I seriously need help... I'M IN LOVE WITH SASUKE UCHIHA?
2010-10-02 00:53:41 UTC
I really need help... but no one will believe me!! Everytime I say something about this, no one believes me! Please...share your thoughts and opinions on this for me... I need some advice... I'm actually IN LOVE with Sasuke Uchiha... I love him SO much that I'm literally obsessed... I need help... REALLY you can see. Thanks for any help. Okay, so here it goes:

Okay, okay... I know it's crazy. But I'm in love with him. He's been gone sooo long!! And I want him to come back!! To Konoha! PLEASE don't say I'm crazy. It hurts my feelings, really... I hate when people call me crazy... I can't help I'm in love with him! I feel so lost that he's turned evil and I need help... give me advice??

I sincerely apologize if all that I sound like is I'm complaining, and I'm debating on leaving this world tonight. Even my friends can see I'm grieving. I try and hide it but I can't. Why do I act like I'm all high and mighty when inside I'm really dying?? I am finally realizing I need help...I really cant do this myself... im too weak... I cant let go of him.

2 weeks I've been having ups and downs, with the idea of ending my life. I've gained weight sense I'm not going out... thinking about HIM. I'm hating my reflection. I walk around the house trying to avoid the mirrors. I can't stand what I look like... I look fat! I lock myself in the bedroom, or my bathroom, sometimes often falling asleep or popping pills becaue I feel so depressed... I watch old episodes of Naruto when he was actually sane and it hurts. But dwelling on it only makes the night even more horrible. Then I begin popping Vic's, perks and Methadone pills. I tell people I need help... BUT THEY NEVER LISTEN!!! THEY DON'T BELEIVE I POP PILLS... But he's my best friend... and I need him. The pills help me feel better. My friends can't understand me... they dont beleive me when I say Im in love with Sasuke and i pop pills...

I sit alone in my living, watching the same damned DVD of the first season of Naruto, when he was still alive and it HURTS so I fast forward, and take sleeping pills - they make me feel alright... and if I'm still awake in the middle of the night, I just take a couple more... like always.

Soo... its embarassing to talk about... please take me seriously! I am willing to do anything!

thanks for any help...
Twelve answers:
2010-10-02 00:58:19 UTC
Ok first of all, i believe you. 2nd of all DONT KILL YOURSELF. What you need to do is take that DVD and THROW IT AWAY. You are obviously making it worse for yourself by constantly watching it. Stop thinking about it too, maybe you are in love with him because he resembles your ideal guy. I have never seen naruto so i dont know about what happens. But you need to seriously calm down and realize that its only an anime and its DRAWN
2010-10-02 01:22:45 UTC
Lawl. kakashi is better anyways. He has sharingan, isnt emo, Doesnt have hair like a birds, and actually has skill and a well thought out character.

Listen, I dont know HOW far you are into the series. But i'll tell you this. sasuke isnt dead. and he isnt going to die ANY time soon. and he may be a bad guy, but he has morals that show later in " naruto Shippuden" which is the next series of the show.

He's still "TTLY AWSM" in the show later on. You should look some things up on him, Kay? Now. First of all, killing yourself over him isnt anything to get upset over. Youw ant him to love you or something, right? Become and Anime artist like the creator, and draw pictures of it. You never know. might get good some day, or you already DO draw anime. Or, you can get over him. OR, you can accept whats going on with teh series and love him no matter how he is. Second, Stop taking sleeping pills THAT much. One sleeping pill should work with another pill called TAURINE. It helps you take off stress.

Your thinking to much over this. Okay, You love him. Your sad that he turned bad. your thinking about commiting suiccide. Suicide isnt the option no matter what, and dying slowly by living is better than that.

I belive that your in love with him, for the most part. ( that, or your a troll. But this is best just to be save, AMIRITE?)

So stop poping pills whenever something that happens to sasuke you dont like happens. bad things are going to happen to him. So jsut do your best to get through it. and maybe, watch teh series more, because hope isnt really gone on him. The creator is STILL working with sasuke and the series is STILL going. so stop worrying about him, and keep on READING OR WATCHING TV WOMEN.
Sarahmint @}~~
2013-09-28 10:58:45 UTC
Depression is serious, but if you are a teenager you are ******. You have to learn to live in this world and suffer with your emotions. Also, if someone calls you fat, they are the ones who are ugly and weak.

Drugs will only drag you down, they will not help. Hope you are still alive and prosperous because **you must love yourself** before you ever expect someone to love you back.

Watch the movie Corpse Bride. It is about unrequited love and loss and how Death will NOT set you free, but doing the right thing.
2010-10-02 01:23:16 UTC
plz dont do anything stupid like killing/hurting yourself.

i have to remind you that the show is all fiction. none of it exists, and if a show causes you to be depressed and have suicidal thoughts, the best thing is to leave it. do not watch it anymore. find a hobby or something, but do not get into things like a show seriously... its not healthy and i guess you already know it too... if something's bad for you, don't do it... its like that joke 'it hurts when i do this...' - 'well then don't do that' (by that, i don't mean that i take this as a joke, but you do have to remember its just an anime and nothing more...)
2010-10-02 01:03:19 UTC
you seriously need help ...... you're in love with sasuke uchiha.

gee z like i haven't seen THAT before

just watch something else and if get the urge suddenly satisfy it a teeny bit then go away..

you take pills????? wth.

personally i do not think you are nuts because i had similar problems but i have stronger willpower and self esteem.plz dont get violent.
2010-10-02 00:59:52 UTC
You're letting your problems grow deeper and its hurting you because you're in love with a piece of fiction, how pathetic. You can always try killing yourself- if that makes you happy. I think you should go out more, experience life- but its only my opinion. If you really cannot help yourself, go to a psychiatrist- asking people on a website wont solve anything.
2010-10-02 16:21:12 UTC
Seriously, Sasuke Uchiha? Choose a better character to obsess about.
2010-10-02 01:43:02 UTC
-- u should be more realistic about ur own life ...

I know u're facing difficulties in a very unique and very difficult to remove ...

but try ... look at the people around you ...

much more handsome than Sasuke ...

And more original than Sasuke...
2010-10-02 01:02:48 UTC
You can always hope that he'll be alright in the end (n don't kill yourself, or there will be one less Naruto fan in the world)(the numbers are dwindling!!!)
2010-10-02 05:45:49 UTC
listen you there just take your DVDs and through it away

and try to have a bf really one

what you are calling love is because you dont have any one to love
2010-10-02 00:55:44 UTC
I wouldn't call it love... more of an Obsession. my bff is in 'love' with ciel phantomhive. Its a phase.
2010-10-02 00:55:13 UTC

Srs bsns.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.