then there is legal drug by clamp they left it on volume 3! volume 3!!! *$H@jrn359s%....*explodes*


• Soo, what manga/anime have you been following that just got cancel, went on hiatus, or just become irregular?

-----> Fortunately not a lot of anime/manga I've been following has been put on hiatus or even worse cancelled. There's D.Gray-man that was on hiatus for awhile, and then NANA is still on hiatus now. DX

thanks for stopping by :D

ohh dont forget your cake!

-----> Lmao, thankyouu for making a survey. ;DD

Mwhaa, of course I won't. I lovee cake. XD


----> *waves* Byee for now!
2009-09-13 11:27:05 UTC
What are you ganna give Eve for her b-day?

ehh ehhh?? >:3



→→ ♪♫ HaPþŸ ßiRtHdAy Êvε!! ♪♫ ←←


when is your birthday?

----> August 17


Anime/manga questions: please answer, Im really interested in your opinion about the following.


• How do you feel when a manga you were really into suddenly goes on hiatus, or worst....canceled??

----> I hate it. Another thing I hate, is when the scanlators drop it and some rally bad group picks it up. Then chapters are only released like every couple of months, even on completed manga.

• Soo, what magna/anime have you been following that just got cancel, went on hiatus, or just become irregular?

► No Bra (not a hentai), Kyousou Heaven, Rockn' Heaven
2009-09-13 09:20:40 UTC
This is AnnMurder saying Hello lovely C&A people :D!!

>Hi hi!

Today is Eve's Birthday woot wooottt >__
partyyyy! balloons and cake for everyone :D

Hope today is a good one for you Eve, I wish you the best ^___^


Why do I feel like I was the only one singing......

What are you ganna give Eve for her b-day?

ehh ehhh?? >:3


Except for the ones that look really nasty....XP

when is your birthday?

---->The day after Christmas!


Anime/manga questions: please answer, Im really interested in your opinion about the following.


• How do you feel when a manga you were really into suddenly goes on hiatus, or worst....canceled??

---->It's never happened to me before but I think that i would go into withdrawals and start twitching.....0_o

[i really hate when that happens, there have only been a few like Nana D: ackk nooo its on hiatus GGRrr as if i didnt suffer enough by waiting a whole month for a new release T.T and then there is legal drug by clamp they left it on volume 3! volume 3!!! *$H@jrn359s%....*explodes*


• Soo, what magna/anime have you been following that just got cancel, went on hiatus, or just become irregular?

>Nothing yet, but I don't want to jinx myself...<_< >_>

thanks for stopping by :D

ohh dont forget your cake!

>YAY! Arigato~ I can eat this while doing my weird English project involving drawing really mad farm animals....


~Şĥīrô-ċĦāń~ Loverholic Robotronic
2009-09-13 09:08:49 UTC

OH la laaa!!~

A Birthday!

*throws balloons at Eve*


*attempts to throw cake at her*.......*but ate it instead*

No need to waste good cake. ;)

What are you ganna give Eve for her b-day?

ehh ehhh?? >:3

----> Ehhhhhh........*hands her a giant "Shiro-chan's Magical Gift bag"


It's special. You get 5 things you want in that bag. ;D

when is your birthday?

----> Kekekeeeeee!!~~~

You want to know me's ...*points to self*...B-dayy??!!!


..OKay...I'll tell you . :)

January 24. ~ ^__^


Anime/manga questions: please answer, Im really interested in your opinion about the following.


• How do you feel when a manga you were really into suddenly goes on hiatus, or worst....canceled??

----> If it's on hiatus, then I would just feel really disappointed and I guess, patiently wait for the manga to come back........well...sometimes I might spaz about it...on why is it taking so long. >:O

BUT..if it's canceled....I guess I would go hit a bunch of cows with a toothbrush!!! >=O

Ahemm.....I guess I would be extremly sad and angry and the company or person or whatever that canceled it...and I would spaz about it to everyone I know. ;)

[i really hate when that happens, there have only been a few like Nana D: ackk nooo its on hiatus GGRrr as if i didnt suffer enough by waiting a whole month for a new release T.T and then there is legal drug by clamp they left it on volume 3! volume 3!!! *$H@jrn359s%....*explodes*


>> Gyaa~~ THAT SUCKS. V______V

• Soo, what magna/anime have you been following that just got cancel, went on hiatus, or just become irregular?

