Hi there1 Romance anime has to be my cup of tea as I watched a lot :x
Any ways, I would recommend:
Ao Haru Ride - It's very new. It was made last year so it's only subbed I believe. I really like the story and I'm kind of sad that there are only 12 episodes.
- It's about a girl who used to be envied by all the girls in middle school and thought all the boys are obnoxious. In her final year of middle school she sees herself falling for a boy. One night they were supposed to go on a date but he never shows. The following term, he moved without word. She is now in high school and he's back, but with a different name. He said he liked her but it will never be the same.
Ituzura na Kiss - This is my favorite romance! Because of this anime, I watched a live Korean version. haha. It's only subbed and it has 26 episodes I believe.
- It's about a girl named Kyoko who's considered stupid. She liked Irie since freshmen year when he made a speech. When she gives him a love letter, he rejects it on the spot. To make matters worse, her house was destroyed because of an earthquake. Her father's best friend invites them into his home, which so happens to be Irie's.
Say "I Love You" - Again, I don't think there's an dubbed version but I could be wrong. This is a cute story as well.
- It's a girl named Mei who believes all friends are fake and use each other for show. Because she injured the most popular guy in school, he takes an interest her and gives her his number. Mei never calls him until she can't get ahold of someone because of a stalker. She can't believe he came to save her and with a kiss! What now?
NANA - I watched this three years ago and still love it. It has a lot of drama, though! I think it has a dubbed version.
- Two girls meet on the train and their names are the same, Nana O and Nana K. They end up in Tokyo together and share an apartment, which makes rent super cheap! They become close friends and help each other out when it comes to boys.
Kamisama Kiss - The second season actually started this year and I'm loving it still! The first season has 12 episodes and I don't think it's subbed. It's cute!
- It follows Nanami who was homeless until a random guy her his home with a kiss. That kiss gave her the power of a God and her new home is a shrine. A familiar, Tomoe, who is there believes he isn't there. What does she have to do to make him her familiar? She just has to kiss him!! What will that kiss bring?
Lovely Complex - This one is quite funny! It's not my favorite but is enjoyable. I actually watched this one YouTube haha
- Otani and Risa make the perfect laughable duo, because of their strange heights. Otani is short for a boy and Risa is tall for a girl. While trying to help get with their crushes, their crushes end up together. Risa doesn't realize it but she's falling for Otani. What will she do?
Paradise Kiss (same creator as NANA) - This one is more serious but has romance as a main point. It's not a favorite of mine, but I did enjoy this. I liked NANA much better.
- Yukari is your average high school girl until a group of college kids ask her to model for them, which she agrees too. Her daily lifestyle ends up changing completely after she meets the leader, George, who she ends up falling for.
Kimi ni Todoke - It's very slow but adorable. I'm thinking about rewatching this one and reading the manga. People keep recommending me the manga haha.
- Sawaka has had a hard time making friends because of a misunderstanding - she reminds everyone of a scary manga character, "Sadako." After confessing that she wanted to be like Shouta, he finds an interest in her. He helps her make friends and starts developing a few feelings.
Others that I've watched:
Full Moon
The Wallflower
Boys Conflict
Love Stage!! (it's an a shounen ai but cute)
Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou (It's older and I'm almost done with)
Golden Time
Princess Jellyfish (romance in sort of shown but I found it funny)
Gakuen Alice (not much romance but you can tell they liked each other. Very funny. I'm reading manga rn)
Bokura ga Ita (bad art, but the story is mainly romance)
Skip Beat (Heard there's more romance in manga but I haven't read. Cute story, though)
There's many more I've seen but these are just some. Hopefully you find one you like! :)