romeo x juliet - i hate shakespeare's r&j, because they are dumb, impulsive little kids, but the r&j from this anime are really brave and sweet and funny..though i have to warn you in the middle it gets a bit boring, but then it picks up again (:
special a - the chick and the guy have personalities VERY similar to usia and misa from maid sama, but hikari isn't as violent as misa
pandora hearts - actually, it's not romantic much(unless you count gilbert's affection towards oz), but it's interesting and it's all alice in wonderland-y
kodocha - though the romance doesn't start until the later half of the show, the characters look like a younger version of yuu and miki from marmalade boy...though i personally prefer the kids from kodocha
kare kano - prob one of the most 'normal' animes out there about growing up, and 2 hypocrits fall in love with each's great (:
hanasakeru - this one is one of my favorites, it's labeled as a harem, but really all the guys are just like her 'fans' because she's so cool and independent, and it's political, but it's not boring and she's pretty and ends up with the guy i liked :D
kamikaze kaitou jeanne - has super powers (: usually i get bored w/ the whole magical girl thing because they feel repetative, but kkkj isn't like that, it's interesting, and the girl is really brave (: plus you never hate any of the characters, and okay, sometimes the transformation gets old, but you can just fast forward that
gakuen alice - even though they are in still in elementary school, it's interesting. these kids go to a school where they have super powers...though the romance isn't really all that emphazised, but you can tell they like each other, and it gets more emphasis in the manga
nana - it's so sad, but i like how she picks herself up again, and it's a lot more mature than anything i've mentioned