>> ehh...before it was D.Gray was on a giant hiatus..but I wasn't really thaat far in the manga it didn't really affected me that much...but it's still sad to know that if I read all the chapters before it's off from hiatus, I would havee to wait. V.V

thanks for stopping by :D

ohh dont forget your cake!



2009-09-13 10:05:24 UTC
Heyah Ann-n-n-n-n-n! :DDD

YAY! Happy B-day to Eve!

*does the woogey-boogey dance*

What are you ganna give Eve for her b-day?

ehh ehhh?? >:3 <<<<<

----> Dude, what's with the emoticon? Did you just think I'd give her bombs?


I'll give her lots and lots of candy sticks! Pockies! Chocolate marshmellows! Cotton candies! Eat it till all her teeth drops!

Even Eve plushies! :DDD *ten thumbs up*

Kon cakie. :D

Hope you like it, Eve-chan!

When is your birthday?

----> Ahha, 8th of May. Remember that, or else...

*grabs chainsaw*

By the way, I want a Train Heartnet underwear for my b-day present. x)


Anime/manga questions: please answer, Im really interested in your opinion about the following.


• How do you feel when a manga you were really into suddenly goes on hiatus, or worst....canceled??

• Soo, what magna/anime have you been following that just got cancel, went on hiatus, or just become irregular?

----> Argh! I hate it when that happen.

I would....

- Swear #@*!&% everyday.

- Write poems and song about it.

- Rant it in the court.

- Pray for the manga to continue.

- Jump down from a cliff.

- Dance about it.

- Throw a parteh.

- and others. If it's possible.



Ignore what I wrote up there, except the swearing and writing song part. Those are facts. *nods nods*

I got pissed off when that happened. But I'd try another manga while waiting for it to continue. I know, some of the manga always come out irregularly. Glad that I've patience to wait for it. xD *crosses fingers*

Gosh, it'd be really upseting and suffering, yeah, if they're cancelling my fave manga. I'd feel like dying. x-x

I even feel sad whenever it comes to the end. That's why I've always wanted my fave manga to be long, like Detective Conan and One Piece for instance. Even thought the ending is still faraway, I've never wished for the end. Some people always give reasons like "I don't like the manga because it's too long." and rants when their fave manga ends. O.o As long as the story is still continuing, I'll definitely appreciate it. :)

I'm loosing my senses and sanity. I don't know why, probably watch to much random Youtube videos.

Thanks for the cake.

No food fights here. >:]

*throws cakes at youh*

Peace out. :D
2009-09-13 09:05:43 UTC

What are you ganna give Eve for her b-day?

ehh ehhh?? >:3

----> Eh.. i'll make something later [[editing]]

when is your birthday?

----> 6 days ago.. no one really knew D:


Anime/manga questions: please answer, Im really interested in your opinion about the following.


• How do you feel when a manga you were really into suddenly goes on hiatus, or worst....canceled??

----> I would hate for that to happen.. hasn't happened to me though.

[i really hate when that happens, there have only been a few like Nana D: ackk nooo its on hiatus GGRrr as if i didnt suffer enough by waiting a whole month for a new release T.T and then there is legal drug by clamp they left it on volume 3! volume 3!!! *$H@jrn359s%....*explodes*


• Soo, what magna/anime have you been following that just got cancel, went on hiatus, or just become irregular?

-> None yet .. hopefully none in the future!

2009-09-14 06:48:17 UTC
Hello! 

What are you ganna give Eve for her b-day?

ehh ehhh?? >:3

----> A limited edition anime goody that she wants. XD

when is your birthday?

----> March 2


Anime/manga questions: please answer, Im really interested in your opinion about the following.


• How do you feel when a manga you were really into suddenly goes on hiatus, or worst....canceled??

