Please give me a list of superheroes beginning with each letter of the alphabet.?
2006-09-11 14:53:50 UTC
The one with the best list will get best answer.
21 answers:
2006-09-11 15:10:28 UTC
This is just for DC comics....

* Abattoir

* Abel

* Abin Sur

* Able Crown

* Abnegazar

* Abra Kadabra

* Access (Amalgam Comics)

* Ace

* Ace of Spades

* Ace the Bathound

* Acidia

* Acrata

* Acro-Bat

* Adam

* Admiral Storm

* Adonis (Teen Titans animated)

* Advance Man

* Aegeus

* Aerialist

* African Woman

* Agamemno

* Agent Liberty

* Agent Orange

* Airstryke

* Air Wave I-III

* Ahwehotah (see Max Mercury)

* Akins, Michael (see Michael Akins)

* Al Forbush (Amalgam Comics)

* Alchemist (see Element Lad)

* Alcmaeon

* Aleea Strange (Elseworlds)

* Alexander Luthor, Jr.

* Alexei Luthor (see Lex Luthor)

* Alias the Spider

* Alien X

* Alisand'r

* Alistair Bendel White

* Allen, Barry (see Flash II)

* Allen, Crispus (see Crispus Allen)

* Allergent (Agent Orange)

* Alley-Kat-Abra

* Allure

* Alura

* Alpha Centurion

* Alva Xar

* Amanda Waller

* Amazing Allegro

* Amazing Grace

* Amazing Man I-II

* Amazo

* Ambush Bug

* Ambush the Lunatik (Amalgam Comics)

* Amen-Hotep

* Amethyst, Princess of Gem World

* Amok

* Amorpho

* A-Mortal

* Amygdala

* Andrew Bennett, I...Vampire

* Anarchist

* Anarky

* Anastasia

* Anatol Mykros

* André LeBlanc

* Andromeda

* Angle Man

* Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man

* Animal Man

* Anima

* Animus

* Anomaly

* Answer

* The Ant

* Antaeus

* Antagon

* Anthro

* Anti-Matterman

* Anti-Monitor

* Antithesis

* Anton Arcane

* Anvil

* Apache Chief

* Apeface

* Appa Ali Apsa

* Apparition (see also Phantom Girl)

* April Fool (Elseworlds)

* Aquagirl I, II, III, & IV

* Aqualad (now Tempest)

* Aquaman

* Darla Aquista

* Arak

* Arashi

* Arch

* Archer Braun

* Archor

* Arclight

* Arella

* Ares

* Argent

* Argus

* Ariadne

* Arian

* Arisia

* Armek

* The Armless Master

* Arrakhat

* Arrowette

* Arsenal (formerly Speedy)

* Aruna

* Artemis

* Ash-Pak-Glif

* Asmodel

* Asteroth

* Astra

* Athena II

* Atlan

* Atlas

* Atlas II (Teen Titans animated)

* Atmos

* The Atom I-IV

* Atom Girl

* Atom-Master

* Atom Smasher (formerly Nuklon)

* Atomic Knight

* Atomic Skull I & II

* Aura

* Auron

* Aurora

* Automan

* Avia (Elseworlds)

* Awkward Man (of Inferior Five)

* Axe (of Metallik, see Teen Titans)

* Axeman

* Axis

* Azazel

* Azmodus

* Azrael (Jean-Paul Valley, formerly Batman)

* Aztar

* Aztek

* Azerath

* Azure



* B'dg

* B'Shi

* B'wana Beast

* Babe

* Baby Boom

* Baby Doll

* Backbeat (of Metallik, see Team Titans)

* Backlash

* Bad Samaritan

* Bag O'Bones

* Ballistic

* Balloon Buster

* Bane

* The Banner

* Baron Bedlam

* Baron Blitzkrieg

* Baron Tyrano

* Baron Winter

* Baroness Paula Von Gunther

* Barracuda

* Barrage

* Bart Allen

* Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)

* Batgirl (Barbara Gordon; see also Oracle)

* Bat-Girl (Betty Kane)

* Bat-Knight (Elseworlds)

* Bat Lash

* Batman (Dick Grayson; see Nightwing)

* Batman (Jean Paul Valley; see Azrael)

* Batman (Bruce Wayne)

* Batman Jones

* Bat-Mite

* Battalion

* Batwoman

* Batzarro

* Baud

* Baytor

* Beast Boy (aka Changeling)

* Beautiful Dreamer

* Bedlam

* Beefeater

* Beezlebub

* Bekka

* Belial

* Belphegor

* Benadict Asp

* Beppo

* Bernadeth

* Bette Noir

* Betty Clawman

* Bevarlene (Amalgam Comics)

* Bibbo Bibbowski

* Big Barda

* Big Breeda

* Big Bear

* Big Caesar

* Big Shot

* Big Sir

* Billie the Millie (Amalgam Comics)

* Billy Numerous (see also Teen Titans (animated series))

* Bird

* Bizarro, Bizarro #1 & Bizarro Superman

* Black Adam I & II (formerly Teth-Adam)

* Black Alice

* Black Barax

* Black Bison

* Black Canary I & II

* Black Condor I & II

* Black Death

* Black Flash

* Black Hand

* Black Hood (Impact Comics)

* Black Lightning

* Black Mace

* Manchester Black

* Black Manta

* Black Mask

* Black Mass

* Black Mongul (Elseworlds)

* Black Nebula

* Black Orchid

* Black Pirate

* Black Racer

* Black Smith

* Black Spider

* Black Thorn

* Black Vulcan

* Black Vulture

* Black Zero

* Blackbriar Thorn

* Blackbriar Tom

* Blackfire

* Blackguard

* Blackhawk

* Blackrock I-III

* Blacksmith

* BlackStar

* Blackwing

* Blank Slate

* Blaze

* Blimp (of Inferior Five)

* Blindfaith

* Blindside

* Blip

* Blithe

* Blizzard

* Blockade

* Blockbuster I & II

* Blok

* Bloodlust (Elseworlds)

* Bloodsport I & II

* Bloodthirst

* Bloodwynd

* Bloody Mary

* Bludhound

* Blue Beetle I, II, & III

* Blue Devil

* Blue Jay

* Blue Lama

* Blue Snowman

* Blue Tracer

* Blue Trinity

* Bob the Goon

* Bob Overdog

* Body Doubles

* Bolshoi

* Bolt

* Bombshell

* Bonfire

* Bongo (of Metallik, see Team Titans)

* Bookworm

* Booddikka

* Booster Gold

* Bork

* Boss Zucco

* Bottler I & II

* Bouncing Boy

* Bounty

* Brand, Boston (see Deadman)

* Brain

* Brain Storm

* Brainiac (also Brainiac 2.5, Brainiac 8, Brainiac 12, Brainiac 13)

* Brainiac 2 (see Vril Dox II)

* Brainiac 4 (mother of Brainiac 5)

* Brainiac 5 (Querl Dox, formerly Brainiac 5.1)

* Brains

* Brains' Beldon

* Brainwave

* Brainwave II (Henry "Hank" King, Jr., formerly Brainwave Jr.)

* Brahma

* Brass (of Metallik, see Team Titans)

* Braverman, Kenny

* Breach

* Breathtaker

* Bridgette Crosby

* Brik and/or Brick

* Brimstone

* Bronze Tiger

* Brother Blood

* Brother Grimm

* Brother Manindra

* Brrmm

* Brutale

* Brute

* Brutus Force

* Buddha (Elseworlds)

* Bug

* Bugg

* Bug-Eyed Bandit

* Bulldozer

* Bulletgirl

* Bulletman

* Harvey Bullock

* Bumblebee (alias Karen Beecher-Duncan)

* Alex Burgess

* Roderick Burgess

* Bushido

* Bushmaster

* Buzzard

* Byte

* Byth



* C'est Hay

* Cabal

* Cachiru

* Cain

* Cain, Cassandra (see Batgirl)

* David Cain

* Calamity King

* Calculator

* Cal Durham (Aquaman)

* Calendar Girl

* Calendar Man

* Caliber

* Calorie Queen

* Cameron Chase

* Cannon

* Cannonball

* Captain Action

* Captain Atom

* Captain Boomerang I

* Captain Boomerang II

* Captain Calamity

* Captain Carrot

* Captain Challenge

* Captain Cold

* Captain Comet

* Captain Compass

* 4-D (Capt. Lea Corbin)

* Captain Destiny

* Captain Fear

* Captain Hunter

* Captain Marvel

* Captain Marvel, Jr.

* Captain Metropolis (see Watchmen)

* Captain Nazi

* Captain Speed (Jack B. Quick)

* Captain Stingaree

* Captain Storm

* Captain Thunder

* Captain Triumph

* Captain Wonder

* Captain X

* Carapax

* Carcharo

* Cardinal Sin

* Caress

* Cave Carson

* Carr, Snapper (See Snapper Carr )

* Carlton LeHah

* Carom

* Cascade

* Cassidy

* Catalyst

* Catgirl (Elseworlds)

* Cathedral (Elseworlds)

* Catherine Cobert

* Catman

* Catseye

* Catspaw

* Catwoman

* Cavalier

* Ceberus

* Celeste

* Celsius

* Centrix

* Centurian

* Chain Lightning

* Chameleon Boy

* Chameleon Chief

* Changeling (now Beast Boy)

* Channel

* Chaos Maker

* Charlaton

* Charma

* Charger

* Charaxes

* Charybdis

* Cameron Chase

* Chancer

* Cheetah I-IV

* Chemical King

* Chemo

* Cheshire

* Chief

* Chill, Joe (see Joe Chill)

* Chiller

* Chillblaine

* Chimera

* Chlorophyll Kid

* Choir Boy

* Ch'p of the GL Corps

* Chronos I & II

* Chroma

* Chubby Da Choona (Seaguy)

* Chunk

* Chrysalis

* Cicada

* Cinderblock (see also Teen Titans (animated series))

* Cinnamon

* Circe

* Citadel

* Clayface I-IV

* Claything

* Clawhammer I & II

* Claw the Unconquered

* Cleric

* Travis Clevenger (Bloodhound)

* Clipper I & II

* Clive Yorkin

* Clock King

* Cloudburst

* Clown

* Cluemaster

* Coagula

* Cobalt Blue

* Cobert, Catherine

* Cobweb (America's Best Comics)

* Codename: Assassin

* Coeus

* Coldsnap

* Coldcast

* Colonel Computron

* Colonel Mason

* Colos (Darkstar Colos)

* Color Kid

* Colossal Boy (see also Leviathan)

* Colossus

* The Comedian (see also Watchmen Elseworlds)

* The Comet (Impact Comics)

* Comet I & II

* Comet Queen

* Commander Steel

* Commander Yank

* Composite

* Composite Man

* Composite Superman

* C.O.M.P.U.T.O.

* General Computron

* Conduit

* Congo Bill and Congorilla

* Conjura

* Conjurer

* Constantine, John (see Hellblazer)

* Construct

* the Contessa

* Control Freak (see also Teen Titans (animated series))

* Copperhead

* The Corinthian

* Cornelius Stirk

* Corona

* Corrigan, Jim (see Spectre)

* Corrosive Man

* Cosmic Boy

* Cosmic Clown

* Cosmic King

* Count Vertigo

* Counter Evolutionary

* Cover

* Crackle

* Crazy Jane (of Doom Patrol)

* Crazy Quilt

* Creeper I & II

* Crime Doctor

* Crimelord

* Crimesmith

* Criminal from Tomorrow

* Crimson Avenger I-III

* Crimson Fox

* Crispus Allen

* Crius

* Croc

* Cronus

* Cross Christina

* Crowbar

* Cruiser

* Crumbler

* Crystal

* Crystallex

* Culp

* Custer, Jesse (see Preacher)

* The Curse

* Cutless Charlie

* Cybercat

* Cyberion

* Cyborg I & II

* Cyborgirl

* Cyborg Superman (also the Cyborg)

* Cyclone Kids

* Cyclotron

* Cyclotronic Man

* Cypher

* Czonk



* Da' Bomb

* Dagger

* Dagon

* Damage

* Damien Darhk

* Damon Matthews

* Dan Hunter

* Dan The Dyna-Mite

* Dane Dorrance

* Willis Danko

* Danny the Street

* Dark Angel

* Dark Claw (Amalgam Comics)

* Dark Destroyer

* Dark Flash

* Dark Lantern

* Dark Light

* Dark Man

* Dark Nemesis

* Dark Opal

* Darkseid

* Darkstar

* Darkstar Colos

* Dart

* Daryl Rutabaga (Amalgam Comics)

* Dava

* Dawg (see Lobo)

* Dawnstar

* Dazzler

* Deacon Blackfire

* Deadeye

* Deadline

* Deadman

* Deadshot

* Death (DC/Vertigo)

* Death Angel

* Deathbolt

* Death-Doll

* Deathstroke

* Deathtrap

* Deathwish (Milestone Comics)

* Delight (now Delirium)

* Deathwing

* Decay

* Deep Blue

* Deimos

* Delirium (formerly Delight)

* Demolitia

* The Demon I & II

* Demon Damsel (Elseworlds)

* Demonia

* Dementor

* Dent, Duela (see The Joker's Daughter)

* Dent, Harvey (see Two-Face)

* Dervish

* Desaad

* Desire

* Despair

* Despero

* Destiny I

* Destiny II

* Destroyer 171

* Destruction

* Detective Chimp

* Devastator

* Devastation

* Dev-Em

* Devilance

* Alexandra DeWitt

* Marc Diamond

* Diamondeth

* Diamondette

* Sue Dibny

* Ding Dong Daddy

* Disdain

* Disruptor

* Djinn

* Doc Duggan

* Doctor Alchemy

* Doctor Anamoly

* Doctor Bedlam

* Doctor Bongface (Amalgam Comics)

* Doctor Cale

* Doctor Clever

* Doctor Cue

* Doctor Cyber

* Doctor Darkk

* Doctor Death

* Doctor Destiny

* Doctor Doome

* Doctor Doomsday (Amalgam Comics)

* Doctor Doog

* Doctor Double X

* Doctor Hugo Strange

* Doctor I.M. Smart

* Doctor Iker

* Doctor Kryptonite

* Doctor Fate I-IV

* Doctor Freak

* Doctor Laff

* Doctor Light (superheroic - Kimiyo Hoshi)

* Doctor Light (villainous - Golden Age, Jacob Finlay, Arthur Light)

* Dr. William Magnus (see Veridium)

* Doctor Manchester Black

* Doctor Manhattan (of Watchmen)

* Doctor Midnight

* Doctor Mid-Nite I, II, III (alias Charles McNider, Beth Chapel, Pieter Cross)

* Doctor Mist

* Doctor Moon

* Doctor Occult

* Doctor Phosphorus

* Doctor Poison I & II

* Doctor Polaris

* Doctor Psycho

* Doctor Regulus

* Doctor Sivana

* Doctor Spectro

* Doctor Strangefate (Amalgam Comics)

* Doctor Thirteen

* Dr. Togg

* Doctor Trap

* Doctor Tyme

* Dr. Tzin Tzin

* Dr. Ub'x

* Dr. Z.Z.

