Is it just me or was this super overrated? None of the character's acted like themsleves. The "big" deaths were all of characters I thought were already dead (and Jack OLantern was). Why would Iron Man use not only villians but the most blood thirsty villaians he could find (Bullseye, Green Goblin, Venom, Lady DeathStrike)? Even if he needed villian help there's alot of villians who are semigood (Rhino, Sandman, Trapster etc.). And they brought Captain Marvel (a hero made famous by his death) back in a stupid ten page story and then gave him one panel in Civil War. Oh and when Hercules kills the thor clone he steals not only the famous political line but also a line Hulk used on another Thor clone in Hulk issue 422. Are so many collectors so narrow minded they will by a comic just because it's supossed to be "hot". I bought them all and quickly sold them. What a bunch of suck.