Jack W
2008-09-08 18:47:28 UTC
Superman vs. Captain America
Batman vs. Iron Man
Wonder Woman vs. Thor
Flash vs. Quicksilver
Green Arrow vs. Hawkeye
Black Canary vs. Black Widow
Martian Manhunter vs. Vision
Zatanna vs. Scarlet Witch
Hawkman vs. Falcon
Aquaman vs. Namor
Vixen vs. Tigra
Ambush Bug vs. Wasp
Rage vs. Hulk
Atom vs. Ant-Man
Green Lantern vs. Starhawk
Wildcat vs. Black Panther
Huntress vs. Silverclaw
Question vs. Nick Fury
Perhaps more match-ups could be made but these are a lot. If you don't want to put down who is the best in each just say which group over all you think is better or say what you think about the comparisons.