* Dr. Zecharia Leight

* Doiby Dickles

* Dollar Bill (see also Watchmen)

* Doll Man

* Doll Girl

* Dolphin

* Domain

* Dominus

* Donna Troy (Wonder Girl, also a Darkstar, and Troia)

* Dorothy Spinner (of Doom Patrol)

* Dane Dorrance

* Donovan Caine

* Don Grieco

* Doom Mathematic

* Doomsday

* Dorian, Emile (see Doctor Emile Dorian)

* Double Dare

* Double Down

* Dove I-III

* Download

* Richard Dragon

* Draaga

* Dracon

* Dragon

* Dragon King

* Dragonlord

* Dragonmage

* Dragonsword

* Dragoneer

* Drake, Jack (see Jack Drake}

* Drake, Tim (see Tim Drake)

* Drakon

* Constantine Drakon

* Drax

* Dream (see Morpheus)

* Dream

* Dreamer (see also Dream Girl)

* Dream Girl (see also Dreamer)

* Dreamslayer

* Drive-Thru

* Drone

* Droom

* Druid I & II

* Duality

* Dubbilex

* Duchess (see Lashina)

* Duke of Deception

* Duke of Oil

* Duke Mephisto Saturno

* Duma

* Dumas

* Dumb Bunny(of Inferior Five)

* Dummy

* Duran

* Dust Devil

* Dust, Nathaniel (see Nathaniel Dust)

* Duo Damsel (see also Triad, Triplicate Girl)

* Dybbuk

* Dynamo Boy



* Eagle Boy

* Eagleman

* Earl of Greed

* Earthworm

* Echo I-IV

* Eclipso

* Ecstasy

* Edge

* Eel

* Effigy

* Effron the Sorcerer

* Egg Fu

* Ekin-Tzu

* Elasti-Girl

* Elasti-Man

* Elastic Lad (see Jimmy Olsen)

* El Dorado

* El Diablo

* Electron

* Electric Blu

* Electric Man

* Electric Warrior

* Electrocutioner

* Element Girl

* Element Lad

* Element Man

* Elemental Woman

* Elephant Man

* El Espectro

* El Gaucho I & II

* Elongated Man

* El Papagayo

* Elu

* Emerald Empress

* Empress (alias Anita Fite)

* Empress of Venus

* Encantadora

* Enchantress

* Enemy Ace

* Enforcer I & II

* Epoch, Lord of time

* Epsilon

* Equus

* Eradicator I & II

* Erewhon

* Eryx

* Esak

* Esper Lass

* Ether

* Etrigan (see Demon (comics))

* Evil Star

* Eviless of Saturn

* Evolvo

* Extant

* Extraño



* The Face

* Facade

* Faceless I & II

* Fadeaway Man

* Fadeaway Outlaw

* Faith

* Falcon

* Falcone, Carmine (see Carmine Falcone)

* Fallen Angel

* False-Face

* Fang

* Dr. Fang

* Faora

* Fastback (alias Timmy Joe Terrapin)

* Fastbak

* Fastball

* Fatality

* Fate

* Fausta

* Felix Faust

* Sebastian Faust

* Fear and Loathing

* Feast

* Ferro (see also Ferro Lad)

* Ferro Lad (see also Ferro)

* Fetish

* Fever (alias Shyleen Lao)

* Fiddler

* Fiero

* Film Freak

* Finale

* Fire (formerly Green Flame)

* Firebird

* Firebrand

* Firebug

* Firefist

* Firefly

* Firehair

* Firehawk

* FireHeart

* Fire Jade

* Fire Lad

* Firestorm I, II & III

* Fisherman

* Rick Flagg

* Flamebird I-IV (also Nightwing and Flamebird)

* Flare

* Flash (I - Jay Garrick, II - Barry Allen, III - Wally West)

* Flash of 23rd, 27th, 28th, & 853rd Century

* Fleshburn

* Fleur-de-Lis

* Flex

* Flex Mentallo

* Flicker

* Floronic Man (also "Floro")

* Flow

* Fluxus

* Flygirl

* The Fly (Impact Comics)

* Flying Dutchman

* Flying Fox

* Fog

* Folded Man

* Fool

* Forager

* Force

* Fox

* John Fox

* Foxglove

* Franklin Stern

* Freak

* Freckles Marvel

* Freedom Beast

* Freemont, Cheyenne (see Cheyenne Freemont)

* Fright

* Fringe

* Frostbite

* Funky Flashman

* Eddie Furlow

* Fury I & II

* Fusion (of Metallik, see Team Titans)

* Futureman



* G.I. Robot

* G'nort

* Gabriel

* Robert Gadling

* Gamemnae

* Gambler

* Gamorola (Amalgam Comics)

* Laurel Gand

* GangBang

* Gangbuster

* Guy Gardner

* Garrick, Jay (see Flash)

* Gargoyle

* Garguax

* Garn Daanuth

* Garv

* Gates

* Gaucho

* Gay Ghost

* Gear

* Gearhead

* Gehenna

* Geist

* Gemini

* Gemm- Son of Saturn

* General

* General Glory

* General Immortus

* General Zahl

* General Zod

* General Zolog

* Genius Jones

* Gentleman Ghost

* Geo-Force

* Geomancer

* Georgia

* Germ-Man (Elseworlds)

* Getaway Genius


* Ghast

* The Ghost

* Giganta

* Gillotina

* Gimmix

* Girder

* Girl Archer

* Giz

* Gizmo (alias Mikron O'Jeneus)

* Glimpse

* Glorious Godfrey (alias G. Gordon Godfrey)

* Glory Shredder

* Gloss

* Gnaark

* Goblin Lord (Elseworlds)

* Godiva

* Godthing (Amalgam Comics)

* Gog

* Gold (alias Mike Magnus)

* Gold Kidney-Lady (Amalgam Comics)

* Golden Arrow

* Golden Eagle I & II

* Golden Gladiator

* Golden Glider

* Golden Guardian (Elseworlds)

* Goldenrod

* Goldface

* Goldie

* Goldilocks

* Goldstar

* Golem

* Goraiko

* James Gordon

* Gorgeous Gilly

* Gorgon

* Gorgon the Terrible

* Gorilla Boss of Gotham CIty

* Gorilla Grodd

* Goth

* Gowon Winter

* Grace Choi

* Granny Goodness

* Grayson, Dick (see Robin)

* Gravedigger

* Gravedigger Lad (see Jimmy Olsen)

* Gray Lady

* Grayven

* Grax

* Great White

* Great White Whale

* Green Arrow

* Green Arrow II (see Connor Hawke)

* Green Cigarette

* Green Flame (see Fire)

* Green Lantern I-V (see also Green Lantern Corps, John Stewart, Guy Gardner, Kilowog)

* Green Lantern of Ageri Somnia 1, and Sector 2814

* Green Lantern 6th, 18th, 19th, 2473rd CE, 101790 CE, 30th, 58th, 73rd and 853rd century

* Green Man

* Greyshirt (ABC Comics)

* Grey Man

* Gridlock

* Grifter (Wildstorm)

* Grimbor the Chainsman

* Grossout

* Grouse

* Solomon Grundy

* Grunt

* Guardian I-III

* Guillotina

* Gunbunny

* Gunfire

* GunHawk

* Gypsy



* Hacker

* Hackrat

* Hall, Daniel (see Dream)

* Hammer

* Hand

* Hans von Hammer (see Enemy Ace)

* Half-Life

* Hallie Davis

* Halo

* Professor Hamilton

* Harbinger

* Hardcore

* Hard Drive (alias Jeremy Horton)

* Hardline

* Hardrock

* Hardware (Milestone Comics)

* Harlequin I-III (II also called Joker's Daughter)

* Harley Quinn

* Harm

* Harold

* Harpis

* Harpy (Comics)

* Harrier

* Hat

* Hath-Set

* Havana

* Hawk I & II

* Hawk and Dove

* Hawk Son of Tomahawk

* Hawkgirl I-IV

* Hawkman I-IV

* Hawkwoman I-III

* Hazard I (Infinity, Inc. villain)

* Hazard II (Milestone Comics)

* Head

* Headhunter

* Healer Randolph

* Heatmonger

* Heat Wave I & II

* The Heckler

* Hector Hammond

* Queen Heggra

* Hella

* Hellblazer

* Hellebore (of Judge And Jury, see Team Titans)

* Hellgrammite

* Hellhound

* Hellrazer

* Henderson, William (see Inspector William Henderson)

* Her Highness and Silk

* Herald (see Mal Duncan; also known as Guardian II, Hornblower, Vox)

* Hercules

* Hero Cruz

* Hero X

* Herupa Hando Hu

* Hex, Jonah (see Hex)

* Hindenburg (of Superior Five)

* Highfather

* Highlord

* Himon

* Hi-Tech

* Hitman

* Holiday

* Holocaust (Milestone Comics)

* Honest Abe

* Hooded Justice

* Hook

* Hop Harrigan

* Hope and Mercy

* Hoppy the Marvel Bunny

* Hornblower (see Mal Duncan; also known as Guardian II, Herald, Vox)

* Horrible Harpi

* Hot-Streak (Milestone Comics)

* Houngan (alias Jean-Louis Droo)

* Hourman I-III (see also Rick Tyler and Hourman Android)

* Houston

* Hugo Strange

* Human Bomb

* Human Cannon

* Human Flame

* Human Squirrel

* Human Target

* Humpty Dumpty

* Tim Hunter (The Books of Magic)

* Hunter I-III

* Huntress I-III

* Hush

* Hyathis

* Hybrid

* Hyena I & II

* Hyena (Amalgam Comics)

* Hypnota

* Hypnotic Woman



* I…Vampire

* I-Spy

* I Ching

* I Spider


* Ian Karkull

* Iapetus

* Ibis the Invincible

* Ibn Al Xu'ffasch (Elseworlds)

* Ice

* Icemaiden (alias Sigrid Nansen)

* Icicle I & II

* Icon (Milestone Comics)

* Ignition

* Iman

* Immortal

* Immortal Man

* Impala

* Imperiex

* Impossible Dog (Amalgam Comics)

* Impulse I (see Kent Shakespeare)

* Impulse II (see Bart Allen)

* Indigo

* Inertia

* Infectious Lass

* Inferno

* Infinite Man

* Infinity Man

* Inflict

* Inque

* Insect Master

* Insect Queen I & II (see also Lana Lang)

* Invisible Destroyer

* Invisible Kid

* Invisible Hood

* Invisible Justice

* Ion

* I.Q.

* Iris Allen

* Iron (alias Randy Pressman)

* Iron Bow (Elseworlds)

* Iron Butterfly (Elseworlds)

* Iron Cross

* Iron Hand

* Iron Lantern (see Amalgam Comics)

* Iron Major

* Iron Munro

* Iron Wolf

* Isamot Kol

* Isis

* Ivan

* Professor Ivo

* Izaya (see Highfather)



* J. Wilbur Wolfingham

* Jack I & II

* Jack B. Quick

* Jack Drake

* Jack Gold

* Jack O'Lantern I -III

* Jackal

* Jaculi I & II

* Jade

* Jaguar (Impact comics)

* Jakeem Thunder

* Jamm

* Janwillem Kroef

* Spider Jerusalem (DC/Vertigo)

* Janissary

* Janus

* Jason Bard

* Blood, Jason (see Demon (comics)

* Javelin

* Jayna

* Jemm Son of King Jaxx

* Jericho

* Jesse Quick

* Jester

* Jet (alias Celia Windward)

* Jewelee (see Punch and Jewelee)

* Jigsaw Man

* Jinx

* J. J. Thunder (see Jakeem Thunder)

* J'onzz, J'onn (see Martian Manhunter)

* Joe Chill

* Joe Potato

* Joe Public

* Johnny Cloud

* Johnny DC

* Johnny Peril

* Johnny Quick I-III

* Johnny Sorrow

* John Stewart

* Johnny Thunder I & II

* Joker

* Joker's Daughter (Duela Dent)

* Jonah Hex

* Jonas Glim

* Jonas Turnip (Amalgam Comics)

* Jongleur (of Superior Five)

* Jonni Thunder

* Jonny Double

* Jordan, Hal (see Green Lantern and Spectre)

* Jor-El

* Josiah Power

* Joto

* Judge (of Judge And Jury, see Team Titans)

* Judomaster I & II

* Julie Caesar

* Junglemaster

* Junior (alias Benjamin Newton)

* Jarrod Jupiter

* Loran Jupiter



* Kabuki Kommando (Elseworlds)

* Kadabra

* Kadaver

* Kal-L

* Kalibak

* Kalki

* Thomas Kalmaku

* Kamandi

* Kancer

* Kanjar Ro

* Kanto

* Kapitalist Kouriers (see Red Trinity)

* Karin Grace

* Karate Kid

* Karma

* Katana

* Katar Hol (see Hawkman)

* Katina Winter

* Katma Tui

* Katmos

* Ke'Haan

* Kent, Clark (see Superman)

* Kestrel

* Key I & II

* KGBeast

* Kid Devil

* Kid Emotion

* Kid Eternity

* Kid Flash I (see Wally West; now the Flash)

* Kid Flash II (alias Iris West II)

* Kid Flash III (see Bart Allen; formerly Impulse)

* Kid Kryptonite

* Kid Quantum I & II

* Kid Slick

* Kilg%re

* Killer Croc

* Killer Frost I & II

* Killer Moth I & II

* Killer Shark I & II

* Killer Wasp I & II

* Killgrave

* Killowat

* Kilowog

* Killshot

* Kinetix

* King I & II

* King Crusher

* King Faraday

* King Joker

* King Kobra

* King Marvel (Elseworlds)

* King Mob

* King Shark

* King Snake

* Unity Kinkaid (DC/Vertigo)

* Kirigi

* Kismet

* Kite-Man

* Klarion the Witch-Boy

* Bindar Kleeg

* Knockout

* Knight I & II

* Kobalt (Milestone Comics)

* Kobra

* Kole (alias Kole Weathers)

* Kolodenko

* Komand'r

* Kong

* Kongo (Elseworlds)

* Kordax

* Koriand'r (see also Starfire)

* Koryak

* Krag

* Kreon

* Armand Kroll

* Kromm

* Krona

* Krul-El

* Krypto

* Kulak

* Kung

* Kyle, Selina (see Catwoman)



* La Encantadora

* La Garra

* Lady Blackhawk

* Lady Clay

* Lady Detective

* Lady Flash

* Lady Liberty

* Lady Lunar

* Lady Marvel (Elseworlds)

