The Legion of Super Heroes vs...?
2006-08-13 22:47:30 UTC
Well, anybody. Consider me biased, but they've taken down Darkseid (twice!), three billion Daxamites, Mordru, The Fatal 500, clones of the Justice League (it IS the 30th century), and saved the galaxy hundreds of times. I dare you to come up with a worth foe. Seriously, I’ll wait.
Twelve answers:
But why is the rum always gone?
2006-08-15 05:32:43 UTC
The US Federal Government Bureacracy. What do you attack? How do you fight someone who refuses to do anything and has the infinitessimal power to pass the buck and shirk responsibility? Super heros are totally unprepared for this type of adversary. They'd wind up being regulated, blacklisted, painted negatively in the media, and then crucified by public opion.
2006-08-14 19:17:38 UTC
I believe no one in the DC universe, unless the entire Kryptonian race came back to life, then came to the LSH to destroy earth, and even then LSH has a fighting chance. That even sounds like a DC plot to me, but hey, it might work...

A single foe? None in the DC world (the most powerful are already in the Legion, or have already been defeated by the Legion). Specter would probably even be defeated (I swear Specter would fit better into the Marvel Universe, and the Living Tribunal in DC's, it's almost as if the two switched universes). I'm not as well versed in DC comics, but from what I have read of LSH it is unlikely anything could beat them from their universe.

There are many worthy adverseries in the Marvel Universe, but whenever the two universes cross it tends to suck.
2006-08-15 03:08:51 UTC
There's alwasy someone else more powerful then who you think, it's been proven n times. Here are some of my choices, who would be able to take down The Legion of Super Heroes, which is pretty much all of the DC Super Heroes & Super Villans together:

The Celestials

All the Cosmic Beings together

All of the Marvel Gods

All of the Marvel Super Heroes & Super Villans

Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet (he's done it in Marvel, be faught all the superheroes and supervillans at one time and killed them all)

The Living Tribunal (Marvel God)

The Z Fighters from DBZ/DBGT (Goku alone is strong enough to destroy the unverse and teleport himself to the other world)
2006-08-14 10:08:52 UTC
I would like to see the LSH take on Marvel's Imperial Guard, which is practically a carbon copy of them; they used to serve Princess Lilandra of the Shi'ar. (Just like the Squadron Supreme was a poor ripoff of the Justice League.) Should be a good fight.

(Gee, I wish that guy who's so alucard-happy would stop offering him as the answer to every (fill in the blank)-vs- your choice.)
2006-08-14 06:19:30 UTC
Thanos with the infinite gauntlet and all gems, Omnipotent power only surpassed by the living tribunal(the god of marvel). Thanos with the gauntlet could take out Eternity, who is more power-full then galactus, and it took every hero the marvel universe to take out galactus, so i think Thanos with the infinite gauntlet would be more then a match for the legion of super heroes
Eric B 38
2006-08-14 06:27:41 UTC
Capt. Carrot and The Zoo Crew!

-just joking, but can't think of anyone with comparable members on their team, other than some future "alternate" history super-teams, but what about the Justice Society of America? JSA has some pretty powerful members...
2006-08-14 17:46:44 UTC
The Great Lakes Avengers.

Seriously, they'll never kill Mr. Immortal, and Squirrel Girl seems to be able to defeat any foe she's in contact - even Dr. Doom!

If nothing else, Keith Giffen would have a feild day with it.
2006-08-14 06:28:37 UTC
Jason Voorhees or Freddy Kruegger
2006-08-14 05:53:30 UTC
The Celestials.
samurai core
2006-08-14 18:54:13 UTC
an evil alternate reality version of the legion (like the csa is to the jla).
2006-08-14 16:29:40 UTC
carrot top
2006-08-14 06:11:21 UTC
A worthy foe eh? I have the most worthy foe, the unkillable, killing machine Alucard! (From Hellsing a vampire)

His names an anagram, its Dracula spelled backwards, and he is the true Nosferatu, he has amazing powers of regeneration, he can be shot to a million itty bitty bits and still regenerate back to normal, not even cutting off his head helps, silver does nothing, maybe pain, but nothing else, it doesnt even slow doen his powers of regeneration. The sun a vamps worste nightmare has no effect, none what so ever, he just dislikes it. He has never seen garlic so i wouldnt know. and the bottom with all the details , i borrowed from Wiki.

