1. The English version DID have no emotion. However, I think the fandub was better than either version just because I honestly don't like Light's Japanese voice actor and that fandub actually had emotion in it. That's one of the reason why I hate official voice actors: they get paid to suck while there are GOOD voice actors out there who are WAY better than they ever will be who are doing it for free as a hobby.
2. I use the edited excuse on most older anime. Card Captors, Ronin Warriors, Pokemon, Digimon, Knights of the Zodiac... You can't find the full length, uncut episodes for those shows on the DVDs. Or, at least, not on the ones I'VE found... Also, I buy most of my anime. The rest I watch on free yet legal sites, like Hulu, which pay the company that owns the rights. I don't use the "oh, they cut scenes" excuse to cheat companies out of revenue.
3. I personally don't think the problem is with the voices being different. I've seen anime where the two voice actors sounded totally different and yet the dub was good. I've also seen anime where the two voice actors were almost identical and the dub sucked. However, I find more of a problem with the voice not fitting the character, which I personally think is extremely common and unfortunate...
In all, I really don't like the dubbing practice. It doesn't matter what the original language was or what the end language is. I've seen American cartoons dubbed in Japanese, Spanish, and French. I wasn't too fond of any of them. Also, it raises the price of a disc of anime because I have to pay the voice actors for their fail attempt at dubbing. Wouldn't mind it so much if they put it on a different DVD that I didn't have to buy, but no....they can't do that... -_-;;;
Now, dub quality varies from company to company. I know this. Disney, for example, hires real voice actors, like the ones they use in their animated movies. I actually love Disney dubs because of that. However, most other companies use people they picked up off the street or those "famous" voice actors who're known more for their looks or how funny they are at conventions than their voice acting skills. Bleh.
Few of the dubs I've actually liked:
~Anything by Disney (except for Princess Mononoke...)
~Sorcerer Hunters
~Loveless (German dub)
~Golden Boy (was so terribly done that it made it even funnier)
~Dragon Half
~Ronin Warriors
Btw, I've heard American voice actors brag about how much better dubs have gotten since the 80s and 90s. Well, I've seen recent dubs and I've seen older dubs and I've found that I actually prefer the older dubs to the newer ones. There was actually a series that I had seen over and over again that had been dubbed in the early 90s. At my 5th time rewatching it, I accidentally hit the dub. It was so good and so close to the original in voice and emotion that I couldn't tell it wasn't in Japanese until I realized there were no subtitles yet I could understand it. That's how good the dub was.