* Lady of the Lake

* Lady Quark

* Lady Savage

* Lady Shiva

* Lady Vic

* Lady Zand

* Lagomorph (of Superior Five)

* Lagoon Boy

* Laira

* Lamplighter

* Lance O'Casey

* Lane, Lois (see Lois Lane)

* Lang, Lana (see Lana Lang)

* Lar Gand

* Larry the Titan (also known as Nosyarg Kcid), see Teen Titans (animated series)

* Lashina (also Duchess)

* Larvanaut

* Laurel Gand

* Layla

* Lazara

* Lazarium

* Lazon (alias Chey-Nu of Dryad)

* Le Fambeau

* Lead (alias Jack)

* Leather

* Legion

* Legs (Comics)

* Leslie Thompkins

* Leviathan (rebooted Colossal Boy)

* Lex Luthor

* Lianna

* Agent Liberty

* Liberty Belle

* Lieutenant Atom

* Light

* Light Lass (see also Lightning Lass, Spark)

* Lightning (Elseworlds)

* Lightning Lad (see also Live Wire)

* Lightning Lass (see also Spark, Light Lass)

* Lightning Lord

* Lightray

* Lilith

* Li'l Lobo

* Lil'Barda

* Linda Park

* Lionheart

* Lion-Mane

* Lissick

* Little Barda

* Little Boy Blue

* Little Cheese (alias Chester Cheese)

* Little Mermaid

* Livewire

* Live Wire

* Living Doll (Elseworlds)

* Lizard King

* Lobo

* Lobo the Duck (Amalgam Comics)

* Lock

* Lock-Up (alias Lyle Bolton)

* Lodestone

* Loeb, Gillian B. (see Commissioner Gillian B. Loeb)

* Lonar

* Long rifle Morgan

* Lone Wolf (see Timber Wolf)

* Loo

* Looker

* Loophole

* Loose Cannon

* Lorane Jupiter

* Lord Ares

* Lord Chaos

* Lord Conquest

* Lord Dynamo

* Lord Havok

* Lord Mavolio

* Lord of Time

* Lord Pernisius

* Lord Satanis

* Lord Satanus

* Lord Shilling

* Lords of Chaos and Order

* Lord of the Green Tong

* Lord of Time

* Maxwell Lord

* Loria

* Lori Lemaris

* Lori Morning

* Loser

* L-Ron

* Lucien

* Lucifer Morningstar (formerly Samael)

* Lucius Fox

* Luminus

* Lump

* Luthor, Lex (see Lex Luthor)

* Luthor, Lex Jr. (see Lex Luthor)

* Lynx



* M'Onel/Mon El (see Lar Gand)

* Maaldor the Darklord

* Mabuse

* Machiavelli

* Machiste

* Macro-man

* Madame .44

* Madame Rouge (alias Laura DeMille)

* Madame Xanadu

* Mademoiselle Marie

* Madmen (alias Fleeter and unrevealed)

* Mad Harriet

* Mad Hatter

* Mad Maestro

* Mad Mod

* Mageddon

* Magenta

* Magician

* Magnetic Kid

* Magno (Golden Age)

* Magno

* Magno Lad

* Magog (Elseworlds)

* Magpie

* Mahayogi

* Mainline

* Major Disaster

* Major Force

* Major Victory

* Malador

* Malefic

* Malice Vundabar

* Malignon

* Malochia

* Mammoth

* Man-Bat

* Manchester Black

* Manga Khan

* Mannheim (alias Bruno Mannheim)

* Manhunter I-VIII

* Manhunter IX (Kate Spencer)

* Manitou Dawn

* Manitou Raven

* Mano

* Manotaur (Elseworlds)

* Manthrax

* Manticore

* Mantis

* Marauder

* Marij'n Bek

* Marine Marauder

* Mark Moonrider

* Marksman

* Mars

* Martha Kent

* Martian Manhunter

* Mary Marvel

* Más y Menos (see also Teen Titans (animated series))

* Maser (see Air-Wave)

* Massacre

* Master-Tek

* Master Jailer

* Master Man I & II

* Match

* Matches Malone

* Matrix (see also Supergirl)

* Matter-Eater Lad

* Matter Master

* Matthew the Raven

* Mawzir

* Maxie Zeus, (full name Maximillion Zeus)

* Maxima

* Maximum (Supermen of America)

* Maxine Hunkel

* Maxwell Lord

* Max Mercury

* Maya

* Mayflower

* Mayoor

* Meanstreak

* Mega-Biter

* Mekanique

* Meloni Thawne

* Menagerie

* Mento

* Mera

* Mercury (alias Redmond Wilde)

* Merlin

* Merlyn

* Merryman (of Inferior Five)

* Merry, the Gimmick Girl

* Metalhead

* Metallo I & II

* Metamorpho I & II

* Metron

* Micro Lad (alias Lalo Muldroon of Imsk)

* Micron

* Midnight

* Midnighter (Wildstorm)

* Mighty Bruce

* Mikado

* Mindancer

* Mindboggler

* Mind Games

* Mind-Grabber Kid

* Minion

* Minister Blizzard

* Minor characters in Teen Titans

* Minstrel Maverick

* Minute-Man

* Mirage

* Mirror Master I & III

* Miss America

* Miss Arrowette

* Miss Fear

* Miss Liberty

* Miss Martian

* Miss Mesmer

* Miss Terrific

* Miss X

* Mist I & II

* Mist Master (alias Yer Sti-Tuan of Dryad)

* Mr. 104

* Kyle Abbot

* Mister Atom

* Mister Bones

* Mister Close

* Mister E

* Mister Element I & II

* Mister ESPer

* Mister Freeze

* Mr. Fun

* Mr. Futile

* Mr. Incognito

* Mr. Laff

* Mr. Majestic

* Mr. Memory

* Mr. Mind

* Mister Miracle I (Thaddeus Brown)

* Mister Miracle II (Scott Free)

* Mister Miracle III (Shilo Norman)

* Mr. Moth

* Mr. Mxyzptlk

* Mister Nobody

* Mr. Nebula

* Mr. Scarlet I & II

* Mr. Tawky Tawny

* Mister Terrible

* Mister Terrific I & II

* Mr. Twister

* Mr. Who

* Mr. Z

* Mr. Zero

* Misty

* Mnemon

* Mnemosyne

* Mocker

* Mockingbird

* Modem

* Mogo

* Mohammed Ibn Bornu

* Mokkari

* Molecule

* Moloch (see also Watchmen Elseworlds)

* Molotov

* Monaghan, Tommy (see Hitman)

* Monalith

* Monarch

* Mon-El (see Lar Gand)

* Mongal

* Mongrel

* Mongul I & II

* The Monitor

* Monk

* Monk Loomis

* Monocle

* Monolith

* Monsieur Mallah

* Monsieur Poniard (of Judge And Jury, see Team Titans)

* Monsieur Stigmonus

* Monsoon (Comics)

* Monstergirl

* Monstress

* Officer Montoya

* Moonbow

* Moon Maiden

* Mopee

* Morax

* Mordecai

* Mordru

* Morgaine Le Fay

* Morgan Edge

* Morningstar

* Morozka

* Morphea

* T. O. Morrow

* Mortalla

* Mortician

* Mothman

* Mouse

* Mouse and Giz

* Mouthpiece

* Muhammad X

* Multi-Man

* Multiplex

* Mumbo the Magician

* Murmur

* Musashi

* Muse

* Musketeer

* Mustang Sally

* Muto

* Myriad

* Myrwhydden

* Mysa

* Mystek

* Mysto



* Nabu (see Doctor Fate)

* Nadia Safir

* Naiad

* Naif al-Sheikh

* Nameless

* Nameless One I & II

* Nao Yut

* Napoleon

* Narcosis

* Nathaniel Dust

* Nebiros

* Nebula Man

* Needle

* Negative Girl

* Negative Man I

* Negative Man II (alias Ted Bruder, Fast Forward)

* Negative Woman

* Nekron

* Nemesis

* Nemesis Kid

* Neon the Unknown

* Neptune Perkins

* Nergal

* Neron

* Nero

* Nero Fox

* Network

* Neutrax (alias Wi Kan Muur of Dryad)

* Neutron

* New-Wave

* Nicholas Scratch

* Nicodemus

* Nikolai Latikov

* Night

* Nightblade

* Nightfall

* Nightfire

* Night Girl

* Nighthawk

* Nightmaster

* Nightrider (Dagon, Pre-Zero Hour)

* Nightshade

* Night-Slayer

* Nightstar (Elseworlds)

* Nightwing (see Robin. Also formerly Batman)

* N-I-L-8 (Elseworlds)

* Nimbus

* Nite-Owl I & II (see also Watchmen Elseworlds)

* Nite-Wing

* NKVDemon

* Nnamdi

* Nocturna

* Norman McCay (Elseworlds)

* Northwind

* Nox

* Nuala

* Nubia

* Nu'Bia

* Nuclear Man

* Nuculoid (Elseworlds)

* Nudge

* Nukeface

* Nuklon (see Atom Smasher)

* Number One

* Nyola



* Oberon

* Oblivion

* Obsession

* Obsidian

* Ocean Master

* Oceanus

* Odd Man

* Off-Ramp

* Offspring

* Ogre

* Ohm

* Oleand'r

* Olsen, Jimmy (see Jimmy Olsen)

* Ol-Vir of Daxam

* Olivia Reynolds

* Olympian

* Omac

* Omen

* Omni

* One Man Meltdown

* Onomatopoeia

* Onyx I

* Onyx II

* Oracle (formerly Batgirl II)

* Orca

* Orion

* Orpheus

* Osira

* Osiris

* Outburst

* Outlaw

* Output

* Outsider (see Alfred Pennyworth)

* Overmaster

* Override

* Overthrow

* Owlman I-II

* Owlwoman

* Ozymandias (see also Watchmen Elseworlds)



* Paintball

* Pakrat

* Pantha

* Parademon

* Paragon

* Parallax

* Parasite

* Pariah

* The Parkourist

* Linda Park

* Patchwork Man I & II

* Patriot

* Pax

* Peacemaker I & II

* Peachy Pet

* Peek-A-Boo

* Penguin

* Penny Dreadful

* The Penny Plunderer

* Alfred Pennyworth

* Per Degaton

* Persuader

* Perun

* Peter Porkchops

* Phalanx

* Phantasm (Andrea Beaumont)

* Phantasm (Danny Chase)

* Phantasmo

* Phantom of the Fair

* Phantom Eagle

* Phantom Girl (see also Apparition)

* Phantom Lady I & II

* Phantom Stranger

* Phoebe

* Phoebus (Elseworlds)

* Phobia (alias Angela Hawkins III)

* Phobos

* Pig-Iron

* Pied Piper

* Pierce Brothers

* Pinhead

* Pinwheel (Elseworlds)

* Pistolera

* Pistol Pete

* Pix

* Planetmaster

* Plantmaster

* Plasmus (alias Otto Von Furth)

* Plastic Man

* Plastique

* Platinum (alias Sharon Magnus, "Tina")

* Plunder

* Pocket Pal

* Poison Ivy

* Polaris

* Polar Boy

* Polestar

* Polka-Dot Man

* Pom Pom Girl

* Porto

* Josiah Power

* Power Boy

* Power Girl

* Power Ring I & II

* Power Woman (Elseworlds)

* Pow Wow Smith

* Prairie Witch

* Prankster

* Pravda

* Praxis

* Predator

* President Thawne

* Prestor Jon

* Preus

* Prez

* Prince, Diana (also Princess Diana, see Wonder-Woman

* Prime-One

* Prince Evillo

* Prince Ra-Man

* Princess Projectra (see also Sensor)

* Prism

* Privateer

* Private H.I.V.E. (see also Teen Titans (animated series))

* Professor Doolittle

* Professor Elba

* Professor Fallout

* Professor Hugo Strange

* Professor I.Q.

* Professor Ivo

* Professor Hamilton

* Professor Killgrave

* Professor Menace

* Professor Merlin

* Professor Milo

* Professor Ojo

* Professor Phineas

* Professor Powder

* Professor Proxon

* Professor Radium

* Professor Shanley

* Professor Zodiac

* Professor Zoom (see Reverse-Flash)

* Promethea (ABC Comics)

* Prometheus

* Prom Queen

* Protector

* Protex

* Proty

* Prysm

* Psilencer

* Psi

* Psimon

* Psycho-Pirate I & II

* Psychopomp

* Puff

* Mervyn Pumpkinhead

* Punch and Jewelee

* Pulsar Stargrave

* Pulse

* Pulse 8

* Puppet Master

* Puppeteer

* Purgatory

* Putty

* Puzzler

* Pyrogen

* Pyra I, II, & III



* Quakemaster

* Kid Quantum

* Quarra

* Quartzite

* Queen I & II

* Queen Antiope

* Queen Arrow

* Queen Bee I-IV

* Queen Berra

* Queen Clea

* Queen Enterprise

* Queen Ilona

* Queen Klitra

* Queen Hippolyta

* Queen Tamira

* Queen Widow

* Queen of Fables

* Queen of Spades

* Query

* Question

* Quex-Ul

* Quicksilver (see Max Mercury; not to be confused with Marvel's hero of the same name)

* Quill

* Quislet

* Quiz I & II

* Qwsp



* R.J. Brande

* Rabbit, Rodney (see Captain Carrot)

* Radiant

* Radiation Roy

* Radion

* Rag Doll

* Ragman

* Ragnorak

* Rahma Kahn

* Rainbow Archer

* Rainbow Raider

* Raker Qarrigat

* Ram (alias Takeo Yakata)

* Rama

* Rampage

* Rampart

* Ramulus

* Raoul

* Ra's Al Ghul

* Rath

* Ratcatcher

* Rat King

* Ravager IV (see Rose Wilson)

* Ravan

* Raven

* Ray I & II (alias Ray Terrill)

* Razorsharp and Channelman

* Reactron

* Reaper

* Red Arrow (Elseworlds)

* Red Bee

* Red Claw

* Red Dart

* Red Dragon

* Red Hood (see Joker, Jason Todd and Kingdom Come) (Elseworlds)

* Red Inferno

* Red Panzer I-IV

* Red Robin (Elseworlds)

* Red Star

* Red Tornado I

* Red Tornado II

* Red Torpedo

* Redwing

* Reflecto

* Reflex

* Regulator

* Remiel

* Replicant

* Replikon

* Requiem

* Resurrection Man

* Reverb

* Reverse-Flash

* Rex Cosmos

* Rex the Wonder Dog

* Rick Flag

* Richard Dragon

* Riddler

* Rider

* Riot

* Rip Hunter

* Rip Roar

* Rising Sun

* Risk (alias Cody Driscoll)

