Is the C&A Mafia still active? O.o?
2009-07-15 22:52:24 UTC
I guess only teh boss can answer that (aka Freakazoid)

I was just wondering... @__@
Because some of youh guys don't really come on here much anymore (I miss youh guys)

==> So to those who can answer~ Ish teh C&A mafia still active??

RaNDom ANIME Q~ Which anime characters (from DIFFERENT anime), do you think will form a good mafia?
Ten answers:
Kay ex Kay {ѕℓєєριиg}
2009-07-15 23:34:20 UTC
>:O >:O >:O


We've been... improvin' our bonds....! And stalkin' people! XD

Including stalking trolls. o.O"

And stalkin' YOU GUYS! >:D >:D >:D

;D ;D ;D

Ehh, if a lot of them are like me, they're probably coming here, but are more picky about which Qs they answer: The interesting ones, and/or the ones that won't leave a bad mark on their BA percentage.

Either that, or they're just plain inactive. XD

The more active members were given "Vongola Rings" by Freakazoid. XD

^ the ones that have a special attribute... like Boss has Sky... etc.


Freakazoid:.Boss (Sky)

:::: She's still active. Though more on MAL and Y!Messenger. I talk to her (sometimes a lot) every day. o.o''

Akuma:.Right-hand woman (Rain)

:::: She's gone on loong hiatuses T____T We all miss her!

Bel:.Right-hand man (Storm)

:::: She's just... busy, I'd think. She's kinda inactive at the moment. I miss her! :O


:::: Ehh, he's REALLY inactive XD I've stalked him on MAL, but he's not on too much.

FMA:.Member (Cloud)

:::: THE MISSING!!! >:O >:O >:O

She disappeared since March 9th, 2009, and hasn't come back.

>.>" Despite the sheer amounts of yaoi and yuri pics that Boss encouraged some of us to send her, to make her come back...



We REALLY miss her. TT^TT


:::: About as inactive as Mangalicious. // Monk.


:::: Hey? He's still here! He answered my survey today. X3

First answerer.

Though I think he's kinda inactive at the moment too. He might be busy preparing for college: He graduated high school this year, and is entering college really soon, after all.

Prince B:.Member (Mist)

:::: Prince B is VERRRYY active at the moment. Though not at stalking, I don't think.

(The C&A Mafia is mainly for 'stalking'. XD) You'll see her in C&A quite a lot, though not nearly as much on MAL.

Exo:.Member (Thunder)

:::: Ehh, she's much more active on MAL. Like me, she's become somewhat bored of C&A. But hey, she's inactive but not oblivious:: She did answer this question. XD

Kay ex Kay:.Member (Sun)

:::: ....


Like I said, I'm inactive, but I've just been busy 'stalking'.

VERY busy.

1 - stalkin' trolls

2 - stalkin' suspected cheaters, and other people

3 - stalkin' friends

And I've been busy with other stuff! XD

- talkin' too much to people on Y! Messenger *____*

- spending too much time on graphic design

- heeey I'm moving (houses) this summer too TT^TT I need a break! XD

>> that includes choosin' a house (and/or going along with parents every time XD), buyin' the house, fixin' up the house, and moving.

>> AND moving schools. e.e''' some work involved in that. Paperwork, signing up, asking teachers and about teachers, asking about the new school's systems.... etc.

Besides the fact that I've also become somewhat bored with C&A, as did quite a few of the others. I still spend a lot of time 'stalking' the other questions and reading the answers; I just have become a lot more picky about the questions I answer. Like I said somewhere up there... it's all about the BA percentage~! >:D >:D >:D Mustn't waste riskin' that for an uninteresting, not so useful Q!! >:D >:D >:D

++ I've been trying to catch up on manga, too! XD Such as starting and reading One Piece~! :O

( ... it's awesome, btw! ;D )

Also, I was busy with my fiancee~!! ;3

Chances are, some of the other Mafia members are in similar situations. Or they've just moved on from Y!A.

Well, cya~!! =D




Ehh. I've been semi-petitioning for some other people to join the C&A Mafia.

- my Mother, Father, and the boss's fiance especially.

