Thor versus Superman in a battle to the death? Who wins?
2006-03-05 11:27:45 UTC
Take Superman at his best and Thor at his best. Yes, Thor gets to use the magical Mjolnir. We'll even give Thor the hammer before Odin took away it's powers.
Eight answers:
2006-03-05 12:08:39 UTC
I'm gonna go with Thor. He is just too much for Superman. Thor eats Kryptonite for breakfast!
2016-05-20 11:53:32 UTC
Superman. Remember, to give Goku a snowball's chance in hell they had to use his modern wimpy version because the pre-Crisis Supes would have swatted Goku at maximum power aside without noticing him. Regardless, none of Goku's feats can match Superman's. Further their weaknesses are as follows: Superman: Kryptonite, which Goku doesn't know about. Magic, which Goku can't use (as chi attacks and magic are seperate. Goku: Being punched hard enough. I think Superman can do that. Remember, Superman is invincible against everything not mentioned above (and maybe one or two other things Goku doesn't have access to), while Goku is just highly durable.
2006-03-05 13:26:10 UTC
In the past couple of years there was a JLA/Avengers crossover in which Superman and Thor actually duked it out.

It ended in a near draw with Superman saying something like "You are the mightiest foe I have ever fought." Or something like that.

I think if the battle continued to the death, Supes would have killed Thor, but we may never know.
2006-03-05 11:34:53 UTC
I hate to break it to you, but when it comes to battling super heroes in comic books.. It comes down to a popularity contest and how many issues each characters sells.. I would have to Superman would win hands down in their first battle..

If the comic book company was smart they'd do a cross over and have Superman win the first battle in a DC publication and then they could have a rematch in a Marvel publication and Thor could win..
Christopher Robin
2006-03-05 11:34:42 UTC
Superman hands down!
2006-03-05 11:29:25 UTC
They can't win or loose because they are immortal.
2006-03-05 11:48:45 UTC
super man
2006-03-05 17:29:27 UTC

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