* Rival (see Reverse-Flash)

* Rhea

* R.J. Brande

* Robin (alias Stephanie Brown; see also Spoiler)

* Robin (alias Tim Drake)

* Robin (alias Dick Grayson; now Nightwing)

* Robin (alias Carrie Kelly; see Batman: The Dark Knight Returns; now Catgirl Elseworlds)

* Robin (alias Jason Todd)

* Robotman I (alias Robert Crane)

* Robotman II (alias Cliff Steele)

* Rock (see Sgt. Rock)

* Rocket (Milestone Comics)

* Rocket Red

* Rodney James

* Roh Kar (Golden Age Martian Manhunter)

* Rond Vidar

* Rorschach (see also Watchmen Elseworlds)

* Rose

* Rose Psychic

* Pete Ross

* Rostov

* Rot Lop Fan

* Roulette

* Roving Ranger

* Roy Raymond

* Rubberduck (alias Byrd Rentals)

* Ruin

* Rupert Thorne

* Rusalka

* Rustam

* Ryand'r

* Ryder, Jack (see Creeper)



* Saaba

* Sabbac I & II

* Saber

* Saber-tooth I & II

* Sabre

* Sacker

* Sagittarius

* Saint Columba

* Saint Dumas

* Saint Roch

* Sagebrush

* Sakki

* Sala

* Salakk

* Salamanca

* Salima Baranizar

* Samarithan Hook

* Samsara

* Samuel Solomon

* Samari

* Samurai

* Sand (formerly Sandy the Golden Boy)

* Sand Demon

* Sandman (alias Wesley Dodds)

* Sandman (alias Dream, Morpheus)

* Sandman (alias Daniel Hall)

* Sandman (alias Hector Hall; now Doctor Fate)

* Sandman (alias Garrett Sanford)

* Sandman (alias Sandy Hawknis; now Sand)

* Sandra of the Secret Service

* Sandstorm

* Sandy the Golden Boy (now Sand)

* Sapphire

* Saraar

* Sardine

* Sarge I & II

* Sarge Steel

* Sargon the Sorcerer

* Sarwan

* Satana

* Satanus

* Satan Girl I & II

* Satin Satan

* Saturn

* Saturn Girl

* Saturn Queen

* Satyricus

* Vandal Savage

* Savage Skull

* Savant

* Saviour

* Savitar

* Sayyar

* Scalphunter

* Scandal

* Scanner

* Scarab I-III

* Scarabus

* Scarback

* Scarebeast

* Scarecrone

* Scarecrow

* Scareware

* Scarhart

* Scarlet Scythe

* Scarlet Skier

* Scarth

* Scath

* Scavenger I & II

* Schreck

* Scirocco

* Scoopshovel

* Scooter

* Scorch

* Scorcher I-III

* Scorn

* Scorpia

* Scott Fischer

* Scourge

* Screaming Skull

* Scream Queen

* Seaguy

* Seargent Rock (see Sgt. Rock)

* Secret

* See-More (see also Teen Titans animated series)

* Seneca

* Senorita Navaja

* Sensei

* Sensor (rebooted Princess Projectra)

* Sensor Girl (see Princess Projectra)

* Sentinel (see Green Lantern)

* Seraph

* Serifan

* Serpetine

* Server Aja

* Set

* Sgt. Rock

* Shade, the Changing Man

* The Shade

* Shado

* Shadowdragon

* Shadow Lass (see also Umbra)

* Shadow Storm

* Shadower

* Shadowstryke

* Shadow-Thief

* Shaggy Man

* Shahn-Zi

* Shakedown

* Kent Shakespeare

* Shakira

* Shango

* Shape

* Shark I & II

* Sharpe

* Shathan

* Shatterfist

* Shazam (also known as "The Wizard Shazam")

* Shellshock

* Shield (Impact Comics)

* Shift

* Shifter

* Shikari

* Shimmer

* Shining Knight I-III

* Shiv

* Shiva the Destroyer (Elseworlds)

* Shocko

* Shockwave

* Short Cut

* Shrapnel

* Shreck

* Shrike I & II

* Shrinking Violet (see also Violet)

* Shvaughn Erin

* Sickle

* Sidearm

* Signalman

* Signalwoman (Elseworlds)

* Silent Majority

* Silent Vapor (of Judge And Jury, see Team Titans)

* Silhouette

* Silk Spectre (Watchmen)

* Silver Banshee I & II

* Silver Deer

* Silver Fog I-III

* Silver Fox

* Silver Ghost

* Silver Monkey

* Silver Scarab (now Doctor Fate)

* Silver Shade

* Silver Shield

* Silver Slasher

* Silver Sorceress

* Silver Swan I-III

* Silversword

* Simple Simon

* Simyan

* Sinbad

* Sin Eater

* Sinestro

* Siphon

* Sir Real

* Siren

* Sister Lihy

* Sister Superior

* Sirius

* Sivana Jr.

* Sizematic I & II

* Skeets (see Booster Gold)

* Skeleton

* Skindance

* Skorpio

* Skull

* Skull Smasher

* Sky Pirate

* Sky-Raider

* Skyrocket

* Skyhook

* Skyman

* Slagger

* Slam Bradley

* Slash I & II

* Slasher I-IV

* Slaughter

* Sledge

* Sleepwalk

* Sleez

* Slinger

* Slingshot

* Slipknot

* Slipstream

* Slither

* Slobo

* Slyfox

* Smashing Sportsman

* Jeff Smax

* Smiling Skull

* Snafu

* Snake Girl

* Snapper Carr

* Snowman I & II

* Sodom and Gomorrah

* Solaar

* Solaris, the Tyrant Sun

* Solomon Grundy

* Solution

* Somnambulist (Elseworlds)

* Sonar I & II

* Son of Vulcan

* Soranik Natu

* Johnny Sorrow

* Space Cabby

* Space Ranger

* Spade (Elseworlds)

* Spark (rebooted Lightning Lass)

* Sparkler

* Sparx

* Spawn of Frankenstein

* Spazz

* Spectre

* Speed Boys

* Speed Demon (Amalgam Comics)

* Speed Queen

* Speed Saunders

* Speedy I & II (Speedy I now Arsenal)

* Spellbinder I & II

* Spider Girl

* Spider Jerusalem

* Spider

* Spirit King

* Spitfire

* Split

* Splitshot (of Superior Five)

* Spoiler

* Spore

* Sportsmaster I & II

* Spook

* Spy Smasher

* Squire I-III

* St'nlli

* Stalker

* Stallion

* Stalnoivolk

* Stan Kitch

* Stanley and His Monster

* Star Boy

* Starbreaker

* Starfinger

* Starfire

* Stargirl (formerly Star-Spangled Kid)

* Star Hawkins

* Starman (alias Will Payton)

* Starman I-IX and of the 853rd century

o Starman (alias Jack Knight)

o Starman (alias Ted Knight)

* Starro

* Stars (Elseworlds)

* Star Sapphire I-IV

* Star-Spangled Kid I & II (Sylvester Pemberton and Courtney Whitmore; now Stargirl)

* Starshrike

* Star-Tsar I-III

* Starwoman and the Jr. JSA

* Stasis

* Static (also Static Shock, Milestone Comics)

* Steamroller

* Steel I & II

* Steel III (John Henry Irons)

* Steel IV (Natasha Irons)

* Steeljacket

* Stel

* Steppenwolf

* Sterling Silversmith

* Stewart, John (see Green Lantern)

* Sting

* Stompa

* Stone Boy

* Vic Stone

* Adam Strange

* Hugo Strange

* Strangle-Hold Sylph

* Strange Visitor

* Strata

* Stratos

* Streaky

* Striker Z

* S.T.R.I.P.E. (formerly Stripesy)

* Stripes (Elseworlds)

* Tom Strong (ABC Comics)

* Stuff the Chinatown Kid I & II

* Sudden Death

* Sue Dibny

* Suli

* Sun Boy

* Sunburst

* Sundeath

* Sun Emperor

* Sun Girl

* Superboy I-III

* Superboy-Prime

* Super-Chief I & II

* Super Dood

* Superlad

* Supergirl I-V

* Superman

* Superman Monster

* Supernova

* Superwoman I-III

* Supplier

* Suit

* Swamp Thing

* Sweep Second

* Sweet 16

* Sylph

* Synnar

* Syonide I & II

* Syrene



* T-man

* Tailgunner Jo

* Takion

* Tala

* Talia al Ghul

* Tall Marvel

* Tally Man

* Talon

* Tana Moon

* Tank Killer

* Tannarak

* Tao Jones

* Tarantula I-III

* Tara

* Target

* Tarik the Mute

* Tar Pit

* Tasmanian Devil

* Tattooed Man

* Taz

* Technician I & II

* Technocrat (The Outsiders)

* Telepath

* Tellus

* Temper

* Tempest I (alias Joshua Clay of the Doom Patrol)

* Tempest II (formerly Aqualad)

* Templar

* Templar Knight

* Ten-Eyed Man

* Tethys

* Terra

* Terra-Man

* Terrific Whatzit

* Terrorsmith

* Terrus

* Terry Berg

* Tex Thompson

* Tezumak

* Tharok

* Themis

* Thermal

* Thia

* Thinker I-IV

* The Thirst

* Thorn

* Thrasher

* Thrilldevil

* Thunder I & II

* Thunder II

* Thunderbolt (alias Peter Cannon)

* Thunderer

* Thunderhead

* Thunderlord

* Thunder and Lightning

* Tiger

* Tiger Boy I-II

* Tigerforce

* Tiger Man

* Tiger Moth

* Tiger Shark

* Tiggra

* Tigorr

* Tigra

* Tigress I-III

* Timber Wolf

* Time Trapper

* Tin (alias Thomas Tinkham)

* Titania

* Titan

* Titan Girl


* Tobias Whale

* Todd, Jason (see Jason Todd)

* Tokyo Rose (Elseworlds)

* Tolos

* Tom Sparks

* Tomahawk

* Tomar Re

* Tomar-Tu

* Tommy Tomorrow

* Tomorrow Woman

* Top

* Topkick

* Tor, Magic Master

* Tornado (Elseworlds)

* Tornado Twins

* Tornado Tyrant (see Red Tornado)

* Torque

* Toyman

* Touch-N-Go

* Traci 13

* Traitor

* Traven

* Tremor (of Superior Five)

* Triad (see also Duo Damsel, Triplicate Girl)

* Triarch

* Trickster I & II

* Trident

* Trigger Twins I & II

* Trigon

* Trinity (The Trinity Virus)

* Triplicate Girl (see also Duo Damsel, Triad)

* Tristess

* Triton

* Triumph

* Trix (Elseworlds)

* Trogg

* Troia

* Trygg the Sorceror

* Tsunami

* Tuatara

* Tundra

* Turk

* Turtle Boy (see Jimmy Olsen)

* Tusk (Elseworlds)

* Twilight

* Twister

* Two-Face

* Tygrus

* Tyr

* Tyrant-Tula (Elseworlds)

* Tyroc

* Tzodar



* Uhlan

* Ultraa

* Ultra the Multi-Alien

* Ultra Boy

* Ultra-Humanite

* Ultra-Man I & II

* Ultraman (Crime Syndicate of Amerika)

* Umbaluru

* Umbra (rebooted Shadow Lass)

* Uncle Marvel (Marvel Family)

* Uncle Sam

* Universo

* Unknown Soldier

* Ur the Cave Boy

* Ursa

* Uriel


* Uxas (see Darkseid)



* V (Elseworlds)

* Vagabond

* Valda

* Valor (see Lar Gand)

* Validus

* Valley, Jean Paul (see Azrael)

* Vanessa Van Helsing

* Vanguard

* Vanquisher I & II

* Vapor

* Varix

* Vartox

* Vath Sarn

* Vault

* Veil I & II

* Velvet Tiger

* Venev

* Veridium

* Ventriloquist and Scarface

* Vestion

* Vext

* Vibe

* Vicious

* Vicki Grant

* Vicki Vale

* Vigilante I-V

* Viki Valkyrie (Amalgam Comics)

* Viking Prince I & II

* Vikhor

* Vincent Velcro

* Violet

* Virtuoso

* Vixen

* Vizacacha

* Volt (of Judge And Jury, see Team Titans)

* Von Bach (Elseworlds)

* Vortex

* Vox (see Mal Duncan)

* Dox, Vril (see Vril Dox I & II)

* Vykin the Black



* Waller, Amanda (see Amanda Waller)

* Warbird

* Warhammer

* Warhawk

* Warlock of YS

* Warlock's Daughter

* Warlord

* War Maker One

* Warp (aka Emil LaSalle)

* Warrior (see Guy Gardner)

* Watchdog

* Waverider

* Waxman

* Wayne, Bruce (see Batman)

* Weapons Master

* Weasel

* Weather Wizard

* Weird

* West, Wally (see Flash)

* Whale

* Whip I-IV

* Whip Whirlwind

* Whisper A'Daire

* White Dwarf

* White Feather (of Inferior Five)

* White Lightning

* White Lotus

* White Rabbit

* White Witch

* Whiz (Elseworlds)

* Whizzy

* Wild

* Wildcard

* Wildcat

* Wildebeest

* Wild Dog

* Wildfire

* Wild Huntsman

* Wilson, Rose

* Wilson, Slade (see Deathstroke)

* Windfall

* Windshear

* Wing

* Wing Brady

* Wingman

* Wintergreen

* Witchboy

* Witchfire

* Wizard

* Wolfpack

* Wonder Boy

* Wonder Girl I (aka Dianna Prince)

* Wonder Girl II (aka Donna Troy)

* Wonder Girl III (aka Cassandra Sandsmark)

* Wonder Tot

* Wonder Woman

* Woozy Winks

* Writer

* Wylde

* Wyldeheart



* X of the Underground

* X-5 Super Agent

* Pantha X-24

* Xanadu (see Madame Xanadu)

* Xanthi of Ozyron

* Xeo

* Xero

* Xiuhtecutli

* Xombi (Milestone Comics)

* Xon Ur

* Xotar

* XS

* XTC (Elseworlds)

* Xyannis

* X' Hal



* Yahweh

* Yalan Gur

* Yankee Doodle

* Yankee Eagle

* Yankee Guerilla

* Yankee Poodle (Rova Barkitt)

* Yellow Lantern (see Sinestro, Guy Gardner)

* Yellowjacket

* Yellow Peri

* Yerosha

* Ynda

* Yuga Khan



* Mr. Z

* Mr. Zsasz

* Zan

* Zaora

* Zapatak

* Zara

* Zastrow

* Zatanna

* Zatara I & II

* Zauriel

* Zazzala

* Zebra Man

* Zeiss

* Zena Moonstruk

* Zip Kid

* General Zahl

* Zirral

* Zod (see General Zod)

* Zodiac Master

* Zombie (Comics)

* Zookeeper

* Zoom

* Zoot Sputnik

* Zuggernaut

* Zum

* Zymyr of Gil'dishpan

and this is for Marvel comics....