Alucard is the protagonist of the Hellsing manga, and also the most powerful warrior of the Hellsing organization (and arguably the world). He is not only a vampire, but also one of the most ancient ones. He usually dresses up in a Victorian fashion, including a charcoal suit, riding boots and a flamboyant and intricately knotted bowtie, covered by a long red trench coat. He also wears a wide flapping fedora hat and a pair of circular, wire-framed sunglasses. He does wear other outfits however: see Release States. He has an almost unbelievably vast range of supernatural powers, and is an expert gunfighter, his enhanced strength allowing him to wield pistols that most would consider heavy weaponry.

He fights with ferocity, and often extreme cruelty, rarely shooting to kill until his target has been totally disabled and humiliated. His playfulness and massive ego make him give enemies a chance to kill him before retaliating, just to demonstrate his enormous powers. Despite his thirst for battle, Alucard is not without feelings. He has strong emotions that tie him with his Master, Integra Hellsing, friendship with Walter and a fatherly concern towards his 'child', Seras Victoria.

In the anime (both TV series and OVA) Alucard is voiced by Nakata Jouji. (中田譲治) In the English dub of both series, he is voiced by Crispin Freeman.



* 1 Name

* 2 Powers

* 3 Weapons

* 4 Release states

o 4.1 Clothes and release states

* 5 The Dracula connection



Among fans there is some disagreement how the main character's name should be written. In the original Japanese material, his name is アーカード, romanized ākādo. Since Japanese generally uses a long 'a' to represent the sound of syllable-final English 'r' (e.g. dokutā for "doctor"), ākādo would normally correspond to English "Arcard". The spelling "Alucard" would also be justified because of the "Dracula" anagram, although the sounds of "Alucard" would normally be represented by arukādo in Japanese. The spelling "Arucard" is presumably based on the incorrect assumption that the original used arukādo. Due to the fact that different groups released fansubs of Hellsing before the release rights were bought by anyone outside of Japan, all three of these spellings have ended up in use by fans. One of the basic problems is that the Japanese language doesn't distinguish 'r' and 'l', causing variations in this and other names. 'Alucard' was used in the official translation of the Hellsing manga, while the official anime used 'Arucard' (in the subtitles; it is still pronounced 'Alucard' when spoken in the English dub). While both are official, the correct name would have to be 'Alucard' if the anagram is to make sense.



Alucard demonstrates, in Hellsing's various incarnations, an astonishing and overwhelming range of supernatural powers (the range and strength of which have led some critics to remark that he is simply too powerful a character); these include, but are probably not limited to:

* Vast strength (limits are unknown, but Alucard can rip people apart "as if they were wet tissue paper")

* Superhuman senses

* Flight

* Super speed

* The ability to pass through solid objects

* Manipulation of shadows into physical form (Although it isn't unheard of vampires controlling shadows the artwork does not distinguish between blood and shadows.)

* Transformation (Alucard can transform himself or parts of himself into bats, insects, snakes, or a giant eight-eyed hellhound, for example.)

* Teleportation

* Telekinesis

* Telepathy

o Mind Reading

* Mind Control or Hypnosis (fans sometimes call it the 'sex beam' after a remark from Pip)

* Regeneration (Alucard can regenerate any part of his body. He can even be reduced to paste and pull himself back together.) [1]

* Weather Manipulation

* Summoning the souls of those whose blood he has sucked (familiars) that either sprout from his body or swarm about him as an army in the thousands.

Alucard in the TV series


Alucard in the TV series



* Hellsing ARMS .454 Casull Auto - This massive semi-automatic pistol is 29 cm (Almost 1') in length, making it too heavy and unwieldy for a human to use, but a perfect match for Alucard's strength. It fires custom-made explosive .454 Casull rounds, with the steel bullets bearing a core made from the melted silver cross of a Lancunian cathedral. It never states how many rounds are held in the magazine (see below), but one estimate places the number to be around fifteen, based on counting the number of rounds fired before reloading was required. And is actually a slightly enlarged (or inappropriately drawn) Strayer-Voigt Infinity, a variant of the Colt M1911A1.

