Has anyone else noticed that all the Naruto characters are freakishly similar?
2012-03-14 21:23:54 UTC
Okay, I like Naruto so I'm not trying to bash on it. I just want to honestly know if you agree with this. All the characters that come into this story are either
A.) Ostracized (Gaara, Sora, Naruto, Isaribi, Haku, Ranmaru, Sasori)
B.) Lonely (Sora, Gaara, Haku, Ranmaru, Naruto, That Selfish Feudal Lord's Daughter Whose Name I Forgot)
C.) Seek Revenge (Sora, Sasuke)

That's all I can think of off the top of my head, because seriously who remembers EVERYONE'S name? But does anyone else think these characters are slightly cliched? I mean, Naruto related to, like, ALL OF THEM.

And also what is up with the baddies and picking up random scummy kids off the street? How is that bad?? (Orochimaru, Raiga, Zabuza)
Three answers:
2012-03-14 23:53:17 UTC
Yeah I've noticed... It can be in a way good and/or bad. If they have similar personalities, then it can show different situations...

Like Naruto, Gaara, and Haku.

They have similar personality traits, but aren't exact duplicates of each other.

Naruto began to pull pranks to get attentions.

Gaara began killing to validate his existance.

Haku became a weapon so he could be useful to someone.

They have similar personality traits, but not exactly the same personalities. So it isn't like they are actually clones of each other. But having same personality traits can be used to show different situations and how things possibly could have been. It is kinda interesting in my opinon. Because think about it...

Two characters who look exactly the same right down to the last detail. And both of them shared the personality trait for "Lonely". The only difference in the characters are how they were raised/their enviroment.

Character A begins to become cynical, vicious, rude, mean, etc.

While Character B begins to become sweet, passive, quiet, a bit lonerish, etc.

Kind of interesting to see how the different enviroments, people, etc. can affect people with relitively the same personality traits.
2012-03-15 05:29:38 UTC
It proves they are running out of ideas. If they have to create similar characters like that then they are just trying to make something up to keep the series going (Which if you ask me, should've ended long ago) As much as I love Naruto, the creators are just dragging it out to keep it going,

Baddies can have a heart. There's gotta be some fan out there to give the villians a little love! With picking up hobo kids, more people can love them! Yea... I don't know. Maybe the creator justs enjoys drawing them like he does Sasuke (which is the only reasonwhy he hasn't died yet...)
2012-03-15 04:32:46 UTC
They want to keep the series going so they duplicate characters enable to create multiple situations.

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