* 3-D Man

* 8-Ball



* Ahmet Abdol (see Living Monolith)

* Abomination

* Abraxas

* Absalom

* Absorbing Man

* Abyss

* Access (Amalgam Comics)

* Achebe

* Adam Warlock

* Adam X

* Adaptoid (see Super-Adaptoid)

* Adversary

* Aegis

* Agamotto

* Agatha Harkness

* Aged Genghis

* Agent

* Agent Axis

* Agent X

* Agent Zero

* Agony

* Ahab

* Air-Walker

* Airborne

* Airstrike (see also Crimson Dynamo)

* Ajak

* Akhenaten

* Albert (see also Wolverine)

* Albion

* Aleta

* Alex Wilder

* Alfie O'Meggan

* Algrim the Strong (see Kurse)

* Alkhema

* Allatou

* Allerdyce, St. John (see Pyro)

* Alpha the Ultimate Mutant

* The Alternate (Ultraverse)

* Marlene Alraune

* Amanda Sefton

* Amazon (see Man-Killer)

* Amber Hunt (Ultraverse)

* American Dream

* American Eagle

* American Samurai

* Americop

* Ammo

* Amphibian

* Amphibius

* Amun

* Anaconda

* Anarchist

* Ancient One

* Andromeda

* Angar the Screamer

* The Angel

* Angel (see Archangel)

* Angel Salvatore

* Animus

* Annihilus

* Anole

* Anti-Cap

* Antimatter

* Anything (Ultraverse)

* Ant-Man

* Ant-Man (Scott Lang)

* Anubis

* Apache Kid (Atlas Comics)

* Apocalypse

* Apryll

* Aquarian

* Arabian Knight

* Aragorn

* Araña

* Arcade

* Arcanna

* Archangel

* Archimage (Ultraverse)

* Arclight

* Arena (Ultraverse)

* Arides

* Ares

* Ariel (see also Shadowcat)

* Argo

* Argus (Ultraverse)

* Arkon

* Arkus

* Todd Arliss (see Tiger Shark)

* Armadillo

* Armageddon

* Arnim Zola

* Aron, the Renegade Watcher

* Arranger

* Arsenal

* Artie

* Jackson Arvad (see Will o' the Wisp)

* Asbestos Lady

* Ashcan

* Asp

* Astra

* Astrovik, Vance (see Vance Astro and Justice)

* Astronomer

* Atalon (Ultraverse)

* Atlas

* Atleza

* Atom Bob (Ultraverse)

* Atum

* Attuma

* Aunt May Parker

* Aurora

* Authority

* Avalanche

* Avarrish

* Awesome Andy

* Axum



* Ba'al

* Sunset Bain

* William Baker (see Sandman)

* Balder

* Balthakk

* Bandit

* Bantam

* Betty Ross Banner

* Robert Bruce Banner (see Hulk)

* Banshee

* Baphomet

* Barbarus

* Barnacle

* Baron Blood

* Baron Mordo

* Baron Strucker

* Baron Zemo

* Baroness

* Baroness Blood

* Clint Barton (see Hawkeye)

* Basilisk

* Bast

* Bastion

* Ruth Bat-Seraph (see Sabra)

* Batroc the Leaper

* Battering Ram

* Battlestar

* Batwing

* Beaubier, Jean-Paul (see Northstar)

* Beaubier, Jeanne-Marie (see Aurora)

* Beast

* Beautiful Dreamer (comics)

* Benny Beckley

* Bedlam

* Bedlam II

* Beechman, Jerome (see Mandrill)

* Beetle

* Beetle II

* Bela

* Belasco

* Bella Donna

* Belathauzer

* Ben Grimm (see Thing)

* Ben Parker (see Uncle Ben)

* Ben Reilly

* Ben Urich

* Bench, Morris (see Hydro-Man)

* Berzerker

* Bes

* Beta Ray Bill

* Bethany Cabe

* Betty Ross Banner

* Bevatron

* Beyonder

* Bi-Beast

* Big Bertha

* Big Man

* Big Wheel

* Bill Foster (see Black Goliath)

* Binary (see Carol Danvers)

* Bird-Brain

* Birely, Douglas (see Doctor Demonicus)

* Bishop

* Bishop, Kate (see Kate Bishop)

* Bizarnage

* Blackbird

* Blacklash

* Black, Carmilla (see Scorpion)

* Black Bolt

* Black Box

* Black Cat

* Black Cannry

* Black Crow

* Black Death

* Black Dragon

* Black Fox

* Black Goliath

* Blackheart

* Black King (see Sebastian Shaw, Shinobi Shaw)

* Black Knight

* Blacklash

* Black Llama

* Black Mamba

* Blackout

* Black Panther

* Black Queen (see Phoenix, Selene)

* Black Talon

* Black Tarantula

* Black Tom Cassidy

* Black Widow (Golden Age)

* Black Widow

* Blackheath (see Plantman)

* Blade

* Blaire, Allison (see Dazzler)

* Blaquesmith

* Blastaar

* Blaze

* Blaze, Johnny (see Ghost Rider)

* Blaze, Siena (see Siena Blaze)

* Blazing Skull

* Blevins, Sally (see Skids)

* Blindspot

* Blindspot II

* Bling

* Blink

* Blitzkrieg

* Blizzard

* Blob

* Blockbuster

* Bloke

* Blonde Phantom

* Bloodaxe

* Bloodhawk

* Bloodlust

* Blood Rose (see Fisk, Richard)

* Bloodscream

* Bloodshed (Ultraverse)

* Bloodstone

* Bloodstorm (Mutant X)

* Bloodwraith

* Blood Spider

* Blonsky, Emil (see Abomination)

* Blue Marvel (see Marvel Boy)

* Blue Diamond

* Blue Shield

* Blue Streak

* Blur

* Bogeyman

* Boneyard (Ultraverse)

* Alexander Bont

* Boobytrap

* Book (Ultraverse)

* Boomer (see Meltdown)

* Boom Boom (see Meltdown)

* Boom Boy (Ultraverse)

* Boomerang

* Bora

* Bounty

* Bova

* Box

* Braddock, Brian (see Captain Britain)

* Braddock, Elizabeth "Betsy" (see Psylocke)

* Braddock, Jamie (see Jamie Braddock)

* Braddock, Meggan (see Meggan)

* Brainchild

* Brant, Betty (see Betty Brant)

* Bridge, George Washington (see G. W. Bridge)

* Brigade

* Briquette

* Eddie Brock (see Venom)

* Brother Grimm

* Brother Voodoo

* Bruiser (see Molly Hayes)

* Brute

* Bucky

* Bug

* Bullet

* Bullseye

* Bulldozer

* Burstarr

* Bushman

* Bushmaster

* Bushwacker

* Buzz

* Buzzard

* Byrrah



* Bethany Cabe

* Cable

* Luke Cage

* Cagliostro

* Caliban

* Callisto

* Calypso

* Heather Cameron (see Lifeguard)

* Candra

* David Cannon (see Whirlwind)

* Cannonball

* Captain America

* Captain Britain

* Captain Germany

* Captain Marvel (see also Mar-Vell, Monica Rambeau, Genis-Vell, Phyla-Vell)

* Captain Omen

* Captain Savage

* Captain Ultra

* Captain UK

* Captain Universe

* Captain Zero

* Cardiac

* Cardinal

* Carnage

* Carnivore

* Guido Carosella (see Strong Guy)

* Carrion

* Joe Cartelli (see Blue Shield)

* Peggy Carter

* Sharon Carter

* Cassandra Nova

* Cassidy, Sean (see Banshee)

* Cassidy, Theresa (see Siryn)

* Black Tom Cassidy)

* Castle, Frank (see The Punisher)

* Cat (see also Tigra)

* Cayman (Ultraverse)

* Cecilia Reyes

* Celestial Madonna (see Mantis)

* Centennial

* Centurious

* Turner D. Century

* Cerebra

* Cerise

* Challenger

* Chamber

* Chameleon

* Champion of the Universe

* Chance

* Changeling

* Chaos (see Lord Chaos)

* Charcoal

* Charlie-27

* Charles Xavier (see Professor X)

* Chase Stein

* Cheetah

* Chemistro

* Lila Cheney

* Chief Examiner

* Christians, Isaac (see Gargoyle

* Choice (Ultraverse)

* Chrome

* Chthon

* Citizen V (see also Baron Zemo)

* Clea

* Clive

* Cloak

* Cloud

* Coach

* Coachwhip

* Cobra

* Fabian Cortez

* Coldblood

* Kasper Cole

* Collective Man

* Collector

* Colleen Wing

* Rusty Collins

* Colossus

* Comet Man

* Commander Kraken

* Commando (see Crimson Commando)

* Conan the Barbarian (No longer appears in continuity since the rights to the character are owned by Dark Horse)

* Connors, Curtis (see Lizard)

* Conquest

* Constrictor

* Contemplator

* Contessa (see Valentina De La Fontaine)

* Contrary (Ultraverse)

* Controller

* Cooper, Valerie (see Valerie Cooper)

* Coral

* Corbo, Adrian (see Flex)

* Corbo, Jared (see Radius)

* Corruptor

* Corsair

* Tom Corsi

* Fabian Cortez

* Cottonmouth

* Count Nefaria

* Crazy Eight

* Graydon Creed

* Creed, Victor (see Sabretooth)

* Creel, Carl "Crusher" (see Absorbing Man)

* Crichton, Lady Jacqueline Falsworth (see Spitfire)

* Crichton, Kenneth (see Baroness Blood)

* Crimson Commando

* Crimson Dynamo

* Crooked Man (see Mad Jim Jaspers)

* Crossbones

* Crossfire

* Crown

* Crucible

* Crusader (see also Marvel Boy)

* Crystal

* Cybele

* Cyber

* Cyborg X

* Cyclone

* Cyclops

* Cypher



* D'Ken

* D'Spayre

* Robert da Costa (see Sunspot)

* Dagger

* Daimon Hellstrom

* Dakimh the Enchanter

* Dakota North

* Margo Damien

* Lorna Dane (see Polaris)

* Danielle Moonstar

* Carol Danvers (see Carol Danvers, Ms. Marvel)

* Daredevil

* Dark Angel (see Donald & Deborah Ritter)

* Dark Beast

* Dark Phoenix (see Phoenix Force)

* Darkstar

* Darkdevil

* Darkhawk

* Darkoth

* Leila Davis

* Wilbur Day (see Stilt-Man)

* Daytripper (see Amanda Sefton)

* Dazzler

* Dead Girl

* Deadpool

* Laura Dean (see Pathway)

* Death

* Death Adder

* Death Dance (Ultraverse)

* Death's Head I&II (Marvel UK)

* Death Mask (Ultraverse)

* Deathbird

* Deathlok

* Death-Stalker

* Deathurge

* Deathwish (Ultraverse)

* Debrii

* Decay

* Decay II

* Defensor

* De La Fontaine, Valentina (see Valentina De La Fontaine)

* Delilah

* Demiurge

* Demogoblin

* Demogorge the God-Eater (see Atum)

* Demolition Man

* Destiny

* Destroyer, The (Golden Age character)

* Destroyer, The (Asgardian character)

* Devastator

* Devil Dinosaur

* Devil-Slayer

* Devos the Devastator

* DeWolff, Jean (see Jean DeWolff)

* Diablo

* Diamondback

* Diamond Lil

* Dillon, Maxwell (see Electro)

* Dirtnap

* Dirt Devil (Ultraverse)

* D-Man (see Demolition Man)

* Doc Gross (Ultraverse)

* Doc Samson

* Doctor Bong

* Doctor Demonicus

* Doctor Doom

* Doctor Droom (see Doctor Druid)

* Doctor Druid

* Doctor Octopus (see also Lady Octopus)

* Doctor Spectrum

* Doctor Strange

* Doctor Sun

* Doe, John (see Nth Man)

* Domina

* Domino

* Dominus

* Donald Pierce

* Donald & Deborah Ritter

* Doppelganger

* Dorma

* Doop

* Dorcas, Dr. Lemuel (see Lemuel Dorcas)

* Dormammu

* Douglas Ramsey (see Cypher)

* Douglock (see Warlock; see also Cypher)

* Dracula

* Dragon Man

* Dragon of the Moon

* Drake, Frank (see Frank Drake)

* Drake, Robert "Bobby" (see Iceman

* Damon Dran

* Drax the Destroyer

* Dreadface

* Dreadknight

* Dreadnought

* Dreaming Celestial

* Dreamqueen

* Drew, Jessica (see Spider-Woman)

* Dromedan

* Droom, Doctor Anthony (see Doctor Druid)

* Dropkick (Ultraverse)

* Druid (see Doctor Druid)

* Druig

* Drumm, Jericho (see Brother Voodoo)

* du Paris, Bennet (see Exodus)

* Dum-Dum Dugan

* Duey (Ultraverse)

* DuQuesne, Jacques (see Swordsman)

* Dusk

* Dust

* Dvorak, Sybil (see Skein)

* Dweller-in-Darkness



* Paul Norbert Ebersol (see Fixer)

* Ecstasy

* Echo

* Ectokid (Razorline)

* Edwin Jarvis

* Eel

* Egghead

* Ego the Living Planet

* Electro

* ElectroCute (Ultraverse)

* Elektra

* Elf With A Gun

* Eliminator (Ultraverse)

* Elixir

* Elsie-Dee

* El Águila (aka Aguila)

* Elven (Ultraverse)

* Elysius

* Emma Frost

* Empath

* Emplate

* En Sabah Nur (see Apocalypse)

* Enchantress

* Energizer (see Katie Power)

* Enforcer

* The Entity (Ultraverse)

* Eon

* Epoch

* Equilibrius

* Equinox

* Ereshkigal (comics)

* Eric the Red

* Erg (comics)

* Eros (see Starfox)

* Eshu (see Master)

* Miguel Espinosa (see Skin)

* Nathaniel Essex (see Mister Sinister)

* Eternal Brain

* Eternity

* Evangeline Whedon

* Executioner

* Exodus

* Eye Scream

* Ezekiel



* Fafnir

* Fagin

* Falcon

* Fallen One

* Brian Falsworth (see Destroyer)

* Jacqueline Falsworth (see Spitfire)

* John Falsworth (see Baron Blood)

* Famine

* Fan Boy

* Fandral

* Fantomex

* Farallah

* Hensley Fargus (see Mandrill)

* Amahl Farouk (see Shadow King)

* Fasaud

* Fashima

* Father Time

* Fault Zone

* Feline (Ultraverse)

* Fenris

* Feral

* Feron

* Fever Pitch

* Fight-Man

* Fin

* Fin Fang Foom

* Firearm (Ultraverse)