* Hellsing ARMS 13 mm Auto Anti-Freak Cannon 'Jackal' - With a length of 39 cm (Almost 1' 4"), weight of 16 kg (35.2 lbs), and made of black gunmetal, it is not a weapon a normal man could even hope to wield, but as Walter says, "It was never meant for a man." It fires special 13 mm armor-piercing, explosive, mercury-core baptized bullets, with casings of Macedonian silver, powered by "Marvell's Chemical Cartridge N.N.A.9." It has six rounds per magazine. It is designed almost exclusively as a weapon to use against Iscariot's Alexander Anderson, who shrugged off the Casull rounds with ease. The words 'Jesus Christ is in Heaven now' are engraved upon it, in mockery of a similar statement on Anderson's gloves. Contrary to popular belief, the weapon does have a slide; however there appears to be none at all since the entire upper assembly is the slide and moves only a minimal distance.

Although Alucard has reloaded his weapons at many points throughout both the manga and anime, Kouta Hirano has noted in the back of Volume 1 manga that "They're all cosmoguns that can hold a million rounds". This is also evidenced in the first OVA, where Alucard takes out a large group of ghouls with a single clip of his gun. One theory to explain this is that when the Casull is examined in detail is that you can see that it is a modified model and there are certain types of gun that can chamber more then the regular number of rounds.


Release states

Alucard's vast powers are controlled entirely by the heir to the Hellsing estate (Currently Integra Hellsing). The anime makes a point out of the director having to give Alucard verbal permission to use his most devastating powers. This is apparently enforced by something called the "control art restriction system." "Control art" may refer to the designs on Alucard's gloves. There are shown to be four levels of restriction and 5 corresponding states, with lower numbers meaning greater levels of power. Under certain circumstances, Alucard can release some of his greater powers himself; a component of his restriction system called the "Cromwell Approval" seems to influence this. Alucard can often be heard to state what level he is releasing immediately prior to combat, as in "Releasing control art restriction to level two." Why he says this is unclear. Given his personality, it could simply be to unnerve his opponents, or perhaps it is a requirement of the release mechanism. One theory is that the verbal statement somehow informs Integra of his release status - important information, given his vast power. In the manga, Alucard fully released his restriction systems, at the request of Integra.


Clothes and release states

Many fans have noticed that Alucard's state of dress seems directly related to the amount of power he's using: as he charges up to engage in battle, first his sunglasses, then his hat will disappear; in the manga he also removes his arms from the sleeves of his coat letting it simply just hang on his shoulders whilst he fires from underneath it. It has been posited that these articles of clothing are direct physical manifestations of whatever system Hellsing uses to control Alucard, with the final, leather suited state representing his true nature. His gloves, which are engraved with the Hellsing seal (a pentacle decorated with occult symbols and several mottoes, reading: "Hell's Gate Arrested / Gott Mit Uns / And Shine Heaven Now") are also thought to be part of this mechanism and the source of Hellsing's control over him (Alucard's distinctive gloves are visible in the vast majority of his transformations, even when Alucard himself is not in a humanoid form).

In his final release state Alucard reverted to his original form back when he was still Vlad Ţepeş. In this form he appeared in his early 30s opposed to looking his early 20s with a thick beard and moustache. He also wore heavy medieval armor with a huge tattered cloak and carried a long sword. However, he quickly returned to his normal form when confronted by Anderson.

It is debated whether his younger form shown in Hellsing: The Dawn (nicknamed Girlycard) is a 'state of release'. Though some fans claim this was when Hellsing was experimenting on Alucard turning him into the vampire he is in the Manga or that he simply chose it as he said he could take any form he would like. Though it could also be a form created when Hellsing suppressed Alucard's powers to experiment on him. In a flashback scene in Volume 4 of the Hellsing manga, we can see the young Walter alongside a fully grown adult Alucard after the destruction of the Nazi vampire research program. This could indicate that Alucard's appearance is controlled somewhat by himself.


The Dracula connection

One of the oft-discussed aspects of his character is whether or not he is actually Count Dracula (of Bram Stoker's novel). Hints have been given in both the anime and the manga, which can now be taken to present irrefutable evidence:

* Anime:

o Alucard impaled Incognito at the end of their fight in episode 13 in the same way that Vlad Ţepeş was famous for. Afterwards, his face is lit up by lightning to briefly reveal the image of Vlad Ţepeş for a few seconds (Ţepeş is the man said to be the historic origin of Dracula).

o In his dialogue with Incognito, Alucard states that "his name is a bit of an enigma", or, depending on the translation: "My name is an anagram as well." When read backwards, ALUCARD becomes DRACULA.

* Ultimate OVA:

o In the first episode, after the fight between Alucard and Father Alexander Anderson. Integra Wingates Hellsing questioned Alucard for his reason for turning Seras Victoria and when Alucard and his fledging, Seras were about to leave the scene, Integra spoke of Alucard as "the man once called the 'Count'". Dracula bore the title of Count.