They'd be a great addition! >:D

Though not necessarily KHR! fangirl/fanboy-ish enough. >:\

* that's one of the requirements XD



To everyone else.. >.>


We're not the C&A Mafia!

... well, we are. ;3 BUuUUTTTT we're actually....


The C&A Inseguitrice Famiglia! >:D >:D >:D

(credits to FMA, the missing! v.v)


BOSS!! ;____; >WWW<


I'll fix that right away.

Shall I add our enemies too? XD

Technically they're part of the mafia, just not part of ours.


Gahh, I totally forgot about the RAQ. DX

^-^"""" Sorry.

RAQ: Which anime characters (from DIFFERENT anime), do you think will form a good mafia?

That would need a LOT of characters. Ehh. Too lazy. XD I'll just pick some good ones.

DX Do they all have to be from different series? DX KHR! is the super mafia manga too! ;____; so many good charries to choose from...

- Gokudera Hayato (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) XD

>> Right hand man for ya~! ;3

- Zoro (One Piece) - well, he's strong. Quite loyal.

He'll be one of the top mafia ppl. o.o''

- Grimmjow Jaegerjacques (Bleach)

*____* He loves to fight. Eh, he's not bad.. he might be the cloud guardian... since he's quite like Hibari (KHR!)... XD

- Hiruma Youichi (Eyeshield 21)

e.e''' He's a major manipulator... and great at makin' money...

master of intimidation, etc.. super smart... e.e''''


- Wanijima Agito (Air Gear)

He loves fighting. Kinda. He's more careful/picky about the fights he participates in. And he's not bad at it, too.

- Kanda Yuu (D.Gray-man)

Ehh. He just seems like it. XD

- Lady Hyacia (Chronicles of the Cursed Sword)

X333 AWESOME. She's powerful, resourceful.. pretty... >:D

- Kurogane (Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLES)

- Ichihara Yuuko (xxxHOLiC)

- Chrono (Chrono Crusade)

- Sagara Sanosuke

Has the attitude too >.>"

- Eclipse (Demon Diary)

I quit. >:D

I want more KHR! charries. TT^TT
2009-07-15 23:06:00 UTC
I'm pretty sure that it's still active =3

It's just that the members don't come onto C&A a lot as they used to because of trolls... and stuff.

Lots of the members are busy with summer-y stuff.

I think Freakazoid comes here every now and then, along with Kay ex Kay and Prince B.

Bel is busy with some sort of big entrance exam.

FMA ... disappeared o.O

Not sure about Akuma. Sometimes she pops up on MAL. =)

As for Anthony, Darth, and Monk, I have no idea where they went ><"""

lol, hope that helped. I bet Freakazoid will answer, though. X)
2009-07-16 10:30:45 UTC
Wait a minute.......

When did I even join that C&A Mafia??? >:O

I think I lost my memory during my break...... @_@

I even don't remember A QUARTER of the mafias.....

Freakazoid especially... XD

(Gomen! Monk and Anthony too!)


As for answering your question........

I am not active YET. I'll just be answering one question once a day or so, but that's it. DX

And as for you Freakazoid, I am not making dramatic speech about the break!

I'm just......busy working on blowing up the whole anime world like a MAAAD scientist as if anime is my enemy, but yet I'm a hypocrite who still read manga.... >.>

In other word, I'm NOT dramatic, I'm just.......undramatic without the "un-". ;D

As for other mafias member, I wouldn't know how active they are when I, myself, DarthRaider, King of Evilness blah blah blah, am inactive! ;P


RaNDom ANIME Q~ Which anime characters (from DIFFERENT anime), do you think will form a good mafia?

Kon from Bleach + Jiraiya from Naruto = Best Mafia (hands down)

Mission: Catch bad guys in girl's restroom....... >.>"
2009-07-16 09:59:34 UTC
Yeah, I think it kind of is. At least, some of the members. :]

RaNDom ANIME Q~ Which anime characters (from DIFFERENT anime), do you think will form a good mafia?

>> Hm...



Itsuki Koizumi. o.o


Yuki Cross.


@Otaku Overload: Lol! xD Good idea!

Since they never let me join...