* Firebird

* Firebrand

* Firelord

* Firestar

* Fisk, Richard

* Wilson Fisk (see Kingpin)

* Trevor Fitzroy

* Fixer

* Flag-Smasher

* Flash Thompson

* Flatman

* Flex

* Flubber

* Flumm, Marvin (see Mentallo)

* Fly

* Flygirl (Ultraverse)

* Flying Dutchman's Ghost

* Foggy Nelson

* Foolkiller

* Force

* Forearm

* Foreigner

* Forge

* Forgotten One (a.k.a. Gilgamesh)

* Lee Forrester

* Don Fortunato

* Dominic Fortune

* Foster, Bill (see Black Goliath)

* Jane Foster

* Foxfire

* Foxfire (Ultraverse)

* Frank, Bob (see Whizzer)

* Frank Castle (see The Punisher)

* Frank Drake

* Frankenstein's Monster

* Frankie Raye (Nova)

* Franklin Richards

* Freakshow

* Freeman, Spike (see Spike Freeman)

* Free Spirit

* Freedom Ring

* Frey

* Frigga

* Frog-Man (see also Leap-Frog)

* Deacon Frost

* Emma Frost

* Fury

* Fury, Jacob "Jake" (see Scorpio)

* Nick Fury

* Fusion



* Gaea (Mother Earth)

* Gaia (Generation X member)

* Galactus

* Galaxy Master

* Gambit

* Gamecock

* Gamora

* Ganymede

* Gardener

* Gargan, Mac (see Scorpion)

* Gargantus

* Gargoyle

* John Garrett

* Garokk the Petrified Man

* Gate (Ultraverse)

* Gateway

* Gaunt

* Gaza

* Gazer

* Geb

* Gee (see Zero-G)

* Geiger

* Geirrodur

* Geist

* Genis-Vell

* Gertrude Yorkes

* G-Force

* Ghaur

* Ghost

* Ghost Maker

* Ghost Rider (see also Phantom Rider)

* Ghost Rider 2099

* Ghoul (Ultraverse)

* Giant-Man (see Henry Pym, Black Goliath)

* Gibbon

* Gibborim

* Gibney, Kyle (see Wild Child)

* Gideon

* Gideon Mace

* Gill, Donald "Donny" (see Blizzard)

* Gin Genie

* Gladiator

* Gladiator, Daredevil villain

* Glamor

* Glitterspike

* Glom

* Glorian

* Ma Gnucci

* Goblin Queen (see Madelyne Pryor)

* Godzilla

* Goblyn

* Gold, Melissa (see Songbird)

* Goldeneye

* Goldbug

* Golden Girl

* Golden Oldie (see Aunt May)

* Goliath (see Henry Pym, Hawkeye, Atlas, Black Goliath)

* Gomi

* Gorgeous George

* Gorgon

* Gorilla-Man

* Gosamyr

* Grand Director

* Grandmaster

* Grant, Greer (see Tigra)

* Graviton

* Gravity (comics)

* Graydon Creed

* Great Video

* Green Goblin

* Green Goblin IV

* Gremlin

* Grenade (Ultraverse)

* Grey-Summers, Jean (see Jean Grey)

* Grey, Nate (see X-Man)

* Grey, Rachel (see Rachel Summers)

* Grey Gargoyle

* Grey King (see Magneto)

* Griffin

* Grimm, Ben (see Thing)

* Grim Reaper

* The Grip (Ultraverse)

* Grizzly

* Grog the God-Crusher

* Growing Man

* Guardsman

* Guthrie, Joshua (see Icarus)

* Guthrie, Melody (see Aero)

* Guthrie, Paige (see Husk)

* Guthrie, Samuel (see Cannonball)

* G. W. Bridge

* Gwen Stacy

* Gypsy Moth (see Skein)

* Gyrich, Henry Peter (see Henry Peter Gyrich)



* Hairbag

* Halflife

* Franklin Hall (see Graviton)

* Thomas Halloway (see Angel (Golden Age))

* Halloween Jack

* Bart Hamilton (see Green Goblin)

* "Cockroach" Hamilton

* Hammer

* Justin Hammer (see Justin Hammer)

* Justine Hammer (see Crimson Cowl)

* Hammerhead

* Jim Hammond (see Human Torch)

* Hangman

* Hank McCoy (see Beast)

* Hank Pym (see Henry Pym)

* Hannibal King

* Happy Hogan

* Happy Sam Sawyer (see Sam Sawyer)

* Shingen Harada (see Shingen Harada)

* Hardcase (Ultraverse)

* Hardshell

* Hardwire (Ultraverse)

* Felicia Hardy (see Black Cat)

* Quincy Harker (see Quincy Harker)

* Harkness, Agatha (see Agatha Harkness)

* Harmonica (Ultraverse)

* Harpoon

* Harpy (see Betty Ross)

* Harrier

* Jonas Harrow

* Harry Osborn (see Green Goblin)

* Hate-Monger

* Haven

* Havok

* Hawkeye

* Hayden, Alex (see Agent X)

* Hazmat

* Headknocker (Ultraverse)

* Headlok

* Heimdall

* Hela

* Helix

* Hellcat

* Helleyes

* Hellion

* Hellion (Ultraverse)

* Hellstorm (see Daimon Hellstrom)

* Hellstrom, Damion (see Daimon Hellstrom)

* Hellstrom, Patsy (see Hellcat)

* Henry McCoy (see Beast)

* Henry Peter Gyrich

* Her (see Kismet)

* H.E.R.B.I.E.

* Hercules

* Hermod

* Hero for Hire (see Luke Cage)

* High Evolutionary

* Him (see Adam Warlock)

* Hindsight Lad

* Hobgoblin

* Cameron Hodge

* Hogan, Harold "Happy"

* Hoder

* Hogun

* Holocaust

* Honey Lemon

* Hood

* Hornet

* Phineas T. Horton

* Horus

* Howard the Duck

* James Howlett (see Wolverine)

* Hulk

* Hulk 2099

* Hulkling

* Human Fly

* Human Robot

* Human Torch I (Jim Hammond)

* Human Torch II (Johnny Storm)

* Humbug

* Humus Sapien

* Huntara

* Robert Hunter (see Nitro)

* Stevie Hunter

* Hurricane

* Husk

* Hybrid

* Hybrid II

* Hydro-Man

* Hyperion

* Hyperkind (Razorline)

* Hyperstorm

* Hypno-Hustler

* Hyppokri



* Icarus

* Iceman

* Icemaster

* Hisako Ichiki

* Iconoclast

* Idunn

* Ikaris

* Ikonn

* Ikthalon

* Ikthon

* Illusion

* Immortus

* Impala

* Imperial Hydra

* Impossible Man

* Impossible Woman

* In-Betweener

* Indra

* Infectia

* Inferno

* Infinity

* Shola Inkosi

* Interloper

* Invisible Girl (see Invisible Woman)

* Invisible Woman

* Iron Fist

* Iron Lad

* Iron Man (see also Happy Hogan, War Machine)

* Iron Man 2020

* Iron Monger (see Obadiah Stane)

* Isis

* It, the Living Colossus



* J2

* Jackal

* Jackdaw

* Jack Flag

* Jack Frost (see Blizzard)

* Jack of Hearts

* Jack O'Lantern (see also Hobgoblin)

* Jaeger

* Harald Jaekelsson

* J. Jonah Jameson

* John Jameson

* Dr. Marla Jameson (see Marla Madison)

* James Jaspers (see Mad Jim Jaspers)

* Jane Foster

* Jann

* Jarella

* Jaren

* Jarvis, Edwin (see Edwin Jarvis)

* Jazz

* Jean Grey

* Jeffries, Madison (see Madison Jeffries; see also Box)

* Jeffrey Mace

* Jenkins, Abner (see Beetle)

* Jessica Jones

* Jennifer Walters (see She-Hulk)

* Jester

* Jigsaw

* Jim Hammond (see Original Human Torch)

* Jimmy Woo

* Jocasta

* Joe Fixit (see Hulk)

* John Jameson

* John Sublime

* Johnny Ohm

* Jolt

* Jones, Angelica (see Firestar)

* Jones, Hugh

* Jones, Rick (see Rick Jones)

* Joseph (see Magneto)

* Josten, Conrad (see Smuggler)

* Josten, Erik (see Atlas

* Joyce, Madeline (see Miss America)

* Joystick

* Juarz, Bonita (see Firebird)

* Jubilee

* Judd, Eugene (see Puck)

* Judge

* Juggernaut

* Junkpile

* Justice

* Justice (New Universe)



* Kaine

* Jennifer Kale

* Kaluu

* Kamal

* Garrison Kane

* Kang the Conqueror

* Kangaroo

* Karen Page

* Karima Shapandar

* Karkas

* Karla Sofen (see Moonstone)

* Karma

* Karnak

* Karnilla

* Karolina Dean

* Cletus Kasady (see Carnage)

* Katu

* Ka-Zar

* Keith Kilham (see Hazmat)

* Dan Ketch (see Ghost Rider)

* Robert Kelly

* Khaos

* Khonshu

* Khoryphos

* Kiber the Cruel

* Kid Colt

* Kid Nova (see Nova

* Killer Shrike

* Zebediah Killgrave (see Purple Man)

* Killmonger

* Killpower (Marvel UK)

* Killraven

* Kilmer

* Cessily Kincaid (see Mercury)

* Jane Kincaid (see Jane Foster)

* Hannibal King

* Kingpin

* Kismet

* Kismet Deadly (Ultraverse)

* Kkallakku

* Kl'rt (see Super-Skrull)

* Klaatu

* Klaw

* Kleinstocks

* Misty Knight

* Kofi Whitemane

* Korg

* Kormok

* Korvac

* Kosmos

* Krakkan

* Ivan Kragoff (see Red Ghost)

* Krang

* Kraven the Hunter

* Alyosha Kravinoff

* Sergei Kravinoff (see Kraven the Hunter)

* Kristoff Vernard

* Kristoff von Doom (see Kristoff Vernard)

* Kro

* Krystalin

* Kubik

* Kurse

* Kwannon (see Revanche)

* Kylun

* Kymaera (see Namorita)



* Lacuna

* Lady Deathstrike

* Lady Killer (Ultraverse)

* Lady Lotus

* Lady Mandarin (see Psylocke)

* Lady Mastermind

* Lady Octopus

* La Lunatica

* Lancer

* Lang, Cassie (see Stature)

* Lang, Steven (see Steven Lang)

* La Nuit

* Lament (Ultraverse)

* Lasher

* Laughton, Ebenezer (see Scarecrow)

* Layla Miller

* Leader

* Leap-Frog

* Leash

* LeBeau, Remy (see Gambit)

* Leech

* Ned Leeds

* Lee Forrester

* The Left Hand

* Legacy (see Genis-Vell)

* Legion

* Lehnsherr, Erik Magnus (see Magneto)

* Letha

* Levy, Hannah (see Hannah Levy)

* Lifeforce

* Lifeguard

* Lightbright

* Lightmaster

* Lightspeed

* Lila Cheney

* Lilandra Neramani

* Lilith, the daughter of Dracula

* Lincoln, Lonnie Thompson (see Tombstone)

* Lionheart

* Living Colossus (see It, the Living Colossus)

* Living Hulk (see Xemnu the Titan)

* Living Laser

* Living Lightning

* Living Monolith

* Living Mummy

* Living Pharaoh (see Living Monolith)

* Living Planet (see Ego the Living Planet and Living Monolith)

* Living Tribunal

* Lizard

* Lloigoroth

* Llyra

* Llyron

* Loa

* Lockdown

* Lockheed

* Lockjaw

* Locus

* Locust

* Logan (see Wolverine)

* Loki

* Longshot

* Looter

* Lord Chaos

* Lord Dark Wind

* Lord Pumpkin (Ultraverse)

* Lorelei

* Lorna Dane (see Polaris)

* Lorvex

* Loss

* Lucifer

* Ludi

* Luke Cage

* Lumpkin, Willie (postman of the Fantastic Four)

* Luna

* Lunatica (see La Lunatica)

* Lupa

* Lupo

* Lurking Unknown

* Lyja

* Lykos, Karl (see Sauron)

* Lynx



* M (see also Penance)

* Maa-Gor

* Mace, Gideon (see Gideon Mace)

* Mace, Jeffrey (see Jeffrey Mace)

* Mach-IV (see Beetle)

* Machine Man

* Machinesmith

* Machine Teen

* MacPherran, Mary "Skeeter" (see Titania)

* Moira MacTaggert

* Mad-Dog

* Mad Jack

* Mad Jim Jaspers

* Mad Thinker

* Madame Hydra (see Viper)

* Madame MacEvil (see Moondragon)

* Madame Masque

* Madame Menace (see Sunset Bain)

* Madame Web

* Madcap

* Maddicks, Artie (see Artie)

* Madrox, James

* Madelyne Pryor

* Maelstrom

* Maestro

* Magdalene

* Maggott

* Magik (see also Amanda Sefton)

* Magma

* Magneto

* Moses Magnum

* Magnus (see also Magneto)

* Magus

* Major Mapleleaf

* Makkari

* Malekith the Accursed

* Malice

* Malus, Karl (see Karl Malus)

* Mammomax

* Man-Ape

* Man-Beast

* Man-Bull

* Man-Elephant

* Man-Killer

* Man-Thing

* Man-Wolf

* Mandarin

* Mandrill

* Mandroid

* Mangle (Ultraverse)

* Mangog

* Man Mountain Marko

* Manslaughter

* Mantis

* Mantra (Ultraverse)

* Marc Spector (see Moon Knight)

* Marduk Kurios

* Margali Szardos

* Maria Hill

* Mariko Yashida

* Marks, James "Jimmy" (see Hybrid)

* Marko, Cain (see Juggernaut)

* Marko, Flint (see Sandman)

* Marlene Alraune

* Marlow, Keen (see Destroyer)

* Marrina

* Marrow

* Martha Johansson

* Martinex

* Marvel

* Marvel Boy (see also Justice)

* Marvel Girl (see Jean Grey, Rachel Summers)

* Mar-Vell

* Mary Jane Watson

* Masaryk, Milos (see Unicorn)

* Masked Marauder

* Masque (see also Madame Masque)

* Mass Master (see Jack Power)

* Master

* Master Khan

* Master Menace

* Mastermind (I)

* Mastermind of the UK

* Mastermind (II))

* Master Mold

* Master Order

* Master Pandemonium

* Matador

* Match

* Matsu'o Tsurayaba

* Matt Murdock (see Daredevil)

* Mauler

* Mauvais

* Maverick (see Agent Zero)

* Maxam

* Maximoff, Pietro (see Quicksilver)

* Maximoff, Wanda (see Scarlet Witch)