* Age:

o There is documentation by Kouta Hirano (Hellsing's creator) that says that Alucard is 567 years old. This is consistent with Vlad the Impaler being born in 1431 and the manga starting in June 1999. It is said that Vlad is the source of Dracula.

* Manga:

o He impaled heavily armed Brazilian special tactics policemen (GATE) outside a hotel in Rio de Janeiro (volume 3).

o In volume 4, he had a dream or a vision of the past, where he was pinned to the ground by who appears to be Abraham Van Helsing (a character from the Bram Stoker novel). The man says "Even her mark from the Eucharist Wafer is gone. She will never belong to you." This could be a reference to the Mina Harker from Bram Stoker's Dracula, to whom Dracula had given the curse of vampirism, and who had an allergic reaction to being touched by the Eucharist Wafer, the physical embodiment of the body of Christ. The mark disappeared after Dracula's supposed death. The man then addresses Alucard as 'Count.'

o In volume 7, as "The Eagle" with Alucard on board sails into London, the narrator comments on another similar incident, that of the coming to England of Dracula.

"Once, a vampire came to England. To get a woman he personally desired...the vampire sailed aboard a schooner. The schooner dashed from wave to wave through the fog at unbelievable speed. The entire crew was killed. And so, the ghost ship, fully laden with corpses and caskets, made port in London. Her name is the Demeter. In Russian, the Demitri." (from Hellsing manga Volume 7)


o In the second chapter of volume 8, Alucard removed the final restraints, calling upon all his 'familiars'. These turned out to include Rip van Winkle, Alhambra, and thousands of other people he had fed on throughout the centuries (even Turkish Janissary soldiers from the time of Vlad Ţepeş). They arose from a literal ocean of blood, emanating from Alucard's coffin (which he had stowed aboard the spy-plane used to reach The Eagle in vol. 5). Among them are knights riding undead horses, wielding banners representing Wallachia (Vlad Ţepeş ruled as prince of Wallachia). Finally, Enrico Maxwell utters the famous name 'Dracula', thus solidifying Alucard's identity.

o In chapter 70, Alucard goes into a flashback, in which he is shown to have rejected Christianity by licking up the blood from his scorched and besieged homeland while on the Turkish execution block, about to be killed. Earlier in the same flashback we see a young Alucard (nicknamed "Babycard" by some in the fanbase) being dragged before a royally dressed figure and raped, consistent with Vlad the Impaler's history, where he and his younger brother, Radu, were given as hostages to the Sultan of the Ottoman empire, as a guarantee of cooperation between the two sovereigns.

o Chapter 72, Heart of Dream, has a flashback sequence running simultaneously with the action, where Integra recalls something her father, Arthur Hellsing, mentioned while he was struggling with his sickness. It focused on his beliefs regarding vampires, and his study of a particular specimen. This is obviously meant to be Alucard, as panels showing him battling Anderson in the present are shown throughout the dialogue. One of the names listed in connection with this vampire, is "Dracula", while another is "Count".

* Vampire Folklore:

o In some traditional sources, such as Le Fanu's Carmilla, vampires could only use their original name, or an anagram of that name, hence why Alucard says his name is an anagram in the anime. The reason why the Hellsing organization may have chosen to rename Dracula to Alucard is to hide his identity from other forces, keeping him as their trump card, or as a symbol of Alucard's new order to be the opposite/reverse of what he once was, thus Dracula backwards.

* Appearance:

o Although there is some debate, some believe Alucard to look like Dracula, who was described as having long black hair, red eyes, thick eyebrows, and hawk like features. Alucard matches these features in all except his hair, which changes from time to time.

o As mentioned above, during his final release state, when Alucard releases all the controls placed upon him, unlocking all his greatest powers, he looks very similar to Vlad Ţepeş, wearing medieval armor (Vlad Ţepeş ruled in the 15th century). Vlad Ţepeş is argued by some to be the inspiration for the fictional Dracula, especially since there were allusions to Vlad's history in the original Bram Stoker novel, (as Vlad Ţepeş was also called Vlad Dracula), and the two Draculas also share a similar physical appearance, except Ţepeş had a beard. In his final release state, Alucard also has a beard, connecting him to Ţepeş, and thus to Dracula.

All this proves that Alucard is a worthy foe and would even win.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.