Pshh...I'll create my OWN Mafia.

And you guys will be jealous of it. xD

If you want to join, let me know, lol

It shall be called the... A&M Mafia (Anime & Manga) >:D

And our slogan is: Somos Contra El C&A Mafia ('We Are Against The C&A Mafia' in Spanish, lol)

Watch out C&A Mafia, lol

JK. lol
2016-05-26 04:24:32 UTC
The Atheist mafia allegedly morphed into the AE and Atheati, though those group dont, and never have existed. What are you even talking about? atheist? i dont know that word, why would i be a member of a group of them? What are you saying? are you saying something? Vinni recently got more funding, if you were wondering...
2009-07-16 08:37:48 UTC
Me ish not a C&A mafia membR, boss, or a right-handed me cannot answer if da C&A mafia still ish wish she waz...*starts daydreaming*

RaNDom ANIME Q~ Which anime characters (from DIFFERENT anime), do you think will form a good mafia?

Hunny (Ouran High School Host Club) <---DA BOSS

Harima Kenji (School Rumble)

Sakura Haruno (Naruto)

Mello (Death Note)

Konata Izumi (Lucky Star)

Ichigo Kurosaki (Bleach)

and i can't think of anymore


2009-07-16 10:01:01 UTC
i guess the Mafia still active

since that's what the other people say

i want to be in the mafia too V.V

lol; XD


RaNDom ANIME Q~ Which anime characters (from DIFFERENT anime), do you think will form a good mafia?

misa form death note[?]


2009-07-16 08:16:01 UTC
Dude~! o.O We're actually taken seriously~! TT.TT

*wipes tears of joy* x]




Psshh...of course we're active~! >:O

Like....4 of us~! TT.TT Where teh eff did my other ppls go~!!?? :O Huh~!? T.T We can't take any action with most of us missin'~! v___v So we're just...messin' around~! >___>''''....


*holds up flag*

Teh active::

1. Meh~

2. Kay

3. Nerd-chan (Prince B)

4. Exo (not much on Y!A though~! O.o''')


1. Bel~! >.< (*coughs* I need my right-hand man~!!! >:OOO)

2. Akuma (sometimes....BARELY on MAL though~ -____-''')

3. Mangalicious (ditcher~! D:<)

4. Anthony (lol...poor kid doesn' even know i dragged him to teh mafia~! XD)

5. Darth (NOT active....he answered Miyu's latest survey with his dramatic speech of takin' another break...blah blah....HE WAS ALREADY ON A BREAK~! XDD)

Teh ones with no hope::

1. F-M-A~! TTT^TTT

*puts on posters of her*

If you've seen this crazeh chick....please call teh 330-6694~! X3

Thank you~


Kay:: lol...The C&A Inseguitrice Famiglia MEANS teh stalkin' mafia~! o.o'''....In italian~! XP

Oh yeah~! XD Akuma ish rain and Bel ish've had it teh other way....O.O''''....

Otaku Overload::


*holds up chainsaw*


I see.....we've made quite a lot of enemies~! O_________O;;;


DARTH~!!!! >w<


Ohh....undramatic huh~!? >:D Psshh....youh sounded like a DRAMA Queen (nope...not even king~! -____-''')

Work~!? >:O What work~!? DDX It's FREAKIN' SUMMER~!!! TT.TT


I bet he's studin' teh summer for extra good grades in High school....psshh....what a nerd~! <.<'''

-have a nice day~! =D
Overloadchawn~! ♥
2009-07-16 08:20:25 UTC

I always wanted to be a member.

*Sighs wishfully*


Screw the C/A Mafia!

I'm starting my own one-man organization!

Er...or one-woman...WHATEVER!!! T_T

The C/A mafia betta watch their backs.

Cuz ima gonna overthrow them single handedly. >:O




It shall be called: "Otaku Overload's one-woman anti C/A mafia organization."

Kinda rolls of the tounge doesn't it? >>

"C/A Mafia"?


That's not a practicle name at all... XD


And anyone can join.

Even if the title of the organiztation contradicts that fact. XD
Battousai 人斬り抜刀斎™
2009-07-16 08:58:10 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.