* Maximus

* Mayhem

* May Parker (see Aunt May)

* May "Mayday" Parker (see Spider-Girl)

* McCoy, Henry "Hank" (see Beast)

* McKenzie, Namor (see Namor the Sub-Mariner)

* Meanstreak

* Meathook (Ultraverse)

* Medusa

* Meggan

* Seamus Mellencamp

* Meltdown

* Melter

* Mentallo

* Mentor

* Mephisto

* Mercurio

* Mercury (see also Makkari)

* Merlin

* Mesmero

* Metalhead

* Meteorite (see Moonstone)

* Meteorite II

* Micromax

* Midgard Serpent

* Midnight

* Miek

* Mikey

* Mikhail Rasputin

* Milan

* Miller, Layla (see Layla Miller)

* Mimic

* Mimic (Exiles' member)

* The Mindless Ones

* Mindworm

* Miracle Man

* Mirage (see Danielle Moonstar)

* Miss America

* Mister Fantastic

* Mister Fear

* Mister Hyde

* Mr. M

* Mister Machine (see Machine Man)

* Mister Sensitive (see Orphan)

* Mister Sinister

* Mister X

* Misty Knight

* Morbius, the Living Vampire

* Mockingbird



* Modred the Mystic

* Moira MacTaggert

* Mojo

* Mole Man

* Molecule Man

* Molly Hayes

* Mondo

* Monstra

* Moondragon

* Moon Knight

* Moonstar, Danielle (see Danielle Moonstar)

* Moonstone (see also Nefarius)

* Mordo, Karl (see Baron Mordo)

* Mordred the Evil

* Morg

* Morgan Le Fay

* Morlun

* Morph

* Morpheus

* Mosley (Ultraverse)

* Mother Night

* Mother Superior (see Sin)

* Motormouth (Marvel UK)

* Mr. Fish

* Ms. Marvel (see Carol Danvers, Rogue, She-Thing)


* Multiple Man (see Jamie Madrox)

* Mundi, Rex (Ultraverse)

* Munroe, Ororo (see Storm)

* Murdock, Matt (see Daredevil)

* Murmur

* Mutant X (see Proteus and Havok)

* Myers, Fred (see Boomerang)

* Mysterio

* Mystique



* N'Gabthoth

* N'Garai

* N'Kantu the Living Mummy

* Naga

* Nagala

* Naiad (Ultraverse)

* Namor the Sub-Mariner

* Namora

* Namorita

* Natchios, Elektra (see Elektra)

* Nate Grey (see X-Man)

* Nathaniel Essex (see Mister Sinister

* Nathaniel Richards

* Native

* Nebula

* Nebulon

* Necrodamus

* Necromantra (Ultraverse)

* Needle

* Nefaria, Luchino (see Count Nefaria)

* Nefarius

* Negasonic Teenage Warhead

* Nekra

* Nelson, Foggy (see Foggy Nelson)

* Nelson, Greer Grant (see Tigra)

* Nemesis (see also Holocaust)

* Neophyte

* Neuronne (Ultraverse)

* Newell, Walter (see Stingray

* NFL Superpro

* Nicholas Scratch

* Nick Fury

* Nico Minoru

* Nightcrawler

* Nighthawk

* Night Nurse

* The Night Man (Ultraverse)

* Nightmare

* Night Rider (see Phantom Rider)

* Nightshade

* Night Thrasher

* Nightwatch

* Nikki

* Niles van Roekel

* Nimrod (see also Bastion)

* Ningal

* Nitro

* NM-E (Ultraverse)

* Noble, Peter (see Fin)

* Nocturne

* Noh-Varr

* Nomad

* Norman Osborn (see Green Goblin)

* Norrin Radd (see Silver Surfer)

* Northstar

* Nova

* Nova, Cassandra (see Cassandra Nova)

* Nox

* Nth Man

* Nuke

* Nuklo

* Nut



* Solomon O'Sullivan

* Obadiah Stane

* Obliterator

* Octavius, Dr. Otto (see Doctor Octopus)

* Oddball

* Odin

* Ogre

* Ogress

* Omega Red

* Omega the Unknown

* Onslaught

* Onyxx

* Orator

* Ord

* Order (see Master Order)

* Orka

* Orphan

* Ortega, Ishmael (see Ishmael Ortega)

* Osborn, Harry (see Green Goblin)

* Osborn, Norman (see Green Goblin)

* Osiris

* Outlaw

* Outrage (Ultraverse)

* Overmind

* Owl

* Ox

* Ozymandias



* Karen Page

* Paibok (see Power Skrull)

* Paladin

* Paragon (see Kismet)

* Parker, Ben (see Uncle Ben)

* Parker, Mary Jane (see Mary Jane Watson)

* Parker, May (see Aunt May or Spider-Girl)

* Parker, Peter (see Spider-Man)

* Parks, Arthur (see Living Laser)

* Paste-Pot Pete (see Trapster)

* Patch (see Wolverine)

* Pathway

* Patriot I (Jeffrey Mace)

* Patriot II (Elijah Bradley)

* Payne, Frank (see Constrictor)

* Peepers

* Penance (see also M)

* Peregrine

* Perfection

* Persuasion

* Pete Wisdom

* Petros, Dominic (see Avalanche)

* Petruski, Peter (see Trapster)

* Phade (Ultraverse)

* Phantom Eagle

* Phalanx (Technarchy)

* Phalanx

* Phage

* Phastos

* Phat

* Phimster, Ellie (see Negasonic Teenage Warhead)

* Phoenix (see also Baron Zemo, Jean Grey and Rachel Summers)

* Photon (see Monica Rambeau, Genis-Vell)

* Phyla-Vell

* Pierce, Donald (see Donald Pierce)

* Piledriver (comics)

* Piper

* Pip the Troll

* Piranha

* Pistol (Ultraverse)

* Pitt, Desmond (see Darkoth)

* Pixx (Ultraverse)

* Plantman

* Plazm

* Plug (Ultraverse)

* Plunderer

* Pluto

* Poison

* Polaris

* Porcupine

* Portal

* Possessor

* Postman

* Potts, Virginia "Pepper"

* Poundcakes

* Power, Alex (See Power Pack)

* Power, Jack (See Power Pack)

* Power, James Dr. (See Power Pack)

* Power, Julie (See Power Pack and Excelsior)

* Power, Katie (See Power Pack)

* Power, Margaret (See Power Pack)

* Power Broker

* Power Man (see Luke Cage, Atlas)

* Power Skrull

* Powerpax (See Alex Power)

* Power Princess

* Pressure (Ultraverse)

* Preston, Martin (see Master Pandemonium)

* Preview

* Prime (Ultraverse)

* Primevil (Ultraverse)

* Primus

* Princess Python

* Prodigy

* Professor Power

* Professor X

* Proteus

* Prototype (Ultraverse)

* Proudstar, James (see Warpath)

* Proudstar, John (see Thunderbird)

* Prowler

* Pryde, Katherine "Kitty" (see Shadowcat)

* Pryor, Madelyne (see Madelyne Pryor)

* Psi-Lord (see Franklin Richards)

* Psyche (see Danielle Moonstar)

* Psycho-Man

* Psylocke

* Puck

* Puishannt

* Puma

* Punisher

* Punisher 2099

* Puppet Master

* Purple Girl (see Persuasion)

* Purple Man

* Pym, Dr. Henry (see Henry Pym)

* Pyro



* Quantum

* Quasar

* Quasimodo

* Quicksand

* Quicksilver

* Quentin Quire

* Quiver



* Rachel Summers

* Radd, Norrin (see Silver Surfer)

* Radioactive Man

* Radius

* Rafferty (Ultraverse)

* Rage

* Raggadorr

* Rainbow (see Bloke

* Rama-Tut (see Kang the Conqueror)

* Raman

* Ramsey, Doug (see Cypher)

* Rand, Daniel (See Iron Fist)

* Random

* Ranger (see Prototype) (Ultraverse)

* Rankin, Calvin (see Mimic (comics) and Mimic (Exiles))

* Ransak the Reject (see Reject)

* Rasputin, Illyana (see Magik

* Rasputin, Mikhail (see Mikhail Rasputin)

* Rasputin, Piotr (see Colossus)

* Rattler

* Ravage 2099 (Marvel 2099)

* Rawhide Kid

* Rax

* Raye, Frankie (see Nova)

* Razor Fist

* Razorback

* Reaper

* Recorder

* Red Ghost

* Red Guardian

* Red Lotus (comics)

* Red Raven

* Red Ronin

* Red Shift

* Red Skull

* Red Wolf

* Reignfire

* Reilly, Ben (see Scarlet Spider)

* Reject

* Remy LeBeau (see Gambit)

* Revanche

* Reyes, Cecelia (see Cecelia Reyes)

* Rhiannon (Ultraverse)

* Rhino

* Rhodes, James (see War Machine)

* Ricadonna

* Richard Rider (see Nova)

* Richards, Franklin (see Franklin Richards)

* Richards, Jonathan (see Hyperstorm)

* Richards, Nathaniel (see Nathaniel Richards)

* Richards, Reed (see Mister Fantastic)

* Richards, Susan (see Invisible Woman)

* Rick Jones

* Ricochet

* Rictor

* Rider, Richard (see Nova

* Rigellian Recorder (see Recorder)

* Ringer

* Ringmaster

* Riot

* Ripfire (Ultraverse)

* Robertson, Robbie (see Robbie Robertson)

* Rocket Raccoon

* Rocket Racer

* Robert Kelly

* Rogers, Steve (see Captain America)

* Rogue

* Roma

* Rom the Spaceknight

* Ronan the Accuser

* Rose (see Fisk, Richard)

* Rosenberg, Marsha (see Volcana)

* Ross, Betty (see Betty Ross Banner)

* Ross, General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" (see Thunderbolt Ross)

* Rossovich, Arkady (see Omega Red)

* Roughhouse

* Roulette

* Royal Roy

* Ruckus

* Rune (Ultraverse)

* Runner

* Rush (Ultraverse)

* The Russian

* Rusty Collins



* Sabra

* Sabretooth

* Sack (comics)

* Sage

* Saint Anna

* Sally Floyd

* Salvo

* Sam Sawyer

* Samson, Leonard (see Doc Samson)

* Sanders, James (see Speed Demon)

* Sandhurst, Basil (see Controller)

* Sandman

* Santos, Miguel (see Living Lightning

* Sasquatch

* Sasquatch (Exiles member)

* Satana

* Satannish

* Sauron

* Sawyer, "Happy Sam" (see Sam Sawyer)

* Saxon, Samuel "Starr" (see Machinesmith)

* Scarecrow

* Scarlet Beetle

* Scarlet Centurion

* Scarlet Scarab

* Scarlet Spider (see Ben Reilly)

* Scarlet Witch

* Scarlotti, Mark (see Blacklash

* Schmidt, Johann (see Red Skull)

* Schultz, Herman (see Shocker)

* Schwartz, Mimi (see Songbird)

* Scimitar

* Scorpion

* Scourge of the Underworld

* Scratch, Nicholas (see Nicholas Scratch)

* Screech (see Agony)

* Scream

* Screaming Mimi (see Songbird)

* Scrier

* Sea Urchin

* Sebastian Shaw

* Sefton, Amanda (see Amanda Sefton)

* Sekhmet

* Selene (see Black Queen)

* Sentry

* Senator Robert Kelly

* Sergeant Fury (see Nick Fury)

* Serpentina

* Sersi

* Set

* Seth

* Shadowcat

* Shadowmage (Ultraverse)

* Shadow King

* Shadow Slasher

* Shadrac

* Sham

* Shaman

* Shamrock

* Shang-Chi

* Shanga (see Star-Dancer)

* Shanna the She-Devil

* Shapanka, Gregor (see Blizzard)

* Shaper of Worlds

* Shard

* Sharon Friedlander

* Shatterstar

* Shaw, Sebastian (see Sebastian Shaw)

* Shaw, Shinobi (see Shinobi Shaw)

* She-Hulk

* She-Thing

* She-Venom

* Shingen Harada

* Shinobi Shaw

* Shiver Man

* Shocker

* Shola Inkosi

* Shooting Star

* Shriek

* Shriek (Venom spawn) (see Agony)

* Shroud

* Shuma-Gorath

* Sidewinder

* Sif

* Sigyn

* Silke, Samuel (see Samuel Silke)

* Silverclaw

* Silvermane

* Silver Fox

* Silver Sable

* Silver Samurai

* Silver Surfer

* Simpson, Frank (see Nuke)

* Sin (AKA Synthia Schmidt or Sinthea Shmidt or Mother Superior)

* Sin-Eater

* Sinclar, Nekra (see Nekra)

* Sinclair, Rahne (see Wolfsbane)

* Sinister (see Mister Sinister)

* Siryn

* Skein

* Skids

* Skin

* Skull the Slayer

* Skullfire

* Skullcrusher

* Slab

* Slapstick

* Sleeper

* Sleepwalker (comics)

* Slipstream

* Sligguth

* Sludge (Ultraverse)

* Slug

* Sluggo

* Sluk

* Slyde

* Smallwood, Marrina (see Marrina)

* Smartship Friday

* Smerdyakov, Dmitri (see Chameleon)

* Smith, Tabitha (see Meltdown

* Smithers, Samuel (see Plantman)

* Smuggler

* Smythe, Alistair

* Smythe, Spencer

* Snowbird

* Sofen, Karla (see Moonstone)

* Solara

* Solarman

* Solarr

* Solo

* Soldier X (see Cable)

* Solitaire (Ultraverse)

* Solo

* Songbird

* Son of Satan (see Daimon Hellstrom)

* Space Phantom

* Spector, Marc (see Moon Knight)

* Spectral (Ultraverse)

* Speed

* Speed Demon

* Speedball

* Sphinx

* Spider Doppelganger (see Doppelganger)

* Spider-Girl

* Spider-Ham

* Spider-Man

* Spider-Man 2099

* Spider-Slayer

* Spider-Woman I

* Spider-Woman II

* Spider-Woman III

* Spider-Woman IV

* Spike

* Spike Freeman

* Spiral

* Spirit of '76

* Spitfire

* Spoor

* Spot

* Sprite (see Shadowcat)

* Spymaster

* Spyne

* Squirrel Girl

* Squidboy

* St. Croix, Claudette (see Penance)

* St. Croix, Marius (see Emplate)

* St. Croix, Monet (see M)

* St. Croix, Nicole (see Penance)

* Stacy, George (see George Stacy)

* Stacy, Gwen (see Gwen Stacy)

* Stacy X

* Stakar (see Starhawk)

* Stane, Obadiah (see Obadiah Stane)

* Star-Dancer

* Stardust

* Starfox

* Starhawk

* Stark, Arno (see Iron Man of 2020)

* Stark, Tony (see Iron Man)

* Star-Lord

* Starr the Slayer

* Starr Saxon (see Machinesmith)

* Starsmore, Jonothon (see Chamber)

* Starstreak (see Julie Power)

* Stature

* Stegron

* Stevie Hunter

* Steven Lang

* Stewart, Stanley (see Whizzer)

* Stick

* Stilt-Man

* Stingray

* Stone

* Stonecutter

* Stonewall

* Storm

* Storm, Johnny (see Human Torch)

* Storm, Susan (see Invisible Woman)

* Strange, Stephen (see Doctor Strange)

* Strange, Victor (see Baron Blood

* Stranger

* Stratosfire

* Straw Man

* Strobe

* Strong Guy

* Strucker, Baron (see Baron Strucker)

* Stryfe

* Stunner

* Sublime, John (see John Sublime)

* Sub-Mariner (see Namor the Sub-Mariner)

* Summers, Alexander (see Havok)

* Summers, Christopher (see Corsair)

* Summers, Gabriel (see Vulcan)

* Summers, Rachel (see Rachel Summers)

* Summers, Scott (see Cyclops)

* Sunder

* Sunfire

* Sunfire (Exiles member)

* Sunpyre

* Sunset Bain

* Sunspot

* Sunturion

* Super-Adaptoid

* Superia

* SuperPro (see NFL SuperPro)

* Super-Skrull

* Suprema (see Mother Night)

* Supreme Intelligence

* Supremor (see Supreme Intelligence)

* Surge

* Surtur

* Svarog

* Swarm

* Sweetface (Ultraverse)

* Swordsman

* Synch

* Sytsevich, Aleksei (see Rhino)

* Szardos, Jimaine (see Amanda Sefton)

* Szardos, Margali (see Margali Szardos)



* Talbot, Glenn

* Talisman (see also Shaman)

* Tarantula

* Tarleton, George (see MODOK)

* Taskmaster

* Tatterdemalion

* Tattletale (see Franklin Richards)

* Taurus

* Tech (Ultraverse)

* Techno (see Fixer)

* Teknight (Ultraverse)

* Tempest

* Tempo

* Tempus

* Terminatrix

* Terminus

* Terrax the Tamer

* Terror

* Terror Inc.