----> I cry. And then, I would keep on asking… Why? Why? Why? T_T

• Soo, what magna/anime have you been following that just got cancel, went on hiatus, or just become irregular?

~ None as of now.

thanks for stopping by :D

ohh dont forget your cake!

~~ Thanks! I want a marble cake. XD


Thanks for the survey! :D
2009-09-13 12:42:56 UTC

*shakes your hand*

ok, that's great news, happy birthday to eve then.


What am I going to give eve for her birthday?

>>It depends on what she's interested in, I'd most likely give her something themed around anime/manga since shes most likely a fan.

When is my birthday?

>>May 31st

Animanga questions:

How do I feel when an anime or manga Im into goes on hiatus or gets cancelled?

>>Im usually pretty understanding about those things, the creator had to take a break and I understand that, I don't expect them to work like mindless zombie eternally producing my favorite amines and mangas, some people need to understand that they're just humans like the rest of us.

What anime or manga have I been following that was discontinued or just had to go on hiatus?

>>Im not aware of any that have been fully discontinued, but I know a few that have been discontinued in the U.S., like One Piece for example, and also the ones that have been finished like Trigun for example.

Thanks for the cake Ann

*hits you in the face with the cake*

haha, just kidding.

*salutes back to you*


Fu Spu
2009-09-13 09:29:20 UTC
What are you ganna give Eve for her b-day?

ehh ehhh?? >:3

----> A Water Balloon in the face

when is your birthday?

----> Dec 26

How do you feel when a manga you were really into suddenly goes on hiatus, or worst....canceled??

---->Sucks, Hunter x Hunter went on Hiatus several Months ago like usual & who knows when it'll be back. But it will, We just have to wait.
2009-09-13 09:19:55 UTC
This is AnnMurder saying Hello lovely C&A people :D!!

Heyyyyyy Ann! <333


I haven't spoken to you in a few hours :O


Today is Eve's Birthday woot wooottt >__

YAY! It's another one of my daughter's birthday X33

partyyyy! balloons and cake for everyone :D

Hope today is a good one for you Eve, I wish you the best ^___^

What are you ganna give Eve for her b-day?

ehh ehhh?? >:3

----> AHEM! Mama is gonna give Eve lots of love for her bday XDD

*innocent smile*

that's all i can afford! >;D

JK, i'd give you POSTERS for your birthday >;3

Posters of Sasuke, Kaname, Shiki aaaannnnnd Hitsugaya! ;DD

How does that sound Ev darlin'? <3

when is your birthday?

----> January 28! Don't forget ^_________^


Anime/manga questions: please answer, Im really interested in your opinion about the following.


• How do you feel when a manga you were really into suddenly goes on hiatus, or worst....canceled??

----> That sucks! I feel like this => DDDx


• Soo, what manga/anime have you been following that just got cancel, went on hiatus, or just become irregular?

---> Ehhh, *thinks* I'm not sure O.o"""

thanks for stopping by :D

ohh dont forget your cake!


Bye Ann <33


ttyl XD


@Vizor: I don't like that pic, and you know it! DDDX

GRR! I'm gonna give you a piece of my mind on Y!M now!

@Hardcore Otaku:::

Don't push it Kushie-dearest ^_^""

*voice evidently dripping with sweet sarcasm*

i'm gonna give you a lecture on Y!M too! DD:<

Back off of Sasuke, daughter!

Remember- Eve and I are Sasuke lovers <3

And Fighting Kuusouka too!

*drags my twin into this*

We all love Sasuke XD

[EDIT 3]

@Hardcore Otaku & Vizor:::.

MWAHAHAHA Yes, didn't I tell you? I gave you guys thumbs down ;DDD




This is nothing personal i swear ^_~

Experto Credo
2009-09-13 08:52:49 UTC
On my cable system, I have Anime On Demand.

I was watching a huge amount of shows when they pulled the plug, leaving me high and dry.

Those shows included:

DN Angel

Resurrection Princess

Solty Rei

Marmalade Boy

get backers

Vampire Princess Miyu

Real Bout High School





Wedding peach


Ouran High School

I was beside myself

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.