* Tessa (see Sage)

* Texas Twister

* Thakos

* Thanos

* Thena

* Thing

* Thinker (see Mad Thinker)

* Thin Man

* Thog

* Thomas, Everett (see Synch)

* Thor

* Thornn

* Threnody

* Thumbelina

* Thunderball

* Thunderbird (see also Warpath)

* Thunderbird (Exiles member)

* Thunderbolt

* Thunderclap

* Thunderstrike (Eric Masterson)

* Thunderstrike (Kevin Masterson)

* Thundra

* Tiboldt, Maynard (see Ringmaster)

* Tiger Shark

* Tigra

* Time Bomb (see Meltdown

* Timeslip

* Tinkerer

* Titan

* Titania

* Titanium Man

* Toad

* Todd, Mark (see Blazing Skull)

* Tom Corsi

* Tombstone

* Tomorrow Man (see Zarrko)

* Tom Thumb

* Toomes, Adrian (see Vulture)

* Topaz

* Topaz (Ultraverse)

* Topolov, Yuri (see Gargoyle

* Toro

* Torgo the Vampire

* Torgo of Mekka

* Torpedo

* Torrent (What If...? vol. 2 #114)

* Torso (Ultraverse)

* Tower

* Toxin

* Toynbee, Mortimer (see Toad

* Trapster

* Trainer, Carolyn (see Lady Octopus)

* Trainer, Seward (see Seward Trainer)

* Traveller, Judas (see Judas Traveller)

* Trevor Fitzroy

* Tri-Man

* Triathlon

* Trioccula

* Triton

* Truffaut, Arlette (see Murmur)

* Tsurayaba, Matsu'o (see Matsu'o Tsurayaba)

* Tugun (Ultraverse)

* Turbo

* Turner D. Century

* Tusk

* Two-Gun Kid

* Twoyoungmen, Elizabeth (see Talisman)

* Twoyoungmen, Michael (see Shaman)

* Typeface

* Typhoid Mary

* Tyr

* Tyrack

* Tyrannosaur (Ultraverse)

* Tyrannus

* Tyrant

* Tzabaoth (see Donald & Deborah Ritter)



* Uatu (see also Watcher)

* U-Go Girl

* Ulik

* Ultimo

* Ultragirl

* Ultron

* Umbo

* U-Man

* Umar

* Uncle Ben Parker

* Unicorn

* Uni-Mind

* Union Jack (see also The Destroyer)

* Unthinnk

* Unus the Untouchable

* Unuscione

* Unuscione, Carmella (see Unuscione)

* Unuscione, Angelo (see Unus the Untouchable)

* Ursa Major

* USAgent

* Urich, Ben (see Ben Urich)

* Urich, Phil (see Green Goblin)

* Utgard-Loki



* Valentina De La Fontaine

* Valerie Cooper

* Valkyrie

* Valtorr

* Vamp

* Vampire by Night

* van Dyne, Janet (see Wasp)

* van Helsing, Rachel (see Rachel van Helsing)

* van Horne, Katrina Luisa (see Man-Killer)

* van Lunt, Cornelius (see Taurus)

* Vance Astro (see also Justice)

* Vanguard

* Vanisher

* Vargas

* Vashti

* Vaughn, Wendell (see Quasar)

* Vegas

* Veil

* Veil (Ultraverse)

* Velsing, Bram (see Dreadknight)

* Vengeance

* Venom

* Ventura, Sharon (see She-Thing)

* Venus

* Vermin

* Vernard, Kristoff (see Kristoff Vernard)

* Vertigo

* Victor Mancha

* Victor von Doom (see Doctor Doom)

* Vidar

* Vincente

* Vindaloo

* Vindicator (see also Guardian)

* Viper

* Virako

* Visimajoris

* Vision (Golden Age)

* Vision

* Vivisector

* Volcana

* Volla

* Volpan

* Volstagg

* von Doom, Kristoff (see Kristoff Vernard)

* von Doom, Victor (see Doctor Doom)

* von Meyer, Fritz (see Swarm)

* von Strucker, Andrea (see Fenris)

* von Strucker, Andreas (see Fenris)

* von Strucker, Wolfgang (see Baron Strucker)

* Voyant, Claire (see Black Widow (Golden Age))

* Vulcan

* Vulture



* Wagner, Kurt (see Nightcrawler)

* Wagner, Talia (see Nocturne)

* Walker, John (see U.S. Agent)

* Walker, Mary (see Typhoid Mary)

* Walker, Patsy (see Hellcat)

* Wallflower

* Walters, Jennifer (see She-Hulk)

* War

* War V

* War Eagle (Ultraverse)

* War Machine

* Warbird (see Carol Danvers

* Warlock

* Adam Warlock

* Warpath

* Warren, Miles (see Jackal)

* Warrior Woman

* Warstrike (Ultraverse)

* Washington, Scott (see Hybrid)

* Wasp

* Watcher

* Water Wizard

* Watoomb

* Mary Jane Watson

* Weapon X (see also Garrison Kane, Wolverine)

* Wendigo

* Werewolf by Night

* Whiplash (see also Blacklash)

* Whirlwind

* Whistler (see Abraham Whistler)

* Whitemane, Aelfyre (see Aelfyre Whitemane)

* Whitemane, Kofi (see Kofi Whitemane)

* Whiteout

* White Pilgrim (see Magneto)

* White Rabbit

* White Queen (see Emma Frost)

* White Tiger (comics)

* Whizzer (see also Speed Demon)

* Wiccan

* Wicked

* Widget

* Wild Child

* Wildside

* Wild Thing

* Will o' the Wisp

* Williams, Eric (see Grim Reaper)

* Williams, Simon (see Wonder Man)

* Wilson, Sam (see Falcon)

* Wilson, Wade (see Deadpool and T-Ray)

* Wind Dancer

* Wing, Colleen (see Colleen Wing)

* Wingfoot, Wyatt (see Wyatt Wingfoot)

* The Wink

* Wisdom, Pete (see Pete Wisdom)

* Witchfire

* Wittman, Bentley (see Wizard)

* Wizard

* Wiz Kid

* Wolfsbane

* Wolverine

* Wonder Man

* Wong

* Woodgod

* Worm

* Worthington, Warren III (see Archangel)

* Wraith

* Wrath (Ultraverse)

* Wrecker

* Wreckage (Ultraverse)

* Wyatt Wingfoot

* Wyndham, Herbert Edgar (see High Evolutionary)



* X-23

* Xavin

* X-Cutioner

* X-Man

* X-Treme (see Adam X the X-Treme)

* Charles Xavier (see Professor X)

* Xi'an Chi Xan

* Xorn



* Y'Garon

* Yellow Claw

* Yellowjacket (Rita DeMara) (see also Henry Pym)

* Yeti

* Ymir

* Yondu

* Yrial (Ultraverse)

* Yukio

* Yuriko Oyama

* Yukon Jack



* Zabu

* Zaladane

* Zarathos

* Zarrko, the Tomorrow Man

* Zebediah Killgrave (see Purple Man)

* Zeitgeist

* Zemo, Heinrich (see Baron Zemo)

* Zemo, Helmut (see Baron Zemo)

* Zero

* Zero-G (see Alex Power)

* Zeus

* Zip-Zap (Ultraverse)

* Zodiak

* Arnim Zola

* Zom

* Zombie

* Zuras

* Zzzax

and in this link you will find the list..... of lists
2006-09-11 18:52:34 UTC
Aquaman Araña

Batman Blink

Cage Crystal

Daredevil Dazzler

Eradicator Elektra

Flash Firestar

Guardian Gamora

Havok Husk

Ice Man Invisible Woman

Justice Jolt

Karate Kid Karma

Longshot Lionheart

Machine Man Marvel Girl

Nightcrawler Nocturnal

Orion Oracle

Proudstar Psylocke


Robin Rogue

Spider-Man Supergirl

Thor Tigra

Union Jack U-Go-Girl


Wolverine Wasp

Xorn X-23

Yukon Jack

Zero G
2016-11-13 15:15:13 UTC
A List Of Superheroes
2006-09-11 17:00:00 UTC









jackolope h.




Necto Demon










Xytopan Rig



Some of these are from Japan
2015-08-19 20:41:44 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


Please give me a list of superheroes beginning with each letter of the alphabet.?

The one with the best list will get best answer.
2006-09-11 16:00:11 UTC
A- Adam Warlock

B- Batman

C- Captain America

D- Dr. Strange

E- Elektra

F- Frozone (Incredible)

G- Gambit

H- Human Torch, The

I- Invisible Woman, The

J- (Jubilee)

K- Knight Hawk

L- Leonardo (The Ninja Turtle)

M- Mr. Fantastic

N- NIghtcrawler

O- Optimus Prime (Transformers Baby!)

P- Professor X

Q- Quick Silver

R- Radioactive Man (The Simpsons)

S- Superman

T- The Thing

U- U.S. Agent

V- Violet (From the Incredibles)

W- Wolverine

X- X-Man (He's dead, but yeah.)

Y- Yukon Jack (had to google his rear)

Z- Zatanna (had to google that one)
2006-09-11 17:14:13 UTC
antman batman captain america daredevil electra flash green arrow hawkeye isis jack of hearts kull the conqueror lobo martian the man hunter

night wing omega men punisher quicksilver

red tornado shade the changing man thor ultron

vixen watcher xmen y the last man

zen the intergalactic ninja
2016-02-25 12:18:19 UTC
Suck the idea in. Consciously hold in and contract your ab muscles while you’re walking, sitting at your desk or making the an evening meal. This will help to strengthen your abdominal muscles and your core, and bring you one step closer to any flatter stomach.
2016-04-28 02:04:24 UTC
Beans, beans, are beneficial to your heart, the more consumed the more you... lose pounds actually. Super-effective and full involving fibre, beans will regulate your appetite and decelerate the rate at which ones stomach empties, meaning you continue to be fuller for longer.
2016-02-20 02:30:57 UTC
Eat goats cheese rather then regular cheese. It contains 40 per cent fewer calories than the cheese made from cow’s milk.
2016-01-28 00:37:45 UTC
Al dente pasta carries a lower GI value, so can be a healthier option than nuking ones fusilli till it’s soggy.
2006-09-12 10:23:22 UTC
As soon as I find my Comics Superhero Allminac,....
2016-08-23 10:37:02 UTC
Interesting discussion!
2016-08-08 18:47:57 UTC
Maybe, but I'm not 100%
2017-03-11 04:36:53 UTC
People who plan their weekly meals are more successful at losing weight than those who don’t. Plan your dishes to add healthy carbs such as sweet potato and wholegrain pasta, vegetables and lean proteins, buy all of the ingredients in advance and don’t be tempted to eat out or order in.
2017-03-10 20:28:05 UTC
A plant is a plant or part of a flower used as food
2017-02-20 07:54:24 UTC
Both are good for you, each fruit/vegetable has different vitamins. Therefore as more variety, as better. Vegetables have generally less sugar than fruits.
2016-07-02 12:36:38 UTC
Suck it in. Consciously hold in and contract your stomach muscles while you’re walking, sitting at the desk or making the meal. This will help to strengthen your stomach muscles and your core, and provide one step closer to any flatter stomach.
2016-04-05 03:09:39 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

Love yours! Mine (if I have to pick ONLY one): A - Anya (AH-nya, not ON-ya) B - Brenna C - Candace "Dacey" (can-DAY-see, DAY-see) - BTW, I ADORE Cadence "Cady" D - Delaney "Laney" E - Emmalyn "Emma" F - Felicity "Lissy" G - Gracelyn "Gracie" H - Hayley I - Ileana "Lily" (ee-lay-AH-nuh or ee-lee-AH-nuh) J - Jade "Jadie" K - Kayla L - Lia/Leah M - Madelyn "Maddie" N - Naia/Naya/Nyah O - Ophelia P - Payton "Paytie" Q - Quintessa "Tessa" R - Rylie S - Sophannagh (soph-AH-nuh) T - Taylor U - Una V - Victoria "Tori or Ria" W - Willow X - Xandra (ZAN-druh) Y - Yuna Z - Zainah Some other names I wanted to put on here: Aaliyah "Liyah", Amelia "Millie/Mia/Lia", Alexandria "Aly", Braelyn, Cadence "Cady", Caroline "Callie", Elena, Hana (HAH-nuh), Hadassah "Haddie", Isla, Jasmine "Jasey", Juliana, Kate, Lily, Maia, Olivia "Liv", Reina, Stacia (STAY-shuh), Violet, Yulia (YOU-lee-uh)
2006-09-11 15:03:57 UTC
Here you go
2006-09-11 15:09:52 UTC
Too much,but...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.